Entire list of services: LABORATORY SERVICES
Laboratory of Fuel Technology performs:
- solid fuels (including recovered fuel, refuse delived fuel, plastic, plastic waste, tire ships, oil shale, coal, wood, peat, biomass) analyses,
- solid fuels thermal processing investigations (semicoking, pyrolysis, hydrogenation),
- liquid fuels properties (including shale oil and petroleum products) analyses,
- liquid fuels investigations both on the basis of oil shale and petroleum,
- biofuels analyses (including total and analytic moisture content, ash content, calorific value, element analyses) and investigations,
- other analyses/investigations by agreement with a client.
The laboratory offers the services in the following areas:
- chromatography,
- spectral analyses, including water analyses,
- elemental analysis,
- gravimetric analysis,
- titrimetric analysis,
- other apparatus methods, including break-up, kinematic composition, lubricating properties with HFRR-device etc,
- computation methods,
- bench tests,
- fuels tests with bench motor.
AK (Estonian Accreditation Centre) accredited calibration laboratory L059 in accordance with the standard EVS-EN ISO/IEC 17025:2017 as a testing laboratory in the field of liquid and solid fuels analyses. During the evaluation of the laboratory by the Estonian Centre for Standardisation and Accreditation, the laboratory discloses information about the clients to a third party, ie the assessor. The members of the evaluation team, for their part, guarantee confidentiality.