Table of Contents
The Sports Club offers very diverse sports opportunities in Tallinn. A large ball court hall can be used for training, competitions and other entertainment events. The two group training halls offer a wide range of dance, group and circuit training opportunities. Even the biggest gym enthusiasts will find training opportunities in the large gym. The small crossfit-style gym is primarily designed for circuit training. For those interested in racket sports, there are 2 badminton courts and 8 table tennis tables in the building.
In summer, it is possible to play on the beach volleyball courts next to the sports building. In addition, the sports club also manages outdoor tennis and basketball courts.
The mission of TalTech Sports Club is to be a reliable and customer-friendly partner for sports enthusiasts and sports organizations.
The vision of TalTech Sports Club is to be the most visited sports center in the capital, which is also a leader in the sports life of Tallinn University of Technology, offering high-quality and versatile sports opportunities.
- Basketball, volleyball, indoor hockey and roller skating can be practiced on the ball court.
- The ball field can be booked for various events.
- The hall is covered with 1750 m2 of parquet. The square can be divided into three by partition curtains.
- The large hall seats 1050 spectators.
The full size of the court is 31mx56m.The size of the 1/3 court is 15mx28m.

- The gym has aerobic machines (treadmills, ellipses, rowing ergometers, bicycles), free weights (dumbbells, bars), as well as machines for each muscle group.
- Gym equipment is suitable for the needs of both beginners and top athletes.
- The size of the gym room is 314 m2.
- People with special needs can use the Easy Stand Evolv Glider's active paraplegic stand.
- Children under the age of 8 are not allowed in the gym.
- 8-13 year olds are allowed to train only with an adult supervisor who guides the adolescent the entire training.
From the age of 14 can work out independently in the gym. Please also read the INTERNAL RULES!

- The circuit training rom is ideal for personal, circuit and general physical trainings.
- The size of the circuit training hall is 24x8m.
- The room can be booked for private trainings.
- There are free weights, cardio machines (spinning wheel, treadmill, rowing ergometer), ellipse, Bulgarian bags, TRX, Grosscore etc.

- You can perform various group trainings, dance trainings, performances etc.
- The size of the group training room is 14x15m.
- A group training room can be booked for trainings.
- There are mats, free weights (bars, dumbbells), step benches etc.
- You can perform various group trainings, dance trainings, acrobatics trainings etc.
- The size of the small hall is 23x7m.
- A small hall can be booked for trainings.
- There are free weights and mats.

- There are 8 table tennis tables.
- Tables can be booked for various events.
- It is necessary to have your own racket and ball, but in their absence it is possible to rent them.

- The sports club has two badminton courts.
- The field must be booked in advance to play.
- It is necessary to have your own racket and ball, but in their absence it is possible to rent them.

- The tennis court is located in the forest next to VI building of the TalTech main building.
- The square is covered with clay sand and can be used during snowless periods.
- You need to book the court in advance by writing to and must have your own racket and balls.
- The sports building has two beach volleyball courts, built in 2006.
- The courts are located next to the sports building and covered with sand and surrounded by a fence.
- You need to book the court in advance and have your own ball, but if necessary, the ball can also be rented.
- The basketball outdoors court is located in the forest next to the VI building of the TalTech main building.
- The court is asphalt paved and can be used during snowless periods.
- Use of the outdoor court is free for everyone and the rule "who arrives first can play" is applied.
- You need your own ball to play.