Tallinn University of Technology

Starting from 2023/2024 Academic year we initiated a pilot project, TalTech Mobility Ambassadors, in collaboration with the School of Engineering. Now we have ambassadors also from School of Business and Governance and School of Information Technologies. These students are available for contact during their exchange and even after, providing valuable insights and advice on studies abroad.

Meet them below!

Alisa in Portugal

Programme in TalTech: Business Information Technology (IABB)
Study level: Bachelor study, 3rd year
Host university: University of Aveiro, Portugal

My main motivation for studying abroad was to explore a new learning environment and make new connections that would help me thrive in our interconnected world. Experiences like these really contribute to my personal growth, which is why I believe that putting academic knowledge into real-life projects in an international setting is an invaluable addition to my Bachelor’s degree journey. Along with seeking a great study environment, I am excited to learn about Portugal - its culture and language. I genuinely believe that being exposed to different cultures and approaches will enhance my appeal on the job market to companies looking for candidates with international experience.

Courses that I'm taking:
Courses to be taken in AveiroCorresponding courses/modules at TalTech
Information and Organisational Security – 6 ECTSFundamentals of Information and Cyber Security
Artificial Intelligence – 6 ECTSAlgorithms and Data Structures
Linear Algebra and Analytical Geometry (A) – 6 ECTSLinear Algebra
Portuguese as Foreign Language (A1) – 6 ECTSFree Choice Module

Denys in Croatia

Programme in TalTech: Integrated Engineering (MVEB)
Study level: Bachelor study, 3rd year
Host university: University of Zagreb

I chose to study abroad not only to continue my studies but also for the personal growth that comes from immersing myself in a new environment. One of the most exciting aspects is the chance to dive into a different culture, as experiencing it firsthand is a big part of what studying abroad is all about. It’s an opportunity to broaden my horizons and create unforgettable memories while ticking off bucket-list destinations both within and outside the country.

More than that, living abroad is a transformative experience. It teaches adaptability, independence, and resilience. Navigating life in a new culture pushes me out of my comfort zone, helping me discover my true capabilities and limitations. This is a chance to learn not only about the world but also about myself—what I value, my goals, and how I want to navigate my future. It may sound cliché, but studying abroad is truly about self-discovery.

Courses that I'm taking:
Courses to be taken in ZagrebCorresponding courses/modules at TalTech
Aerial Robotics – 5 ECTSRobotics
Robot Programming and Simulation – 5 ECTSMachine Learning
Machine Learning 1 – 5 ECTSFree Choice Module

ADVICE: If you are considering doing an exchange semester, it is crucial to research the country, city and university! Look into the academic programs, public transportation, costs, and student life in your chosen destination to ensure you have a great experience abroad. I highly recommend connecting with students who have previously studied at your destination to gather tips and insights. If you don’t have anyone to consult, consider checking the local ESN (Erasmus Student Network) section and contacting them for advice! 

Helerin in the Netherlands

Programme in TalTech: Management and Marketing (TVTM)
Study level: Master study, 2nd year
Host university: University of Twente, Netherlands

Choosing to study abroad was all about seeking new experiences. I wanted to step out of my comfort zone, explore a different academic environment, and immerse myself in new cultures while gaining a whole new level of independence. Now, just over a month into my exchange at the University of Twente in the Netherlands, I’ve already met incredible people and learned so much along the way!

Courses that I'm taking:
Courses to be taken in TwenteCorresponding courses/modules at TalTech
Business Valuation and Corporate Governance – 5 ECTSStrateegiline juhtimine
Change Management and Consultancy in a Global Context – 5 ECTS
Management and Governance of Innovation and Creativity – 5 ECTSInnovatsioon ja uute tehnoloogiate juhtumiuuringud
Global Talent Management – 5 ECTSVabaõppe moodul

ADVICE: I contemplated during the application period, whether it would be the 'perfect time' for me to study abroad. If you’re considering new challenges that excite you — whether it’s studying abroad, joining a student organization, or applying for that dream internship for example — don’t wait around for the magical ’perfect time’ to arrive. Take action, be bold, and go after your goals, no matter how big or small. 

