Oil Shale Competence Center was supported by Enterprise Estonia (EAS) via measures of regional competence centers development in 2011 – 2021 for four projects and participates in application rounds of other Funds.
The objective of the project: To increase the academic level and R&D capacity of the Oil Shale Competence Center (OSCC) to fulfil the role of innovation partner in providing product development solutions and applied research to enterprises and simultaneously support job creation in both enterprises and OSCC.
Project outcome: The scope of the Oil Shale Competence Center activities has been expanded to other areas related to the oil shale sector, which supports the OSCC's sustainability to continue R&D. In the course of the knowledge transfer process, as a result of the project, oil shale companies and other companies in the region received non-monetary assistance in the science-based development of product services and the creation of higher-value-added jobs.
Project implementation period: 01.01.2020-31.08.2023
Project cost: EUR 1 075 000.00, grant EUR 860 000.00
The project is supported by the European Regional Development Fund of European Union.
The objective of the project: to find methods for reducing the content of harmful impurities (in particular sulfur and heavy metals, respectively) in shale oil and semi-coke.
Project result: The possibility of microbiological pre-treatment of oil shale was identified to increase the market value of shale oil by reducing its sulfur content and the possibility of microbiological post-treatment to reduce the environmental risk of semi-coke, i.e. by reducing the content of heavy metals. In conclusion, two separate microbiological purification processes and the content of further actions necessary to implement the specified processes were developed.
Summary: In the research oil shale and semi-coke are treated microbiologically to reduce harmful impurities in them. Appropriate microbial communities and their conditions of use shall be identified and treated materials analyzed for their further use. The project will lead to a significant reduction in the sulfur content of shale oil and increase its market value, turn semi-coke into non-hazardous waste and bring direct benefits to oil shale companies and research partners.
Measure (action) : 2014-2020.5.4 Piirkondade konkurentsivõime tugevdamine, call for proposals: Regionaalsete kompetentsikeskuste arendamine
Project partners: Tallinn University of Technology and BiotaTec OÜ
The projects were supported by the European Regional Development Fund of European Union.
The Oil Shale Competence Center was supported by Enterprise Estonia (EAS) and State Support Services Centre (RTK) under the regional competence centers development program as follows:
- project "Oil Shale Competence Center", EU50284 01.01.2016 – 31.12.2019, cost EUR 823 529,40, grant EUR 699 999,99;
- project "Oil Shale Competence Center", EU48750 01.01.2015 – 31.08.2015, cost EUR 180 500,00, grant EUR 153 425,00;
- project "Oil Shale Competence Center" EU41249, 15.09.2011-31.08.2015, cost EUR 3 566 659,55, grant EUR 3 031 660,62;
- project "Oil Shale Competence Center", EU32812, 01.06.2010-05.01.2011, cost EUR 36 833,46, grant EUR 31 308,44.
The projects were supported by the European Regional Development Fund of European Union.