Table of Contents
International co-operation
Estonian Maritime Academy has been opened to the international co-operation in the past and we are going to continue to collaborate with our previous and new partners in various topics in the maritime sector to develop innovative knowledge and technologies.
The experts of Estonian Maritime Academy have been involved in different international co-operation projects in different fields, for example, raising the level of expertise and management of oil spill response, analyzing cargo flows, maritime transportation and cluster, development of the maritime education etc.
Ongoing projects

The project will reduce CO2 emissions from intermodal/multimodal freight flows. A digital tool for CO2 reduction measures will be developed; in addition, a concept for energy saving and renewable energy production in ports as multimodal transport hubs will be developed. The implementation will be carried out through real pilot projects at maritime and land transport hubs. There are seven intermodal hubs/regional systems where CO2 reductions will be achieved (ports of Rauma, Finland; Pori, Finland; Mariehamn, Å; Norrköping, SE; Oxelösund, SE; Tallinn, EE; Riga, LV).
The Sustainable Flow project will result in:
- CO2 reduction (10%) in the pilot ports by year 3.
- A practical open access web-based tool (with utility integration) for CO2 reduction.
- Sustainable transport systems (from environmental, economic and societal perspectives).
The project is a joint collaboration between:
Satakunta University of Applied Sciences, FI (lead partner); Fintraffic VTS Ltd, FI;
Åland University of Applied Sciences, AX; Swedish Maritime Administration, SE; Swedish Confederation of Transport Enterprises, SE; Tallinn University of Technology/EMERA, EE; International Association for Transport Development, LV.
The project is funded by the European Union's Central Baltic Programme and the activities will be carried out in the period 1.5.2023-31.5.2026.
The total budget of the project is EUR 2 737 380, of which TalTech EMERA's share is EUR 456 965.
Contact: Kristel Rauk ( )
The 4-year project aims at developing sectoral skills strategies to reduce skills shortages, gaps and mismatches, in the short and the medium term.
GreenSkills4H2 will focus on the hydrogen value chain, more precisely on hydrogen production, distribution, transport and storage. The project includes three main parts:
- Development of skills strategy (Year 1) that gives an overview about the current skills and training opportunities in the field and, more importantly, provides insight to short and long-term labour market needs in the hydrogen industry.
- Core curriculum will be drafted, and training materials will be developed (Year 2 – Year 3).
- Trainings will then be implemented to test the materials developed with different publics (Year 3 – Year 4).
GreenSkills4H2 project consortium includes 33 partners from key Industry and education stakeholders from across Europe. The project is led by the German research organisation Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), with the assistance of Hydrogen Europe, Hydrogen Europe Research, and the Brussels-based European advisory firm Schuman Associates.
Project is co-funded by Erasmus+ programme and the activities will be conducted between 01.07.2022 – 30.06.2026.
For more information:
Contact: Kadi Kasepõld
The main objective is to lay the foundations for a new class of fully electric unmanned aircraft system UWV (Unmanned WIG/wing-in-ground/ Vehicle) combining speed, flexibility and energy efficiency.
The project has a budget of € 5 116 012, of which TalTech's share is € 503 000.
The project is funded by Horizon Europe and the activities will be carried out in the period 01.01.2023 - 31.12.2026.
Contact: Riina Otsason
Kristel Rauk
The digital transformation imposes the HEIs to enhance their role in preparing the new generation workforce and to upskill the existing ones in meeting the challenging and ever-growing cybersecurity challenges. Regardless on numerous cybersecurity programmes in Europe, these often do not provide the dynamic capabilities and emerging skills needed in the market.
CyberSecPro aims to bridge the gap between degrees, working life, and marketable cybersecurity skillset necessary in the EU’s digitalization efforts and provide examples of best practices for cybersecurity training programmes. A practical and hands-on cybersecurity training programme to complement, support, and advance the existing academic programmes will be compiled.
The project is funded from European Unions DIGITAL-2021-SKILLS-01 programme and the activities will be conducted 1.12.2022 – 30.11.2025.
The budget is 13 500 000 €, of which TalTech share is 508 036 €.
Contact: Ricardo Lugo, PhD (
ATHENA aims to improve cybersecurity protection readiness of the water sector, thereby targeting the integrated system of closely intertwined SME and public employees by enriching ENISA-s portfolio with up-to-date cybersecurity competence trainings in the water sector and enable staff along the entire chain of execution to respond to incidents that fit into the general operational and management strategies of the water sector.
The project is funded from European Union DIGITAL-ECCC-2022-CYBER-03 programme and the activities will be conducted 1.09.2023 – 31.08.2026.
The budget is 1 605 192 €, of which TalTech share is 195 542 €.
Contact: Ricardo Lugo, PhD (
