Standardization is an activity that determines the provisions for solving existing or potential problems to achieve optimal levels. Standardization involves compiling, publishing and using of standards. The benefits of standardization are reflected in improving the consistency of products, processes, services, methods, etc., in preventing trade barriers and facilitating technical cooperation.
Standardization Technical Committee EVS/TC 57 „Processing oil shale and oil shale product“ was registered up to Estonian Centre for Standardization 25.05.2015.
The activities of the Technical Committee are supervised and managed by the Oil Shale Competence Center to develop sectoral standards.
The purpose of the creation of the Committee:
- to identify industry standardization needs,
- update current existing standards,
- create new original standards,
- share best practices with recognized experts
- and develop international cooperation.
EVS/TC 57 scope: oil shale mining and processing technologies, production of shale oil and oil shale chemistry, oil shale energy, treatment of residual substance and waste products
Standardization Technical Committee EVS/TC 57 „Processing oil shale and oil shale product“ work programme: work programme 2023.
EVS/TC 57 Committee members:
- Estonian Environmental Research Centre
- Viru Keemia Grupp AS
- Eesti Energia AS
- Kiviõli Keemiatööstuse OÜ
- Tallinn University of Technology
- Oil Shale Competence Center of TalTech Virumaa College
- Estonian Mining Society/ MTÜ Eesti Mäeselts
- Geological Survey of Estonia / Eesti Geoloogiateenistus
Oil Shale Competence Center provides assistance and consultancy to businesses in
- drafting sectoral standards,
- the preparation of working groups for compilation of standard draft by the EVS/TC 57 "Processing oil shale and oil shale product".
The intention to compile a standard draft is to inform the Technical Committee in order to enable the drafting of the standard to be included into the work programme.
Solid mineral fuels. Determination of chlorine using Eschka mixture. |
The international standard has been taken over in English with Estonian comments. Standard EVS-ISO 587:2018 contains modified English text of the international standard ISO 587:1997 „Solid mineral fuels - Determination of chlorine using Eschka mixture“. The standard deals with the determination of chlorine content in oil shale, coal, brown coal, lignite and coke with Eschka mixture. The standard incorporates additions and amendments that allow to determine the chlorine content of oil shale and semi-coke on the basis of the standard. Original text can be purchased from the Estonian Centre for Standardisation |
Hard coal, cole and oil shale. Determination of volatile matter. |
The international standard has been taken over in English with Estonian comments. Standard EVS-ISO 562:2018 contains modified English text of the international standard ISO 562:2010 „Hard coal and coke. Determination of volatile matter“. In the modified edition, additions have been supplemented to allow the volatile content of oil shale to be determined according to the standard. The transposition of the standard with comments and additions in the context of oil shale was necessary for better organization of the work of research laboratories. Original text can be purchased from the Estonian Centre for Standardisation |
Solid mineral fuels. Determination of total sulfur. Eschka method. |
The international standard has been taken over in English with Estonian comments. The Standard EVS-ISO 334:2019 contains modified English text of the international standard 334:2010 „Solid mineral fuels. Determination of total sulfur. Eschka method“. Modifications were added to the text to extend the scope of the standard in oil shale context and in its thermal treatment products, taking into account the specific characteristics of oil shale and oil shale products. As an alternative method, an extraction method with water and some essential specifications for analysis were added. Original text can be purchased from the Estonian Centre for Standardisation |
Kivisüsi ja koks. Kütteväärtuse määramine. Coal and coke Determination of gross calorific value (EVS-ISO 1928:2021, modified) |
This Estonian Standard EVS-ISO 1928-MOD:2021 consists of the modified English text of the International Standard ISO 1928:2020 „Coal and coke. Determination of gross calorific value“. This document specifies a method for the determination of the gross calorific value of a solid mineral fuel at constant volume and at the reference temperature of 25 °C in a combustion vessel calorimeter calibrated by combustion of certified benzoic acid. The modified edition of the standard concerns the determination of the calorific value of solid mineral fuels, including the calorific value of oil shale. In this standard, the determination of the upper calorific value of oil shale by the calorimetric bomb method and the calculation of the lower calorific value, which were lacking in the international standard, have been included as Estonian comments. Original text can be purchased from the Estonian Centre for Standardisation |
Põletatud põlevkivi plastitööstusele. Spetsifikatsioonid ja vastavuskriteeriumid. Standard published in Estonian. |
The original Estonian standard "Burnt shale for plastics industry. Specifications and conformity criteria" prepared by the WG created for EVS/TC 57 „Processing of Oil Shale and Oil Shale Products“. Specifications and Conformance Criteria' have been published. This Estonian standard is valid for thermally treated oil shale or its mixtures, where the proportion of oil shale is at least 70 % (hereafter burnt shale or BS). Burnt shale is used as a filler material in plastic. Burnt shale consists of clinker material, free lime, dehydrated calcium sulphate and a mixture of partially caked particles of the previously mentioned components and depending on its fineness is divided into the following product classes: Plastic BS – F; Plastic BS – M; Plastic BS |
Burnt Shale for the Plastic Industry. Specifications and conformity criteria. Estonian standard in English. |
The original Estonian standard "Burnt shale for plastics industry. Specifications and conformity criteria" English version. Burnt oil shale is considered in the standard as a product that is used in the plastics industry as a filler in one of the components of plastic. This, in turn, necessitated by industry to submit requirements for this aggregate, its production control arrangements and the procedure for attesting conformity. Original text can be purchased from the Estonian Centre for Standardisation and Accreditation |
