Tallinn University of Technology


Since January 2019, Tallinn University of Technology is a member of NORDTEK which is a network of technical universities in the Nordic and Baltic countries. The aim of this network is to develop competitiveness of the universities, to maintain a high level and to increase the interest of young people in engineering.

All TalTech students who are studying in the field of architecture or engineering can apply for studies abroad (1 or 2 semesters) to the partner universities in Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Iceland, Latvia and Lithuania.

There are also possibilities for Express Mobility and Summer Schools.


TalTech students can apply during the main application round in February.
Additional application round might open in September (only for Spring semester).


  • Students have to follow the requirements stated by TalTech and their Schools, see Application Info;
  • Scholarships are not granted for studies in a country that the applicant is a citizen of and has his/her high school diploma or its equivalent form;
  • To follow courses at bachelor’s level the student must have completed at least two years of studies within engineering (i.e. 120 ECTS) by the beginning of his/her exchange term;
  • To follow courses at master’s level, the student must have completed what compares to three years of university studies within a relevant engineering programme (i.e. 180 ECTS) by the beginning of his/her exchange term;
  • If the stay is cancelled prematurely or cut short, the corresponding part of the scholarship is to be paid back.


All students get the same grant amount irrespectively from where they come and to where they go. The standard amount for each semester is maximum 1480€, according to Nordplus regulations. However, the scholarship amount per student can also be less if the total funding available for scholarships is insufficient.

Currently, it is also possible to apply to NORDTEK through Erasmus+ program. Maximum students per semester is 5 and no more than 1 student per 1 university mentioned below. 

Aarhus University students' experience in UiT The Arctic University of Norway:

Member Universities

  1. University of Southern Denmark (Engineering, manufacturing and construction) - Bachelor's, Master's level - 1 place: Course catalog
  2. Aarhus University (Engineering, manufacturing and construction; Information and Communication Technologies) - Bachelor's, Master's level - 1 place: Course catalog

  1. Aalto University (Engineering and Engineering Trades)- Bachelor's, Master's level- 1 place
  2. Lappeenranta University of Technology (Engineering, manufacturing and construction, including: Chemical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Energy Technology, Environmental technology, Mechanical engineering, Computational engineering, Software engineering, Industrial engineering and management) - Bachelor's, Master's level - 1 place: Course catalog
  3. Tampere University (Engineering, manufacturing and construction) - Bachelor's, Master's level - 1 place: Course catalog
  4. University of Oulu (Engineering, manufacturing and construction; Information and Communication Technologies) - Bachelor's, Master's level - 1 place: Course catalog
  5. University of Vaasa (Engineering, manufacturing and construction) - Bachelor's, Master's level - 1 place: Course catalog
  6. Åbo Akademi University (Engineering, manufacturing and construction) - Bachelor's, Master's level - 1 place: Course catalog
  7. University of Turku (Engineering, manufacturing and construction; Information and Communication Technologies; Biochemistry) - Bachelor's, Master's level - 1 place: Course catalog

  1. University of Iceland (Engineering, manufacturing and construction) - Bachelor's, Master's level - 1 place: Course catalog
  2. Reykjavik University (Engineering, manufacturing and construction) - Bachelor's, Master's level - 1 place: Course catalog

  1. Riga Technical University (Engineering, manufacturing and construction; Information and Communication Technologies; Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Statistics; Business, Administration and Law) - Bachelor's, Master's level - 1 place

  1. Kaunas University of Technology (Engineering, manufacturing and construction; Information and Communication Technologies; Business and Administration) - Bachelor's, Master's level - 1 place: Course catalog
  2. Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (Engineering, manufacturing and construction; Business and Administration; Information and Communication Technology; Social Sciences, Journalism and Information; Natural Sciences, mathematics and statistics) - Bachelor's, Master's level - 1 place: Course catalog

  1. Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Engineering, manufacturing and construction) - Bachelor's, Master's level - 1 place: Course catalog
  2. University of Stavanger (Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics; Information and Communication Technologies) - Bachelor's, Master's level - 1 place: Course catalog
  3. University of Agder (Engineering, manufacturing and construction) - Bachelor's, Master's level - 1 place: Course catalog
  4. UiT The Arctic University of Norway (Engineering, manufacturing and construction) - Bachelor's, Master's level - 1 place

  1. Blekinge Institute of Technology (Engineering, manufacturing and construction) - Bachelor's, Master's level - 1 place
  2. Karlstad University (Natural Sciences, mathematics and statistics; Information and communication technologies; Engineering, manufacturing and construction) - Bachelor's, Master's level - 1 place
  3. Linköping University (Engineering, manufacturing and construction) - Bachelor's, Master's level - 1 place
  4. Luleå University of Technology (Engineering, manufacturing and construction) - Bachelor's, Master's level - 1 place: Fact sheetCourse catalog
  5. Faculty of Engineering, LTH, Lund University (Engineering, manufacturing and construction) - Bachelor's, Master's level - 1 place: Course catalog
  6. Mid Sweden University (Engineering, manufacturing and construction; Information and Communication Technologies) - Bachelor's, Master's level - 1 place: Course catalog
  7. Mälardalen University (Engineering, manufacturing and construction) - Bachelor's, Master's level - 1 place
  8. Umeå University (Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics; Information and Communication Technologies; Engineering, manufacturing and construction; Architecture) - Bachelor's, Master's level - 1 place: Course catalog
  9. Uppsala University (Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics; Information and Communication Technologies; Engineering, manufacturing and construction) - Bachelor's, Master's level - 1 place: Course catalog