Tallinn University of Technology


SBG factsheet

TalTech is the largest university for economics in Estonia which has been providing high-quality education since 1941. The work done at our university contributes to the international competitiveness of the Estonian economy and companies today and in the future. We serve as a high-level competence hub in Northern Europe that offers innovative ideas and educates people for the benefit of developing entrepreneurship and society.


The mission

Our School's mission is to promote a knowledge-based, innovative, and sustainable society, bearing responsibility for the quality of life, competitiveness, and sustainability in Estonia and Europe. We provide education where the theoretical knowledge is well balanced with practical skills, highly valued by employers and Alumni.

TalTech School of Business and Governance

TalTech School of Business and Governance is a leading provider of higher education in the fields of economics, business, law, and public administration. Our programmes have been internationally accredited by recognised and prestigious national and international organisations such as AMBA, EFMD, and EAPAA. In the ranking of Times Higher Education, the TalTech School of Business and Governance is among the best 301-400 in the world regarding business and economics studies and continues to be among the 201-250 in the field of social sciences.

In the School of Business and Governance, 18 percent of the student body are international students from 60 countries, which adds value to the School's attractiveness on the international educational scene.

Among our academic staff, there are internationally recognised top researchers and practitioners from Estonia and abroad, allowing students to learn from world-class specialists. Approximately 30 percent of the School staff are international employees.

In addition to high-quality education, TalTech's School of Business and Governance offers students the best learning environment, the best academic library in the Baltic States, vibrant student life, sports facilities, and new student housing. Learn, grow, and succeed with TalTech School of Business and Governance.  

Our high-level education guarantees the graduates the best job opportunities in the private and public sectors and international organisations. The Alumni of the School of Business and Governance have become successful and influential members of society thanks to the network of relationships made at the university for life, which, in addition to the graduates of our School, includes experts in IT, natural sciences, and engineering. Statistics from the Ministry of Education and Research show that the salary level of TalTech graduates is 26 percent higher than the average of graduates of all Estonian higher education institutions.

Student Council

The role of the Student Council of the School of Business and Governance is to represent the top performers of the Estonian economy – the students of TalTech School of Business and Governance. Student activists have joined the Council to make friends, find business partners, gain knowledge and skills for life. Caring, self-development, and an active mind are the values most appreciated by the organization. The events organized by the Council are targeted at the whole student body of the School of Business and Governance to add variety to students’ everyday schedules. Company visits and seminars arranged by the Council make students' studies more practical and help to build a bridge between the real world and students' theoretical studies. It is an organization that each student is welcome to contact if they have a problem or question regarding their studies or the School.