Tallinn University of Technology

Scientific Events



The defence of Kamran Daniel doctoral thesis "Load Current Harmonic Sensitivity of AC/DC Power Converters of Energy Efficient Devices" (e.k. „Energiatõhusate seadmete vahelduv-alalisvoolumuundurite koormusvoolu harmoonikute tundlikkus“), supervisor Tenured Associate Professor Lauri Kütt, will take place on 15.08.2024 at 11 o’clock (Estonian time) in Tallinn, Ehitajate tee 5, NRG-131.
The defence can be observed from distance via Zoom.
- Iļja A. Galkins, PhD., Professor, Riga Technical University, Latvia;
- Dávid Raisz, PhD., Associate Professor Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary.
The dissertation is published on TalTech Bibliographical Database here: https://digikogu.taltech.ee/et/Item/6401470b-5c33-473d-b82c-5793dfb1c543
Link to Zoom meeting: https://zoom.us/j/7610262622?omn=97247904456

Scientific Events

The defence of Karolina Kudelina doctoral thesis "Artificial Intelligence Driven Approaches for Fault Prognostics of Electrical Machines Using Vibration Spectrum Analysis" (e.k. "Tehisintellektil põhinevad lähenemisviisid elektrimasinate rikete prognoosimiseks vibratsioonispektri analüüsi abil"), supervisor Leading Researcher Toomas Vaimann, co-supervisor researcher Hadi Ashraf Raja, will take place on 10.06.2024 at 11 o’clock (Estonian time) in Tallinn, Ehitajate tee 5, NRG-131.

The defence can be observed from distance via Zoom.
- Jose A. Antonino-Daviu, PhD., Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain, Department of Electrical Engineering, Professor;
-  Lucia Frosini, PhD., University of Pavia, Italy, Associate Professor.

The dissertation is published on TalTech Bibliographical Database here: https://digikogu.taltech.ee/et/Item/229f1bbb-6178-414a-9e2e-2c98a30a783c
Link to Zoom meeting: https://zoom.us/j/7610262622?omn=97516473175

The defence of Viktor Rjabtšikov doctoral thesis "Development Methodology for creating the Digital Twin for Propulsion Drive of an Electric Vehicle" (e.k. "Elektrisõiduki veoajami digitaalse kaksiku arendusmetoodika"), supervisor Tenured Associate Professor Anton Rassõlkin, will take place on 17.06.2024 at 11 o’clock (Estonian time) in Tallinn, Ehitajate tee 5, NRG-131.

The defence can be observed from distance via Zoom.
- Yujing Liu, PhD., Chalmers University of Technology Gothenburg, Sweden, Professor;
- Jari Vepsäläinen, PhD., Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland, Assistant Professor.
The dissertation is published on TalTech Bibliographical Database here: https://digikogu.taltech.ee/et/Item/6cbd2dba-76a5-4931-a9f3-53b9d4d87c1e
Link to Zoom meeting: https://zoom.us/j/7610262622?omn=98012057079

The defence of Even Sekhri doctoral thesis „Fully Automated Tuning of Microwave Coaxial Cavity Filters“, (e.k. „ Mikrolaine-koaksiaalfiltrite täisautomaatne häälestamine “), supervisors: Professor Emeritus Mart Tamre, Professor Rajiv Kapoor from Delhi Technological University and Associate Professor Anton Rassõlkin,  will take place on 30.05.2024 at 10 o’clock (Estonian time) in Tallinn, Ehitajate tee 5, NRG-131.

The defence can be observed from distance via Zoom.
- Pēteris Apse-Apsītis, PhD., Riga Technical University, Latvia, Institute of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Professor.
- Levon Gevorkov, PhD., Power Systems Group Catalonia Institute for Energy Research (IREC), Spain, Post-Doctoral Researcher.

