Tallinn University of Technology

Forms of Cooperation

The School of IT cooperates with both large and small companies from Estonia and abroad, local governments, ministries and other various organizations.

Why work with a university?

  1. We consider it important to facilitate the transfer of knowledge between the university and society.
  2. We are a reliable and independent partner for everyone who needs high-level knowledge and innovative solutions for a science-based approach to solving problems.
  3. We help to create a competitive advantage for the company and increase added value.
  4. We enable you to contribute to Estonian higher education and research.
  5. We enable you to participate in the largest network of experts and talents.

How to start a cooperation? 

  1. We find out which field of research the companies issues of interest are related to.
  2. We will organize a meeting between the researchers of the selected research groups and the representatives of the company.
  3. Every project is different, so we proceed from the needs of the company and develop an individual work plan.
  4. We organize the preparation of the necessary documents.
Kuidas ülikooliga koostööd alustada?

Ensuring the confidentiality

The entrepreneur is often faced with the question of how to ensure the confidentiality of the information provided to the university. If the company wishes to do so and there is sensitive data or topics, we will enter into a confidentiality agreement between the company and the university. Only then will we discuss in more detail the solutions and possible cooperation.

Tihtipeale seisab ettevõtja küsimuse ees, kuidas tagada ülikoolile edastatava info konfidentsiaalsus.

Ways of cooperation

The doctoral thesis completed at the end of the industrial doctoral program can be used in practice, because the doctoral student solves a specific problem that needs to be solved in a company in the university's research laboratories. An industrial doctoral student is a doctoral student at a university who also works in a company and whose doctoral thesis is closely related to his or her work in the company. For the company, this does not mean any financial obligations to the university, but rather gives it a competitive advantage over its competitors. 

Tööstusdoktorantuur IT-teaduskonnas aitab ettevõttel eesmärke saavutada.

We are looking for internship and job offers, experts for lectures, seminars and workshops, and we offer the opportunity to participate as a guest lecturer in longer studies. Thematic proposals for bachelor's and master's theses and terms of reference for team projects are highly welcome. If you would like to discuss additional cooperation opportunities, please contact Engel-Mari Mölder, Cooperation Projects Coordinator at the School of IT (engelmari.molder@taltech.ee).

IT-teaduskond pakub ettevõtetele koostööks tudengiga erinevaid võimalusi.

One way of cooperation between a company and a university is to participate jointly in various procurements, including public procurements. This applies in particular to situations where the company needs additional competence to perform a certain part of the procurement. If it seems that the company does not have the necessary knowledge or competence and the work experience of the company's employees is not enough to participate in the procurement, it is possible to order part of the work from the university or participate in the procurement together.

Üks võimalusi ettevõtte ja ülikooli vaheliseks koostööks on osaleda ühiselt erinevatel hangetel, sh riigihangetel.

Researchers and professors at Tallinn University of Technology are world-class. You can put this knowledge to work for your company! TalTech has various laboratories and expertise with which we can help solve product development problems and generate new smart ideas. In addition, we have good cooperation with other leading Estonian and world universities and research institutions, which in turn allows us to involve additional knowledge for development and research.

 TalTechis on  erinevad laborid ja kompetents, mille abil saame aidata lahendada tootearendusprobleeme ning genereerida uusi tarku ideid.

Creating added value and competitive advantage is through knowledge and technology transfer. In cooperation, we improve the quality of existing technology or find a new application for it, and we contribute to the development of new knowledge or technology. The School of IT has extensive experience in applied research, product development, prototyping and validation. Development projects are financed by the company, if possible, support measures can be included. 

IT-teaduskonnal on laialdane kogemus rakendusuuringute, tootearenduse, prototüüpimise ja valideerimise vallas.

The Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Center AIRE has been established to increase the competitiveness of Estonian industrial enterprises. Here you will find inspiration as well as practical knowledge born in universities on how to test and implement artificial intelligence and robotics solutions. AIRE brings together industry, solution providers, universities and science parks, all committed to a common goal. AIRE stands for the development and innovation of all Estonian industry.

Tehisintellekti ja robootika keskus AIRE on loodud Eesti tööstusettevõtete konkurentsivõime tõstmiseks.

Read further

EIT Digital is based on a symbiosis of three areas: education, research and entrepreneurship. The aim of EIT Digital's investments is to accelerate the market penetration of the products of focus companies and the introduction of deep-tech technologies. Tallinn University of Technology has been a member of the organization since 2018, and we are establishing a satellite of the EIT Digital Helsinki Center in Tallinn. An important activity of the Tallinn satellite is the involvement of companies in the European innovation ecosystem, the support of start-ups and the acceleration of scale-ups, etc.

EIT Digitali investeeringute eesmärk on kiirendada fookusvaldkonna ettevõtete toodete turule jõudmist ning teadustulemustel põhinevate tehnoloogiate (deep tech) kasutusele võtmist.

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