Tallinn University of Technology

Seminar on Electrical Power Engineering and Mechatronics


The seminar on electrical power engineering and mechatronics will take place 4th February starting at 15:30 in lecture hall NRG-537 (Teams link below). A PhD thesis pre-defence is scheduled.

- Freddy Plaum, "Research and Development of Quantification Methods for Aggregated Energy Flexibility". Supervisors: Prof. Argo Rosin, Dr. Roya Ahmadiahangar.
- Guido Andreesen, "Development of Substations Risk-Based Asset Management Decision-Making Process in the Presence of Insufficient Information". Supervisors: Prof. Jako Kilter, Dr. Mart Landsberg, Dr. Madis Leinakse.
Join the meeting now
Meeting ID: 324 513 802 33
Passcode: 3UG7Px6J

Scientific Events


We inform you that registration is open for the Fifth Estonian DC Innovation Workshop.
It will be held in the TalTech NRG Building (room NRG-226), Ehitajate tee 5/10, Tallinn, Estonia. This edition will span over half a day on November 27, starting from 13:00. The technical program includes representatives of 8 countries who will deliver 17 presentations covering different topics of DC Technology. Presentations from the industry will dominate the technical program.
The fifth workshop is dedicated to "Boosting Energy Efficiency, Security & Resilience." This event aims to create an engaging atmosphere for exchanging ideas and provide a coherent multidisciplinary outlook on the future of energy efficiency and the advantages of adopting DC systems.

Event program: https://haldus.taltech.ee/sites/default/files/2024-10/Agenda-draft2.3-compact2.pdf
You can register for the event here: https://forms.gle/PLjfuwWY3oebD4KG7 (Deadline: 11.11.2024)

ResearchCOMP - The European Competence Framework for Researchers

PhD Seminar  17 October 2024 Room NRG-422 and Teams


14.00 - 14.05    Opening remarks.  Toomas Vaimann, Research Professor, PhD Programme Director, TalTech
14.05 – 15.05    European Union support activities for researchers- career and ResearchCOMP.  Siiri Kolka, Senior Adviser, Estonian Research Council
15.05 – 15.35    "Some like it hot" – a personal view on research career development.  Vladislav Ivaništšev, Research Fellow, University of Tartu
15.35 – 16.05    Navigating the academic career – emphasis on early career researchers.  Ilona Oja Açik, Tenured Full Professor, TalTech
16.05 – 16.20    Conclusions of the day. Toomas Vaimann, Research Professor, PhD Programme Director, TalTech

TalTech, Department of Electrical Power Engineering and Mechatronics
TalTech, Department of Materials and Environmental Technology

Contact: Tiina Loit-Oidsalu

Seminar on electrical power engineering and mechatronics will take place on 17th April starting at 13:00 in room NRG-537 (Teams link below). There will be a PhD thesis pre-defence.

Teamsi link
Meeting ID: 376 777 009 960
Passcode: SjyDtg


  • Kamran Daniel, "Load Current Harmonic Sensitivity of Energy Efficient Devices with AC/DC Power Converters". Supervisor: Prof. Lauri Kütt.

Designing high-power medium voltage conversion solutions is subject to many constraints and challenges, significantly different from many low-voltage applications. Nevertheless, design optimization can still yield high-efficiency designs combining readily available semiconductor devices and magnetic materials, supported by advanced control methods. The talk will discuss these challenges and provide illustrative examples from the past and ongoing research work conducted at the Power Electronics Laboratory at EPFL.   Read more

This is an interchapter event between the IEEE Estonian IES/PELS/IAS/PES Joint Chapter and the Swiss IEEE PELS Chapter.

Date and time: 6 March 2024, 10:00 a.m.
Location: Room NRG-422, NRG building of TalTech, Ehitajate tee 5/10, 19086 Tallinn, Estonia.

Seminar on electrical power engineering and mechatronics will take place on 8th February starting at 14:00 in room NRG-523 (Teams link below). There will be two PhD pre-defence presentations from the Mechatronics and Autonomous Systems Research Group.

Teamsi link

Meeting ID: 335 475 965 279
Passcode: mLXg5x


  • Saleh Ragheb Saleh Alsaleh, "Digital Twin Based Computational Methods for XR applications".
    Supervisors: Dr. Aleksei Tepljakov, Prof. Mart Tamre.
  • Even Sekhri, "Fully Automated Tuning of Microwave Coaxial Cavity Filter".
    Supervisors: Prof. Mart Tamre, Prof. Rajiv Kapoor (Delhi Technological University, India), Prof. Anton Rassõlkin.

All educators know that knowledge is key.
To elevate your skill level, it is crucial to understand the software you are working with. But what is included in your SOLIDWORKS packages?
How can learning material and tutorials make your day-to-day life easier? Join our seminar and learn all about it.

Expand your knowledge. Understand the possibilities with using SOLIDWORKS in your teaching by knowing:

  • What is included in the software packages  
  • How extensive learning resources can make your day-to-day teaching easier
  • The industry standard certificates and exams that prepare students for future challenges
  • The future with 3DEXPERIENCE EDU Platform
  • Why the user-friendly online platform increases collaboration among students

Date & Time:
Time: 10:00-12:00
Where: NRG-221 TalTech

NB! For registration just sent your confirmation via email to anastassia.aleksandrova@plmgroup.ee

Tallinn Urban Environment and Public Works Department is organizing together with Tallinn University of Technology (Taltech) a seminar on sustainable urban lighting with special focus on light pollution.

More information