Joonas in Finland

Programme in TalTech: Technology of Wood, Plastic and Textiles (KVEM)
Study level: Master study, 2nd year
Host university: Aalto University, Finland

There were several reasons to why I went to study abroad. Since I had previously not studied abroad but from all the people who had been studying abroad had mostly positive things to say. Because of that it seemed like a good idea to study abroad. I am half Finnish; I can speak Finnish but cannot write well. To improve my Finnish, I chose to come to Finland to study. I have lived and studied all my life in Estonia. I wanted a change of scenery and to see how things work outside of Estonia.

Courses that I'm taking:
Courses to be taken in AaltoCorresponding courses/modules at TalTech
Forests, Wood and Carbon – 5 ECTSProject 3
Plant Resources – 5 ECTSFree Choice Module
Fiber Processes – 5 ECTS 
Coatings – 5 ECTS 
Recycling Technologies D – 5 ECTS 
Final Project – 10 ECTS 
Communication Skills D – 5 ECTS 
Survival Finnish Online – 1 ECTS 

ADVICE: I highly recommend saving some money before going to study abroad. The Erasmus stipend helps a lot, but it is not enough to get by. Also, I recommend to just fill out an application for the exchange studies. There is always a possibility to say no but if you miss the deadline for applying you lose the chance to study abroad for a certain period of time.

Kaspar in Czechia

Programme in TalTech: Informatics (IAIB)
Study level: Bachelor study, 3rd year
Host university: Czech Technical University in Prague

I went on an exchange program to learn how to handle new challenges in a foreign environment. I expected to meet people from all corners of the world, which would broaden my perspective not only on education but also on life itself. Additionally, I wanted to gain international learning experience and see what studying in another country is like.

Courses that I'm taking:
Courses to be taken in CTUCorresponding courses/modules at TalTech
Algorithms and Graphs 1 – 5 ECTSAlgoritmid ja andmestruktuurid
Introduction to DevOps – 5 ECTSValikaine
Computer Units – 5 ECTSArvutid
Object-Oriented Programming – 5 ECTSVabaõpe
Probability and Statistics – 5 ECTSTõenäosusteooria ja matemaatiline statistika
Introduction to Cybersecurity – 5 ECTSKüberturbe alused

ADVICE: I definitely recommend taking more courses than the minimum requires. Curriculums in the universities differ and some courses require basic knowledge from previous classes, which may make passing the course more challenging. This way, you can choose which courses are more suitable and manageable. 

Lisa-Marie in Denmark

Programme in TalTech: Design and Technology Futures (MADM)
Study level: Master study, 2nd year
Host university: Technical University of Denmark

I have always loved travelling, experiencing different cultures, and meeting new people. Erasmus is a great opportunity to broaden your horizons and get to know yourself better—only outside of your comfort zone can you truly grow.

Courses that I'm taking:
Courses to be taken in DTUCorresponding courses/modules at TalTech
Technology Entrepreneurship – 5 ECTSVenture Creation
Development and operation of product/service-systems – 10 ECTSDesign Studio 3: System
Project Management – 5 ECTSFree Choice Module
The Practice of Consulting – 5 ECTS 

ADVICE: During study abroad, you often learn as much outside the classroom as inside; be bold and take advantage of all the opportunities! 

Maris in Czechia

Programme in TalTech: Environmental, Energy and Chemical Technology (EACB)
Study level: Bachelor study, 3rd year
Host university: University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague

I really like studying at TalTech, but at one point it felt like I had done everything, and Estonia just got too small for me. The idea of studying abroad and starting a new life there with a blank slate sounded exciting so I applied for an exchange semester abroad. I hope to come back with lots of new experiences and a different outlook on life both in my personal and professional life. For my exchange I chose Prague for its rich culture, sublime location and good quality of education that fits my study programme.