BlueGreenFeed aims for value increase and profitability for the industry by finding new markets for underutilised green co-streams by converting them into nutritional and sustainable feed ingredients. The project will explore ways to pre-treat and process feathers and grass pulp to increase their digestibility and bioavailability for use in feed for low trophic animals such as insects (house crickets and meal worms) and aquatic invertebrates (gammarid shrimps and polychaete worms). The ability of these organisms to grow and bio-convert the nutritionally poor substrates into nutritious biomass will be tested. The nutritional value of these organisms and their suitability as aquafeeds in fish feeding trials will be evaluated. Economically feasible and sustainable ways for bio-upgrading low value side streams into high value proteins and lipids for feed industries will be proposed after in depth economic and sustainability analysis.
Project website:
Project duration 36 months starting 01.12.2022
Funded by: ERA-NET Cofund on Blue Bioeconomy (BlueBio)
TalTechi budget: 100 000 €
Principal investigator: Loreida Timberg (
MariCybERA has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 952360
The Maritime Cybersecurity Centre was established as part of the EU funded Horizon 2020 project called MariCybERA. The project aimed to create an ERA Chair (European Research Area) in Maritime Cybersecurity at Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech) by integrating the research capabilities of TalTech's Estonian Maritime Academy and TalTech's Centre for Digital Forensics and Cyber Security. This integration was intended to address the cybersecurity challenges arising from the digital transformation of the maritime industry.
The Centre has the objective of becoming an internationally recognized academic research centre that supports a secure, reliable, and sustainable maritime sector. It takes advantage of Estonia's thriving ecosystem of cybersecurity and maritime stakeholders, including the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence, Estonian maritime associations, research institutions, and private companies.
The research focus of the Centre is on developing innovative solutions to address the emerging security challenges in the maritime industry. This includes studying the threat landscape, identifying vulnerabilities in maritime systems, and developing cybersecurity measures to mitigate the risks posed by cyber-attacks. A key aspect of the research is to understand the unique challenges posed by the maritime environment, including e.g., limited connectivity and the need for real-time information exchange. Focusing on these specific areas, the Centre can ensure that its research has practical applications and can help to improve the cybersecurity of the maritime sector.
The project has a budget of € 2 497 500.
The project is funded by the European Union's research and innovation programme "Horizon 2020" under grant agreement No 952360 and for the period 01.01.2021 - 31.12.2025.
Contact: Dan Heering (
Project website: MariCybERA
The aim of the contract is to compile a navigational risk assessment of Saare-Liivi Offshore Windpark under development by Utilitas Wind OÜ.
The analysis is based on a method recognised by the Transport Administration and includes the location and width of potential new fairways, the windparks’ impact on maritime communications and marine surveillance systems, the impact of the offshore windpark on shipping during construction and operation (incl. in changing ice-conditions), as well as impact assessment on aids to navigation and their identification by seafarers.
The navigational risk assessment will be conducted during 1.10.2022 – 31.08.2024.
Contact: Inga Zaitseva-Pärnaste, PhD (
The island ferry traffic forms a unique transport area in the Central Baltic region, as ferry connections between mainland and islands are an important part of the intermodal transport chain linking islands to urban centres.
Through piloting CO2 abatement technologies and methods the REISFER project aims to improve the transport areas and intermodal transport nodes by reducing the CO2 emissions of the island ferry traffic in Estonia, Finland and Sweden by 10 - 20%.
REISFER is led by TalTech Estonian Maritime Academy and funded by the Interreg Central Baltic programme. The activities will be carried out 1.04.2024 – 31.03.2027.
The project has a budget of 3 760 969 €, of which TalTech budget is 634 660 €.
Kadi Kasepõld
Ulla Tapaninen
Project LinedIn page:
Project official webpage:
The BALTIC-FIT project will build a network of excellence between organizations from Baltic Sea Region to enable Baltic Sea maritime transport meet ‘Fit for 55’ regulations in decarbonisation. The BALTIC-FIT will achieve this goal by implementing a three-year Innovation strategy comprising five objectives, which are focused on strengthening the TalTech’s position in the field of maritime decarbonization.
In the frame of the joint innovation project the partners will concentrate efforts on the decarbonization of the shipping in Baltic Sea region, which has specific constraints in terms of operations, and will deliver recommendations for authorities and maritime companies on how to tackle the pressing issue of decarbonisation. The authorities will have more understanding the opportunities that business sector has in GHG-emission reduction and private sector will learn about operational, technical, and digital aspects of shipping.
Project strategy includes:
- short-term staff exchanges of senior and young researchers;
- summer schools;
- innovation workshops for maritime stakeholders;
- attendance of external events;
- publication of joint research and professional articles;
- development of joint R&I strategy.
Project coordinator: Tallinn University of Technology, Estonian Maritime Academy
Project partners:
RISE Research Institutes of Sweden AB, Sweden
Teknologian Tutkimuskeskus VTT OY, Finland
Anrömind OÜ, Estonia
Project duration: The project is funded by Horizon Europe and the activities will be carried out in the period 1.09.2024 - 1.09.2027.
Project budget: The project budget is 1 499 934 €, of which TalTech budget is 681 687 €.
Contact: Kristine Carjova (
Kristel Rauk (
Completed projects