Naftasaadused ja samaväärsed tooted. Kütused (klass F). Destillaat- ja jääkkütused, Eesti põlevkiviõli spetsifikatsioon. Standard published in Estonian |
Estonian shale oil is a liquid product produced from kukersite oil shale through pyrolysis. Estonian shale oil is primarily used as liquid fuel or its blending component. The need to establish specification of Estonian shale oil is to define respective product based on its characteristic properties. Liquid fuels are often blended together from different components. Standardised motor fuels as final products have to meet certain quality requirements. As Estonian shale oil is used as a blending component in fuel oils and bunker fuels the need has arisen to define characteristic properties of shale oil fractions. |
Petroleum Products. Fuels (Class F). Distillate and Residual Fuels. Specification of Estonian Shale Oil Estonian standard in English. |
This Estonian standard defines ranges (density, viscosity, elemental composition, ash content, etc.) and test methods of the main characteristics of different shale oil fractions. Original text can be purchased from the Estonian Centre for Standardisation and Accreditation |
Tahkekütused. Väävlisisaldus. Üldväävli ja selle sidemevormide määramine. Standard published in Estonian |
This is a revision of the previous version of the standard EVS 664:1995 “Solid fuels. Sulfur content. Determination of total sulfur and its bonding forms.” An important amendment compared with the previously described methods is the insertion of an apparatus method for total sulfur determination into the new version of the standard EVS 664:2017, and editorial corrections in the text. Original text can be purchased from the Estonian Centre for Standardisation |
Solid Fuels. Sulphur content. Determination of total sulphur and its bonding forms. Estonian Standard in English |
Original standard EVS 664:2017 in English, standard draft is submitted by EVS/TC 57. Original text can be purchased from the Estonian Centre for Standardisation |
Põlevkivi. Niiskuse määramine. Standard published in Estonian |
This is a revision of the previous version of the standard EVS 668:1996 “Kukersite oil shale. Determination of moisture”. This new standard EVS 668:2018 “Oil shale. Determination of moisture” describes a two- and one-step method for total moisture content determination in oil shale, a method for analytical moisture determination and the procedure for samples preparation. According to the standard, moisture is determined both in the saleable oil shale sample and in the strata samples, in the drill cores, in enrichment residues and other oil shale samples taken and prepared according to the valid standard. This standard is applied to oil shale deposits irrespective of the origin deposit location (not only for kukersite oil shale). Due to the extension of the scope of the standard to the analysis of oil shale in other mineral deposits in the world, the possibilities of using a hydrometer are also included to determine both analytical moisture and changes in the accuracy of moisture determination. Original text can be purchased from the Estonian Centre for Standardisation |
Oil Shale. Determination of moisture. Estonian standard in English |
Original standard EVS 668:2018 in English, standard draft is submitted by EVS/TC 57. Original text can be purchased from the Estonian Centre for Standardisation |
Põlevkiviõlid. Tahkete lisandite ja tuhasuse määramise meetod. Shale oils. Method for determination of sediment content and ash Standard published in Estonian |
Standard EVS 652:2020 is a renewed version of the original Estonian standard EVS 652:1994. In the new processing process the new European and international standards applicable to equipment and reagents have been taken into account; modernized the text and terminology of the standard, made editorial corrections; added chapter "Terms and definitions" to clarify the content of the terms used to evaluate the accuracy of the method; specified requirements for the diameter of the particles retained on the filter paper; added an additional analysis option for oil shale oil samples with the definition "as received", where no prior water content determination is performed in the oil sample, and a calculation formula that takes this into account. Original text can be purchased from the Estonian Centre for Standardisation |
Põlevkivi. Tuhasuse määramine. Oil shale. Determination of ash Standard in Estonian |
In the first version EVS 669:1996 "Determining the ashiness of kukersite oil shale" only Estonian oil shale was under consideration. The renewed standard deals with the method of determining the ash content of oil shale from different deposits and its heat treatment and burning residues, therefore the title has been changed to "Oil shale. Determination of ash". The standard has undergone structural changes, added updates and edited text. The following chapters have been added: "Terms and definitions", "Nature of methods", "Sample preparation", "Calculation of results", “Appendix A” and "Literature". Original text can be purchased from the Estonian Centre for Standardisation |
Kaubapõlevkivi. Oil shale as a product |
This standard EVS 670:2023 is a revision of the previous version EVS 670:1998. The renewed standard deals with commercial oil shale as a product and the norms and permissible deviations of its quality characteristics, presents general requirements for the lower calorific value of commercial oil shale and its calculation, and requirements for general humidity. The standard no longer deals in detail with commercial oil shale classes or quality groups, which are determined according to the documents listed under the standard references and specified in purchase and sale agreements. The structure of the standard is aligned with the requirements of the EVS GUIDE 2:2018 "Preparation of Estonian standards and standard documents similar to the EVS standard". Original text can be purchased from the Estonian Centre for Standardisation |
Põlevkivi. Niiskuse määramine. Oil shale - Determination of moisture |
Review of the standard EVS 668:2018 and preparation of a new version. This standard deals with the two- and one-step method of determining oil shale moisture, the method of analytical moisture determination, and the sample preparation procedure. The standard applies to oil shale regardless of the location of the source deposit. The standard will be published in 2024. |
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