Courses that I'm taking:
Courses to be taken in PragueCorresponding courses/modules at TalTech
Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering II – 6 ECTSSeparatsiooniprotsessid
Computer Practice – 3 ECTSIT alused I
Climate Change – 3 ECTSEnergiatõhusus ja sisekliima hoonete planeerimisel
Alternative Energy Resource – 3 ECTS
Design and Brand Management – 3 ECTSEttevõtlus alused
Introduction to Study of Materials – 3 ECTS 

ADVICE: Choose a country that really interests you even if it sounds like it will be difficult, it will be worth it in the end. It's your life, you can make decisions by yourself and don't let anyone dictate them for you. If you don't do it today, then tomorrow you will wish you did it yesterday. 

Martti in Portugal

Programme in TalTech: Business (TABB)
Study level: Bachelor study, 2nd year
Host university: University Institute of Lisbon, Portugal

Since I first started thinking about studying abroad, the question "whether?" has never crossed my mind – it was always "when?". It seems to me that in Estonia, we don't value an opportunity like this enough. A student's task is simply to go, be there, learn, experience, see the world, and on top of everything, to receive a scholarship. It's an ideal opportunity to see different places, meet people from other cultures, and sometimes realize that things in Estonia are actually pretty great (especially in the digital sphere). I don't want this to sound like some cheesy sales pitch, so I'll just say – go and try it out. There's no other way to get such an experience. Studying abroad gifted me friends from every corner of the world: from Brazil to Liechtenstein. It's definitely a cliché, but at the same time, truly the best experience of my life.

Courses that I'm taking:
Courses to be taken in LisbonCorresponding courses/modules at TalTech
Environmental and Natural Resource Economics – 6 ECTSKeskkonna ja säästva arengu ökonoomika
International Marketing – 6 ECTSTurunduse juhtimine
Organizational Models – 6 ECTSEriõppe valikaineid
Strategic Management – 6 ECTS 

ADVICE: When applying, I have one very simple piece of advice: be patient. Southern European countries are often quite slow with their bureaucracy, but the outcome is worth it! Don't give up. You'll probably need to sign about 28 different papers and send various confirmation letters to one university or the other, but finally arriving makes it all even sweeter. Occasionally, you'll have to encounter situations that seem absurd to someone from Estonia – for example, I once waited five hours (from 4am to 9am) outside the national finance office just to get a local ID number. In Estonia, this would be unthinkable, but it's all part of the experience! 

Ricarda in Singapore

Programme in TalTech: Technology Governance and Sustainability (HAGM)
Study level: Master study, 2nd year
Host university: National University of Singapore

I chose to do an exchange semester because I really wanted to experience Singapore's success story as one of the most innovative countries in the world and its remarkable transformation from a low-income nation to one of the wealthiest. I am particularly fascinated by the city-state's forward-thinking approach to smart city initiatives, which aligns perfectly with my academic and professional interests, and I plan to continue exploring these innovations in my future work and studies. Before making my choice, I had heard that Singapore is a futuristic, smart, and also very green city, and I hoped to bring this spirit back to Europe. By embracing the future-oriented thinking that Singapore exemplifies, I aim to inspire my peers and future employers in Europe to adopt similar innovative and sustainable practices. To gain deeper insight into non-Western perspectives, particularly in Asia, given its economic success over the last few decades, choosing to spend one semester at the best university in the region—NUS—was a natural choice.

Courses that I'm taking:
Courses to be taken in SingaporeCorresponding courses/modules at TalTech
Cities in Transition – 6 ECTSInternship and Consultation Lab
The Evolution of a Global City – 6 ECTSFree Choice Module
Japan: The Green Nation? – 6 ECTS 
Chinese 1 – 6 ECTS 
Principles of Communication Management – 6 ECTS 

ADVICE: I would advise everyone not to pick the closest destination when considering going on exchange. This gives you the opportunity to fully delve into a different world for a limited time, challenges your beliefs, and helps you develop your intercultural skills, which every future employer will highly appreciate. 