The project OIL SPILL intended to fill the gaps of harmonised procedures between sea, shore and land in oil spill combating by harmonising cross-border and cross-sectorial operational procedures to marine pollution and oil spill contingency plans in the Baltic Sea Region. Education and training was harmonised through the implementation of operational marine spill studies in the curriculas of future seafarers, rescue officers, environmental specialists, etc, and by using the potential of existing BSR maritime simulator centres to carry out cross-border marine spill response trainings based on the connected simulators network.
The activities were carried out in accordance with the principles of cooperation on pollution preparedness and response under HELCOM.
The project was funded by the Interreg Baltic Sea Region program and the activities were conducted between 01.01.2019 - 31.12.2021.
Contact: Kadi Kasepõld (
Mathematical procedures presented to students are mainly oriented to solutions of mathematical problems that are in general unrelated to the students' future seafarer profession. Consequently, the perception of mathematical education by many students at maritime universities is that knowledge of mathematics is not essential for advancement of their future seafarers careers. This fosters the lack of students' interest for mathematical education and is characterised by low success rates at mathematical exams.
MareMathics project developed methods for learning mathematics for students of maritime study programmes, aiming at their improved acquiring of knowledge and results. Project envisaged support for teachers of mathematics at maritime study programmes, in the form of innovative teaching methods, using contemporary IT and communication tools.
Project was funded from the Erasmus+ programme Key Action Type Strategic Partnerships for higher education with a total budget of 224 204 €. The duration of the project was 24 months: 31.12.2019 – 30.12.2021.
The project intended to reduce main negative impacts of high-speed craft cursing in the Baltic Sea by improving in design and operation of future high-speed craft for a clean, safe and smart boating.
In details, the focus was on three categories:
- Hydrodynamic design of high-speed craft for safety and energy efficiency
- Propulsion system design for better energy efficiency and lower noise emission
- Automation and digitalization of high-speed craft operation for increasing safety, smart cruising and fuel efficiency
The seed money project was funded by the Interreg Baltic Sea Region program and the activities were carried out in the period 01.10.2020 - 30.09.2021.
Total budget of the Project was 50 000 €, of which the share of TalTech’ was 19 000 €. Lead Partner of the Project was Tallinn University of Technology.
Contact: Abbas Dashtimanesh (
During 2011 - 2018 over 25 000 ships were involved in accidents and human factor was cited to be the cause in over 65% of these. Digitalisation and automation have been heralded as technologies that can improve human performance and, therefore, reduce risk and accidents. On the other hand, safety critical operations have identified that by applying novel technologies new unanticipated negative consequences can occur. With the shipping industry and the whole maritime domain being an international playground with several stakeholders, the project had a wide range of beneficiaries. This project addressed the gaps in understanding the human factor in rapidly digitalising maritime environment by creating a strategy for the industry in order to sustain safety performance through a better understanding of the risks in the nature of changing maritime operations.
The seed money project was funded by the Interreg Baltic Sea Region program and the activities were carried out in the period 01.10.2020 - 30.09.2021.
Total budget of the Project was 50 000 €, of which the share of TalTech’ is 10 000 €. Lead Partner of the Project was University of Turku
Contact: Kadi Kasepõld (