The dissertation is published on TalTech Bibliographical Database here: https://digikogu.taltech.ee/et/Item/38784e65-568e-4dd9-aef9-bb5eec5a2a9c
Link to Zoom meeting: https://zoom.us/j/7610262622?omn=91621623693

The defence of Saleh Ragheb Saleh Alsaleh doctoral thesis "Digital Twin based Computational Methods for XR Applications", (e.k „Digitaalkaksikute põhised arvutuslikud meetodid XR rakenduste jaoks"), supervisor Senior Researcher, Aleksei Tepljakov, co-supervisor Professor Emeritus, Mart Tamre, will take place on 26.04.2024 at 13 o’clock (Estonian time) in Tallinn, Ehitajate tee 5, NRG-131.
- S. Hassan Hossein Nia, Ph.D., Associate Professor Mechatronic Systems Design, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands.
- Henri Pirkkalainen, Ph.D., Professor of Information and Knowledge Management Tampere University, Finland.

The dissertation is published on TalTech Bibliographical Database here: https://digikogu.taltech.ee/et/Item/557fefce-a06a-479b-bc30-70910085d23d
Link to Zoom meeting: https://zoom.us/j/7610262622?omn=93779807156

Seminar on electrical power engineering and mechatronics will take place on 17th April starting at 13:00 in room NRG-537 (Teams link below). There will be a PhD thesis pre-defence.

Teamsi link
Meeting ID: 376 777 009 960
Passcode: SjyDtg


  • Kamran Daniel, "Load Current Harmonic Sensitivity of Energy Efficient Devices with AC/DC Power Converters". Supervisor: Prof. Lauri Kütt.

Designing high-power medium voltage conversion solutions is subject to many constraints and challenges, significantly different from many low-voltage applications. Nevertheless, design optimization can still yield high-efficiency designs combining readily available semiconductor devices and magnetic materials, supported by advanced control methods. The talk will discuss these challenges and provide illustrative examples from the past and ongoing research work conducted at the Power Electronics Laboratory at EPFL.   Read more

This is an interchapter event between the IEEE Estonian IES/PELS/IAS/PES Joint Chapter and the Swiss IEEE PELS Chapter.

Date and time: 6 March 2024, 10:00 a.m.
Location: Room NRG-422, NRG building of TalTech, Ehitajate tee 5/10, 19086 Tallinn, Estonia.

Seminar on electrical power engineering and mechatronics will take place on 8th February starting at 14:00 in room NRG-523 (Teams link below). There will be two PhD pre-defence presentations from the Mechatronics and Autonomous Systems Research Group.

Teamsi link

Meeting ID: 335 475 965 279
Passcode: mLXg5x


  • Saleh Ragheb Saleh Alsaleh, "Digital Twin Based Computational Methods for XR applications".
    Supervisors: Dr. Aleksei Tepljakov, Prof. Mart Tamre.
  • Even Sekhri, "Fully Automated Tuning of Microwave Coaxial Cavity Filter".
    Supervisors: Prof. Mart Tamre, Prof. Rajiv Kapoor (Delhi Technological University, India), Prof. Anton Rassõlkin.

The defence of Vahur Maask doctoral thesis „Research and development of explicit demand flexibility management methods for ventilation systems“, (e.k. „Ventilatsioonisüsteemidele otsese energiapaindlikkuse juhtimismeetodite uurimine ja arendamine“), supervisor associate professor Argo Rosin, co-supervisor Senior Researcher Tarmo Korõtko, will take place on 18.12.2023 at 14 o’clock (Estonian time) in Tallinn, Ehitajate tee 5, NRG-422. The defence can be observed from distance via Zoom.


  • Ansis Avotiņš, PhD.,  Leading Researcher and Docent at Institute of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Electrical and Environmental Engineering, Riga Technical University, Latvia.
  • Rui Miguel Amaral Lopes, PhD., Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, NOVA School of Science and Technology, NOVA University Lisbon.