Ambassadors in 2023/2024

When we first launched the TalTech Mobility Ambassadors pilot project in collaboration with the School of Engineering, we had four students who were willing to take up this new opportunity. These students were available for others to contact, to ask for more information, and learn about the courses they took and how they aligned those with their TalTech curriculum.

Meet our very first Mobility Ambassadors below! You will also find their testimonials with some useful tips.


Programme in TalTech: Integrated Engineering (MVEB), 3rd year
Host university: Technical University of Denmark
Duration: Autumn semester 2023

Subjects that I took:

Courses to be taken at DTUCorresponding courses/modules at TalTech
Robotics - 5 ECTSRobotics
Intro to Programmable Logic Controllers - 5 ECTSModule "Technology and its applications"
Digital Trends for Entrepreneurs - 5 ECTSModule "Energy and its applications"
Energy Storage and Conversion - 5 ECTSHydraulics and Pneumatics
Thermodynamics and Mechanics for electrical engineers - 5 ECTSThermal Engineering
Innovation Pilot - 10 ECTSCourse Project


I choose Technical University of Denmark (DTU) as my Erasmus exchange destination. Why? DTU’s reputation is stellar of academic excellence and vibrant student life. For me, my main expectation for my Erasmus was to be more academically challenged and to experience a bigger and more active student life in a larger university. Now that my exchange is over, I say with certainty that I surpassed my initial expectation. Along the way, I made lifelong memories in one of the most beautiful cities in Europe, made new friends and travelled a lot. Biking around the city, studying with friends for the final semester exams and incredible parties are some of the amazing experiences I had.

If you are interested in doing a semester abroad, I would strongly recommend you to do your research! Make a budget beforehand and be fully aware of all the possible expenses, it’s not a secret that some destinations will be pricier. Be conscious of what you are expecting from your exchange (travel, learn a new culture or language, be more academically challenged etc.) and based on these, choose your destination. I can assure you that if done correctly, you will enjoy your exchange to the fullest from the first second without having to worry about anything else! 


Programme in TalTech: Integrated Engineering (MVEB), 3rd year
Host university: Czech Technical University in Prague
Duration: Autumn semester 2023

Subjects that I took:

Courses to be taken at CTUCorresponding courses/modules at TalTech
Probability and Statistics – 4 ECTSProbability Theory and Mathematical Statistics
Thermomechanics – 2 ECTSThermal Energy
Environmental Engineering – 4 ECTSThermal Energy
Electrical Measurements and Instrumentation - 5 ECTSElectronics
Fundamentals of Energy Conversions - 1 ECTSElectronics
Industrial Automation - 4 ECTSRobotics
Practical Software Tools - 3 ECTSRobotics


I completed one semester of exchange studies in CTU (Czech Technical University in Prague). Throughout my exchange experience, I thoroughly enjoyed every aspect of it. With this testimonial I hope to give some insights and things to keep in mind if you ever decide to go to CTU as an exchange student, to ensure that your exchange experience is as lovely as mine was.

UNIVERSITY: Let’s talk about the most important thing first, the university. The main buildings of CTU are located quite close to the city center. It is good because if you ever have some business in the city center you can quickly reach there and go back to uni in no time. The university consists of several buildings, and you might have classes in several of them. There are 9 departments from which you can choose classes from, however 50% of them should be from the faculty that you are assigned to. My advice is to not to limit yourself to your faculty specific classes and try to take some fun classes from other departments. However, it's worth noting that one department, Biomedical Engineering, is located out of Prague, around 1.5 hours away, so be mindful.

Classes are 90 minutes long. I would say that the structure of the subjects and the university overall is quite similar to that of TalTech. The difficulties of the classes will depend on the level you choose and your background. If you are a bachelor’s student, you cannot choose Master level courses. The professors are nice, and they might go easy on you if you are an exchange student. In case of some problems regarding classes or organization of studies do not hesitate to contact your student counsellors, they are very helpful.