The aim of the study is to develop new added value products from unpopular fish species according to young consumers’ needs and preferences. Development of unpopular fish species via consumer driven product development can increase companies’ product portfolios, turnover, employment, profit and competitiveness. Study is aiming to deliver new fish processing solutions for small businesses, e.g. small productions and individual fishermen.
Logistics of fish products via parcel machines or couriers has great potential, but challenges and risks need to be evaluated. Possibility to monitor and guarantee temperature range suitable for fish products safety is a key factor in using this kind of logistics methods. Selecting the best time-temperature indicators enables to deliver fish products with highest quality. More convenient fish products delivery methods will be embraced both by consumers and by companies.
This study consumers-products-logistics is important for Estonian costal and inshore fishermen.
Contact: Loreida Timberg (

The main aim of project CoMET (Internationally Competitive Maritime Education for Modern Seagoing and High-Quality Port Services) is to enhance maritime safety and to increase maritime business in the Central Baltic region by providing internationally competitive maritime education and training for seafarers (according to STCW-78 requirements) and port employees.
Project partners are Joint Educational Authority of Kotka-Hamina Region (lead partner), South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences, Estonian Maritime Academy (EMERA), Novia University of Applied Sciences (Aboa Mare) and Ida-Virumaa Vocational Education Centre.
EMERA-s budget is 317 105 €, of which ERDF funding 266 368,20 €.
During the Project it is planned to:
Connect EMERA simulator centre to European Maritime Simulators Network;
Harmonize project partners simulator centres software and hardware to link them in the same Network;
Development of common simulator-based teaching methodology and pedagogical approach to sufficiently carry out cross-border simulator training;
Development of common logistic/cargo handling teaching methodology and pedagogy;
Integration of new vessel dynamic positioning system to EMERA simulator centre and the development of new study programs.
Duration of the Project: 01.03.2018 – 31.08.2021.
CoMET Webpage
Contact: Jarmo Kõster

The aim of the project is to update and modernize the speciality-specific courses of the Waterway Safety Management study program by implementing ICT-based technical solutions and ICT-related knowledge and skills in order to bring the study program into compliance with the standards of the International Hydrographic Organization.
During the Project it is planned to:
- Develop existing and purchase new software / hardware
- Create study materials and practice guides
- To train instructors with ICT knowledge and skills in the respective fields
Project is funded by HITSA IT Academy and activites will be carried out in the periood 01.04.2020-31.07.2021
Contact: Inga Zaitseva-Pärnaste (
The overall goal is to develop the concept (prototype) of "smart cardeck" for Tallink Group Ltd., that enables the automatisation and higher effectiveness of vehicle-related processes in port area.
During the project a study to identify possible technological and system architectual solutions will be conducted. The technological solution and user interfaces will be developed and tested.
A successful solution will make the use of the cargo space more effective, reduce the labour need during the loading and unloading, as well as shortens the waiting time to and from the ship.
Project is funded by Tallink Group Ltd. and the activities will be conducted between 16.01.2019 - 31.12.2020.
Dan Heering
Director in Development
Tel: +372 613 5591
GSM +372 5062783