The dissertation is published on TalTech Bibliographical Database here: https://digikogu.taltech.ee/et/Item/0aa8feb6-5799-4f78-a035-a0f3d01f4127

Link to Zoom meeting: https://zoom.us/j/92643546359?pwd=S1k1TmwvN2JaWTlyQzYzMTd0UGpGdz09
Meeting ID: 926 4354 6359
Passcode: 030909

The defence of Jorge Luis Helguero Cruz doctoral thesis, “Contribution of Nano- and Microgrids to Topological Power Plants Regarding Voltage and Frequency Control”, (e.k. “Nano- ja mikrovõrkude mõju topoloogilistele elektrijaamadele pinge ja sageduse juhtimise kontekstis”), supervisor associate professor Argo Rosin, co-supervisor professor Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. Helmuth Biechl, Kempten University of Applied Sciences, will take place on Friday 01. December 2023 at 12:00 o’clock (Estonian time) in Tallinn, Ehitajate tee 5, NRG-422.
The defence can be observed from distance via Zoom.


  • Mehdi Savaghebi, Professor in Power Electronic-Enabled Power Systems, Department of Engineering Technology, Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Denmark.
  • Sami Repo, Professor of Smart Grids, Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Information Technology and Communication Sciences, Tampere University, Finland.

The dissertation is published on TalTech Bibliographical Database here: https://digikogu.taltech.ee/et/Item/ccf279f0-5c4e-4784-a6d7-a8c310ac489b

Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/94932768066?pwd=SGp4bm5FV3A4M1B3SDQ0bXcwU2p3dz09
Meeting ID: 949 3276 8066
Passcode: 856427

All educators know that knowledge is key.
To elevate your skill level, it is crucial to understand the software you are working with. But what is included in your SOLIDWORKS packages?
How can learning material and tutorials make your day-to-day life easier? Join our seminar and learn all about it.

Expand your knowledge. Understand the possibilities with using SOLIDWORKS in your teaching by knowing:

  • What is included in the software packages  
  • How extensive learning resources can make your day-to-day teaching easier
  • The industry standard certificates and exams that prepare students for future challenges
  • The future with 3DEXPERIENCE EDU Platform
  • Why the user-friendly online platform increases collaboration among students

Date & Time:
Date: 16.10.2023
Time: 10:00-12:00
Where: NRG-221 TalTech

NB! For registration just sent your confirmation via email to anastassia.aleksandrova@plmgroup.ee

Tallinn Urban Environment and Public Works Department is organizing together with Tallinn University of Technology (Taltech) a seminar on sustainable urban lighting with special focus on light pollution.

More information

The defence of Hadi Ashraf Raja doctoral thesis, „IoT Based Tools and Methods for Electrical Machine Diagnostics“, (e.k. „Asjade interneti põhised tööriistad ja meetodid elektrimasinate diagnostikaks“), supervisor Senior Researcher Toomas Vaimann and co-supervisor Researcher Bilal Asad, will take place on Monday 19.06.2023, at 13:00 o’clock (Estonian time), Tallinn, Ehitajate tee 5, room NRG-422.
The defence can be observed from distance via Zoom.


  • Roman Pechánek, Ph.D., Vice-Dean for Educational Activity, University of West Bohemia, Tšehhi.
  • Floran Martin, Ph.D., Staff Scientist, Aalto University, Soome.

The dissertation is published on TalTech Bibliographical Database here: https://digikogu.taltech.ee/et/Item/3015334f-c32b-43ae-ba2d-bfcda536aba5

Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/91842257432?pwd=S2tuVmhBZ21UQnJsWkY4VVJsRmU0dz09  
Meeting ID: 918 4225 7432
Passcode: 986067

The defence of Ekaterina Andriushchenko doctoral thesis, "Design Optimization Methods of Additively Manufactured Switched Reluctance Motor", (e.k. "Kihtlisandustehnoloogia abil toodetud samm-mootori optimeerimise meetodid"),  supervisor Professor Ants Kallaste and co-supervisor Senior Researcher Toomas Vaimann, will take place on Monday 12.06.2023, at 13:00 o’clock (Estonian time) via Zoom.


  • Jenni Pippuri-Mäkeläinen, PhD., Senior Scientist, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Finland.
  • Nick Simpson, PhD., Senior Lecturer, PhD., University of Bristol, UK.

