Tallinn University of Technology

Table of Contents

About the Center

Oil shale has been systematically investigated in Ida-Virumaa since 1958 year, when Oil Shale Scientinfic-Research Institute was established in Kohtla-Järve. Fuels Technology Research-Testing Laboratory works in Virumaa College of TalTech as the descendant of the former Kohtla-Järve Oil Shale Institute.

Oil Shale Competence Center (OSCC) was established on the basis of the laboratory as a structural unit of Viruma College of TTU on the 25th of January 2011.  

Oil Shale Competence Center is research-development center, which offers services to the companies and public sector primarily in the field of oil shale and chemistry.

Competence Center:

  •     offers development and laboratory services;
  •     offers business services to the companies of another technical fields;
  •     carries out scientific researches in its sphere of action.  


  •     to be internationally acknowledged leader of oil shale and other bound natural resources worthy use;
  •     to be internationally acknowledged scientific-development center and services' supplier in the field of oil shale chemistry;
  •     independent expert in the field of oil shale;
  •     domain relevant entrepreneurship and region development promoter.


KALLE PIRK, Chairman of the Board, Head of Oil Shale Competence Center  

VELJO ALEKSANDROV, Eesti Energia AS, Development Project Director

INDREK AARNA, Viru Keemia Grupp AS, Head of Department for Development

PRIIT ORUMAA, Kiviõli Keemiatööstuse OÜ, Executive Director

ALLAN VIIL, Enefit Kaevandused AS, Chief Surveyor

ALLAN NIIDU, TalTech School of Engineering Virumaa College, Professor

EVE EASTAssociation of Local Authorities Ida-Viru County, Chairman of the Board

PILLE SÖÖT, Ida-Viru Enterprise Centre, Member of Management Board

OLGA PIHL, Oil Shale Competence Center, Head of Laboratory

HELLA RIISALU, Oil Shale Competence Center, Senior Researcher

Structure of the Competence Center
