Tallinn University of Technology

Accreditation and Certificates

Estonian Accreditation Centre accredited calibration laboratory L059 in accordance with the standard EVS-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2017 as a testing laboratory in the field of liquid and solid fuels analyses. See ACCREDITATION SCOPE.

The accreditation certificate was renewed on May 12, 2021 and is valid until May 11, 2026.



  • Brown Lignite analyses (DCC Delta Coal Control GmbH, Excellent, 20121)
  • RED Anthracite analyses (DCC Delta Coal Control GmbH, Excellent, 20121)
  • MAGENTA Bituminous Coal analyses (DCC Delta Coal Control GmbH, Excellent, 20121)
  • Gasoline analyses (Institute for Interlaboratory Studies IIS, Excellent, 2020)
  • Sewege Sludge analyses (DCC Delta Coal Control GmbH, Excellent, 2019)
  • Peat analyses (DCC Delta Coal Control GmbH, Excellent, 2019)
  • Solid recovered fuels analyses (DCC Delta Coal Control GmbH, Excellent, 2017)
  • Wood Chips analyses (DCC Delta Coal Control GmbH, Excellent, 2017)
  • Lignite analyses (DCC Delta Coal Control GmbH, Excellent, 2016)
  • Hard Coal Fly Ach analyses (DCC Delta Coal Control GmbH, Excellent, 2016)
  • Fuel Oil analyses (Institute for Interlaboratory Studies IIS, 2016)
  • Gasoil Diesel analyses (Institute for Interlaboratory Studies IIS, Excellent, 2015)
  • Gasoil analyses (acknowledged: Institute for Interlaboratory Studies IIS, 2010)

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