The dissertation is published on TalTech Bibliographical Database here: https://digikogu.taltech.ee/et/Item/382b9eea-7bd1-4140-b124-9f0b580e81bc

Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/95940602175?pwd=T05YcCttMHRKK1o4bXdCZTVubER0QT09  
Meeting ID: 959 4060 2175
Passcode: 520688

The defence of Abualkasim Ahmed Ali Bakeer  doctoral thesis “Fault-tolerant Galvanically Isolated DC-DC Converters with Zero Redundancy”, (e.k. “Null-liiasusega veatolerantsed galvaanilise isolatsiooniga alalispingemuundurid”), supervisor Senior Researcher Andrii Chub and co-supervisor Lead Research Scientist Dmitri Vinnikov, will take place on Tuesday 13.06.2023, at 10:00 o’clock (Estonian time), Tallinn, Ehitajate tee 5, room NRG-226.
The defence can be observed from distance via Zoom.


  • José A. Cobos, Professor, PhD., Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain.
  • Sheldon Williamson, Professor, PhD., Ontario Tech University, Canada.

The dissertation is published on TalTech Bibliographical Database here: https://digikogu.taltech.ee/et/Item/a9433801-e32e-4f98-af87-454e414646f4

Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/92573583336?pwd=eVhmSXg1RXQyWWM3b09BalpyRWdKZz09  
Meeting ID: 925 7358 3336
Passcode: 404880

The defence of Vadim Sidorov doctoral thesis “Universal Galvanically Isolated DC-DC Converters with Topology Morphing Control”, (e.k. “Universaalsed topoloogiat muutva juhtimisega galvaaniliselt isoleeritud alalispingemuundurid”), supervisor Lead Research Scientist Dmitri Vinnikov and co-supervisor Senior Researcher Andrii Chub, will take place on Tuesday 13.06.2023, at 15:00 o’clock (Estonian time), Tallinn, Ehitajate tee 5, room NRG-226.
The defence can be observed from distance via Zoom.


  • Pavol Bauer, Professor, PhD., Delft University, The Netherlands.
  • Sheldon Williamson, Professor, PhD., Ontario Tech University, Canada.

The dissertation is published on TalTech Bibliographical Database here: https://digikogu.taltech.ee/et/Item/96dbe736-5976-431c-ae55-7fc2d4ead55e

Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/99692506139?pwd=QWh5eXNqQTR5emRRNDdnRnZaY1dLdz09  
Meeting ID: 996 9250 6139
Passcode: 972867

The defence of Marko Tealane doctoral thesis „Future Power System Out-of-Step Protection Concept Utilizing Synchronized Phasor Measurements“, (e.k.: „Tuleviku elektrisüsteemi faasimõõtmistel põhinev sünkronismikaotuskaitse kontseptsioon“), supervisor professor Jako Kilter and co-supervisor Mart Landsberg, PhD., will take place on Wednesday 19.04.2023, at 17:00 o’clock (Estonian time), NRG-422.
The defence can be observed from distance via Zoom.

Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/92676641647?pwd=VlNobjJuZkZsUGFaYVhmVmNlUUhnZz09  
Meeting ID: 926 7664 1647          Passcode: 446867

On April 6th (Thursday) at 12.00 there will be an informative webinar on goals and activities carried out within scope of NordForsk project
„Guidelines for Next Generation Buildings as Future Scalable Virtual Management of MicroGrids [Next-uGrid]“, organized by the Riga Technical University, Latvia.

You are welcomed to join the webinar. PhD students can use the webinar also as one of the extra-curricular activities in the subjects that need the collection of those.

Planned presentations:

  • 12.00-12.20 "Next-UGrid project and view of University Campus for Future grid interaction" (Armands Senfelds, Riga Technical University, Latvia)
  • 12.20-12.40 “Measures and Applications for Managing Electricity Demand in Estonia” (Tarmo Korõtko, TalTech)
  • 12.40-13.00 "An Overview of the Finnish Electricity Market" (Majid Hussain, LUT-University, Finland)
  • 13.00-13.20 "Cybersecurity and Data in energy systems" (Subham Sahoo, Aalborg University, Denmark)
  • 13.20-13.40 "Diagnostics and Predictive Maintenance of Rotor Bars and Bearings" (Hadi Ashraf Raja, TalTech)

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 954 5003 8877
Passcode: 991556