Tallinn University of Technology



Tanel Alumäe

I am an Associate Professor of Speech Processing and the head of Laboratory of Language Technology at Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech). I received my PhD degree from the same university in 2006. After that, I have worked in several research teams, including LIMSI/CNRS, Aalto University and Raytheon BBN Technologies. My recent research has focused on practical approaches to low-resource speech and language processing. I have published papers in a wide array of topics, including speech recognition, speaker and language recognition, speaker diarization, spoken language translation and summarization. I have led several teams that have obtained excellent results in various speech processing evaluations and challenges, such as IARPA BABEL, NIST LRE and OpenASR.

Awards and achievements


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R&D related managerial and administrative work

  • Secretary of the Board of the Northern European Association for Language Technology (NEALT) 
  • Reviewer for the journals Nature, Computer Speech & Language, IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing, Speech Communication, Journal of the Acoustic Society of America (JASA), Entropy
  • Area Chair of the conferences ICME 2020, ICME 2021, EACL 2021, Interspeech 2024
  • Publication Chair of the NoDaLiDa 2023 conference
  • Member of the Council of the Department of Software Science at TalTech