The Baltic Sea region depends on well-functioning ferry links as significant parts of it
s international and domestic flows of goods and passengers include ferry trips and involve intermodal transport chains. The project "Real Time Ferries (RTF)" extends the use of real-time information to optimise intermodal transport chains for goods and people in the Baltic Sea Region. It sets up a collaborative BSR ferry real time data hub that provides a shares base infrastructure to collect, process and deploy real-time info along intermodal (ports and logistics, public transport, ship navigation) door-to-door transport chains across the region. It is intended to establish 5-10 pilot applications for different situations, such as redirecting goods and passengers in case the trip is cancelled.
By the end of the project, it will be easier and cheaper for all relevant transport actors to generate and utilise the solution for optimising intermodal transport chains for both: goods and people, across the entire region.
Contact: Dan Heering (

The project BOOSTED aims at providing an aligned and relevant skillset for the Central Baltic region to grow as a coherent tourism destination. It boosts tourism business competitiveness through higher professional education in Finland, Estonia and Latvia. It is about identifying and aligning the skills in tourism business development through research and also implementing the curriculum as a joint study programme of 32 ECTS online in Finland, Estonia and Latvia.
The project is funded by the Interreg Central Baltic program and last for three years: November 2016- October 2019.
BOOSTED is implemented in cooperation between four leading higher education in Finland, Estonia and Latvia, two associated universities also participate in the project activities.
More info: BOOSTED webpage

This network of educational institutions has been established to mobilise the infrastructure of science and research studies in the Baltic Sea Region countries, to promote LNG study programmes, develop training and research, and to increase the availability of knowledge about LNG technology among business representatives, developers and implementers of energy and environmental policies. The BSR LNG Competence Centre will develop a model of inter-institutional cooperation that will enable the development of joint projects and services required for the LNG sector.
Estonian Maritime Academy joined the LNG Competence Centre in 2017. Besides EMARA, universities and research institutions from Lithuania, Germany, Sweden, Poland and Denmark have also joined the partnership.

The aim of the project was to develop and carry out courses for border guards in the field of maritime safety and security with the focus on creating standardized "Search mission coordinator (SMC)" and "On-Scene Commander (OSC)" courses that could be offered to all countries in EU and also third countries. The courses are based on IAMSAR Manual, EU legislation, and regulations, as well as are in compliance with the SQF and EU lifelong learning principles.
Duration of the Project: 10.2017 – 08.2018.
Baltic Sea region countries lacked an efficient tool to share information on maritime spatial planning and, in this way, to support each other in the fast and consistent elaboration of maritime spatial plans. The project paved the way for standardized and commonly accessible spatial data by elaborating on the needs and conditions for setting up such a database and supporting the collection of the best available maritime spatial planning data in the Baltic Sea region.
Duration of the Project: 09.2017 - 08.2018

SME Aisle’s (Exports of cluster of CB economic strengths shipbuilding, maritime renewable energy, automation and ICT to Namibia as a stable point to entry to the South African markets) main objective is to achieve sales to Central Baltics Small and Medium Sized Enterprises with joint concept using Namibia as a safe entry point to coastal South African countries (e.g. South Africa, Angola, Mozambique).
Projects lead partner Satakunta University of Applied Sciences has deep expertise and solid connections in Namibia’s business environment. Other project partners are, in addition to EMERA, Prizztech Oy from Finland, Latvian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Association of Mechanical Engineering and Metalworking Industries of Latvia and Swedish Windpower Association (associated partner).
The project budget is 1,73 million euros, in which EMERA budget is approx. 400 000 euros.
The export services are in the fields of:
Infrastructure – machinery, renewable energy, automation, ICT solutions in ports and hinterlands;
Shipbuilding, retrofitting;
Certified training (maritime, crewing, renewable energy, automation, ICT);
Expert services on safety, surveillance, environmental and custom clearance procedures.
Duration of the Project: 01.03.2018 – 31.08.2022
Contact: Erko Veltson (

