Tallinn University of Technology

Below you can see TalTech School of Engineering Erasmus+ agreements, that are divided by TalTech study programmes. You can get more information about the agreements from the Mobility Center.

NB! All TalTech students who are studying in the field of architecture or engineering can apply for studies abroad (1 or 2 semesters) to the partner universities in Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Iceland, Latvia and Lithuania via NORDTEK.

  1. Czech Technical University in Prague - Czech Republic: Course catalog
  2. Kaunas University of Technology - Lithuania (Bachelor's, Master's, PhD's level) Course catalog
  3. Lille Catholic University - France (Master's level)
  4. Polytechnic University of Turin - Italy (Master's level)
  5. Riga Technical University – Latvia: Course catalog
  6. Sapienza University - Italy (Master's, PhD's level): Course catalog
  7. University of Alicante - Spain (Bachelor's, Master's level): Course catalog
  8. University of Parma- Italy (Bachelor's, Master's, PhD's level)
  9. VIA University College - Denmark (Bachelor's, Master's level) Course catalog

  1. Aalto University, School of Engineering - Finland (Master's level): Course catalog
  2. Budapest University of Technology and Economics - Hungary (Bachelor's, Master's, Phd's level)
  3. Chalmers University of Technology - Sweden (Bachelor's, Master's level): Course catalog
  4. ESTP Paris - France
  5. Graduate School of Engineering Strasbourg-Europe - France (Bachelor's, Master's level): for course list and more information contact leandro.didomenico@ecam-strasbourg.eu
  6. Hamburg University of Technology - Germany (Bachelor's, Master's, PhD's level)
  7. Kaunas University of Technology - Lithuania (Bachelor's, Master's, PhD's level): Course catalog
  8. Polytechnic University of Turin - Italy (Bachelor's, Master's level)
  9. Riga Technical University - Latvia (Bachelor's, Master's level): Course catalog
  10. VIA University College - Denmark (Bachelor's, Master's level)
  11. Vilnius Gediminas Technical University - Lithuania (Bachelor's level): Course catalog

  1. Aarhus University - Denmark NB! Campus Herning only!
  2. Angel Kanchev University of Ruse - Bulgaria: Course catalog
  3. Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences - Germany
  4. Carlos III University of Madrid - Spain: Course catalog
  5. Czech Technical University in Prague - Czech Republic: Course catalog
  6. ECAM Lyon campus - France
  7. Freiberg University of Mining and Technology - Germany
  8. Gdansk University of Technology – Poland: Course catalog
  9. Graduate School of Engineering Strasbourg-Europe - France:
    for course list and more information contact leandro.didomenico@ecam-strasbourg.eu
  10. Hamburg University of Technology - Germany
  11. John von Neumann University - Hungary: Course catalog
  12. Jönköping University - Sweden
  13. Kaunas University of Technology - Lithuania: Course catalog
  14. Mittelhessen University of Applied Sciences (THM) - Germany: Course catalog
  15. Polytechnic Institute of Braganca - Portugal: Course catalog
  16. Polytechnic University of Milan - Italy: Course catalog
  17. Riga Technical University – Latvia: Course catalog
  18. Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences - Finland
  19. Troyes University of Technology - France: Course catalog
  20. Turku University of Applied Sciences - Finland: Course catalog
  21. University of Bremen - Germany: Course catalog
  22. University of Caen Normandy - France
  23. University of Ljubljana - Slovenia: Course catalog
  24. University of Southern Denmark - Denmark: Course catalog
  25. University of the Basque Country - Spain:  Course catalog
  26. Vytautas Magnus University - Lithuania: Course catalog

  1. Aarhus University - Denmark
    NB! Campus Herning only!
  2. Angel Kanchev University of Ruse - Bulgaria Course catalog
  3. Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences - Germany
  4. Carlos III University of Madrid - Spain: Course catalog
  5. Czech Technical University in Prague - Czech Republic: Course catalog
  6. ECAM Lyon campus- France
  7. Eindhoven University of Technology - Netherlands
  8. Esslingen University of Applied Sciences – Germany
  9. Freiberg University of Mining and Technology - Germany
  10. Gdansk University of Technology – Poland: Course catalog
  11. John von Neumann University - Hungary: Course catalog
  12. Jönköping University - Sweden
  13. Kaunas University of Technology - Lithuania: Course catalog
  14. Mittelhessen University of Applied Sciences (THM) - Germany: Course catalog
  15. Mondragon University - Spain
  16. Munich University of Applied Sciences - Germany
  17. Polytechnic University of Milan - Italy: Course catalog
  18. Polytechnic Institute of Porto - Portugal: Course catalog
  19. Riga Technical University – LatviaCourse catalog
  20. Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences - Finland
  21. Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava - Slovakia: Course catalog
  22. Turku University of Applied Sciences - Finland: Course catalog
  23. University of Bremen - Germany: Course catalog
  24. University of Caen Normandy - France
  25. University of Ljubljana - Slovenia: Course catalog
  26. University of Southern Denmark - Denmark: Course catalog
  27. University of the Basque Country - Spain: Course catalog
  28. University of Twente - Netherlands: Course catalog
  29. Vilnius Gediminas Technical University - Lithuania: Course catalog
  30. Vytautas Magnus University - Lithuania: Course catalog 

  1. Paris School of Urban Engineering– France (Master's level)

  1. Aalto University, School of Engineering - Finland (Master's level): Course catalog
  2. Budapest University of Technology and Economics - Hungary (Bachelor's, Master's, Phd's level)
  3. Chalmers University of Technology - Sweden (Bachelor's, Master's level): Course catalog
  4. Hamburg University of Technology - Germany (Bachelor's, Master's, PhD's level)
  5. Kaunas University of Technology - Lithuania (Bachelor's, Master's, PhD's level) Course catalog
  6. KTH Royal Institute of Technology - Sweden (Bachelor's, Master's, PhD level) Course catalog
  7. Munich University of Applied Sciences - Germany (Bachelor's Master's)
  8. Polytechnic University of Milan - Italy (Bachelor's, Master's level): Course catalog
  9. Polytechnic University of Turin - Italy (Master's level)
  10. Riga Technical University - Latvia (Bachelor's, Master's level): Course catalog
  11. Polytechnic University of Catalonia, ETSEIB - Spain (Master's level)
  12. University of Twente - Netherlands (Bachelor's, Master's level):  Course catalog
  13. Vilnius Gediminas Technical University - Lithuania (Bachelor's level): Course catalog

Departmental coordinators