The Surveying and Maritime Internet of Things Education (SMARTSEA) project aims to develop an advanced interactive certified MSc course related to maritime and surveyors' IoT applications that will train individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to work with the rising "smart maritime and surveying" industry.
During the project the study program, as well as the specific courses will be developed. The course duration is 8 months, plus a 1-month maritime on the job experience. During the course two mobility periods for the students and educators are organised to participate in the large-scale laboratories in two universities, in Slovenia and Greece. The SMARTSEA test course will be carried out in the second part on the project.
Additionally, to enable the distance learning, the requirements will be set and the SMARTSEA e-learning platform will be deployed.
The project is funded from the Erasmus + KA2 programme with a total budget of 971 365 €. Projects’ duration is 36 months: 1.11.2019−31.10.2022.
Contact: Kadi Kasepõld (

SkillSea will foster cooperation on a European level between the industry, education and training provides and authorities to develop a strategy to make the education and training for maritime proffessionals future proof, adaptable and attractive, to provide maritime proffessionals with the correct skills for the labour market and to ensure sustainability of the European maritime industry.
Besides the development of the strategy, the project will support the implementation of the strategy and the products developed during and after the lifetime of the project. The project will provide a sustainable solution for the qualitative and quantitative mismatch between demand and supply of labour, increase the labour mobility within the sector and enhance attractiveness of the sector.
SkillSea is funded by the Erasmus+ KA2 program and the activities will be conducted between 01.01.2019 - 31.12.2022.
Contact: Liana Šestak

The aim of the project is to reduce the sodium content in fish products. New sodium replacing ingredients will be introduced and processing technologies will be developed to add value to fish products according to market and consumer preferences.
Importance of the project:
- New sodium replacing ingredients will be introduced and processing technologies will be developed to add value to fish products according to market and consumer preferences, while following public health recommendations
- The development of a Fucus vesiculosus ingredient additive provides an opportunity for the future - by valuing this currently unused raw material and using it as a natural flavour and functional additive in fish products.
Project is funded by Estonian Ministry of Rural Affairs and the activities will be carried out in the period 01.09.2020 - 31.12.2022.
Contact: Loreida Timberg (

The aim of the Project is to assess seasonal changes of Baltic sprat and Balitc herring as raw material for Fish oil and fishmeal. Quality of Fish oil and fishmeal will be assesed via fatty acid profiles, heavy metals and environmental pollutants content. In addition different natural antioxidants are tested for adding value to Fish oil and Fish meal products.
As a result of the project, a unique overview of the seasonal impact of herring-sprat raw materials on the quality of fish oil and fishmeal products will be completed.
Project is funded by Estonian Ministry of Rural Affairs and the activities will be carried out in the period 01.09.2020 - 31.12.2022.
Contact: Loreida Timberg (
Main aim is to increase awareness of environmental protection and the efficient use of energy resources.
The PW4B geoportal aims to support the conservation of natural resources, sustainable management and the development of a blue economy in the Baltic Sea region, based on the wishes of policy makers and stakeholders in the Central Baltic.
The PW4B geoportal will enable an assessment of the cumulative impact of different human activities on the ecosystem services provided by the sea in the Estonian, Latvian and Finnish maritime areas.
Project duration: 6 months 15.04.2023-14.10.2023
Project, ER188 is implemented under the European Neighbourhood Instrument and co-financed by the European Union
Budget: (overall) 100 000 €
TalTech budget: 30 000 €
Lead partner: University of Tartu (Estonia)
Contact: Kristel Rauk ( )