The university has a big, nice library, nonetheless each department building has its own study rooms, so you won’t have troubles trying to find a nice place to study. There are several cafeterias around the university, which also offer student discounts and they are very affordable. To get those discounts you need to have a student card, an ISIC (International Student Identity Card). I highly recommend getting one, it will make your life easier, and cheaper ;)

From cons, you might find that some buildings have an older resemblance but that is just a preference. Some people may like it. Other than that, English might be an obstacle here and there. Generally, professors have good command of English, however, there are instances where the language becomes a problem. Nonetheless, this did not have a big effect on my experience.

ACCOMODATION: I would definitely recommend living in the dorms. CTU has several dorms, some close to uni, some not so close. Apply early, and if you are not happy with the dorm you were assigned to, changes are possible, but not guaranteed. The rooms are typically shared between 2 people. I know, this might be a bit sacrificial for your private space, but you will find yourself surrounded with people just like you, and I can guarantee that you will find a lot of friends and build your own community while abroad. After all, that is one of the reasons why we go there, right? The price for a bed in the dorms might vary from 150-250 euros. Keep in mind that Czech Republic has its own currency (CZK). However, if a dorm is not an option for you, you can try flat sharing, or else, just renting the whole apartment for yourself. While flat sharing the rent will range from 500-700euros. If you decide to rent your own apartment the price may exceed 1000 euros, especially in the city center.

TRANSPORT: Transport in Prague works great. You have buses, trams, and metro. The best thing is, they also have nice railway connections outside of Prague, so you can travel in a very affordable way, I would definitely recommend taking advantage of this. With your student status you can get A LOT of discounts, transport is one of them. The infamous FlixBus also offers great discounts for travels inside of the country. Czechia is beautiful, to say the least, make sure to explore it.

STUDENT LIFE: There is an international student club in CTU, which is the same as ESN. They organize events, trips, and fun activities. Follow them on their social
media to not miss out on those. I made a lot of friends during activities organized by this organization. Other than the student club, there are other Erasmus communities which you can join. You can find them on Facebook or Instagram and choose which one suits your fancy. If you don’t want to join any specific clubs or follow organizations, you can easily explore the city and the country on your own. There are many interesting museums, libraries, landmarks, pubs and clubs for social engagements, and Prague is considered generally safe.

In the end, should you choose Prague as your Erasmus destination and have some questions, do not hesitate to contact me.


Programme in TalTech: Integrated Engineering (MVEB), 2nd year
Host university: Polytechnic University of Turin
Duration: Autumn semester 2023

Subjects that I took:

Courses to be taken at TurinCorresponding courses/modules at TalTech
Electromagnetism and Circuit Theory – 12 ECTSRobotics
Electronic Systems, Technologies and Measurements – 8 ECTSElectronics
Lingua italiana I livello - 6 ECTSFree Choice Module
Mathematical Analysis II – 10 ECTSMachine Automation
 Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics


I spent 5 months near the alps in Turin, Italy. I truly enjoyed being in a gorgeous city full of history and amazing architecture; I submerged in Italian culture, eating the best food and adopting the local way of life. I got to meet lots of new people, mostly other exchange students, and make lasting friendships and tons of memories. 

Turin is nicely located travel-wise: there are plenty of trains going to all the Italian cities, as well as connections to France, Switzerland, Germany and more. I was able to visit the lakes, see Genoa, Milan, Naples, the seaside on the border of France, and much more. Inside the city there is so much to see and do as well, with different museums, almost daily events, and lovely nightlife. 

But although I loved my experience, it was no bed of roses. 

Accommodation situation is very rough. There is no student housing, and the free market has a wild competition even among the local full-time students, leave alone the Erasmus people coming for only 6 months. Start your search as early as possible and be the first one to any ad; also watch out for scammers!

Regrettably, the university didn't quite meet my expectations. The classes were very dry-theoretical, no labs or practices whatsoever. The whole grade for any subject was based on the final exam only, and the pass rates for the said exams were really low. The local students have a chance to retake the exams up to 6 times, but when you are on exchange, you simply don’t have the time for that. The level of support and administration was quite low as well. 

Some useful tips: 

  • Learn basic Italian beforehand! People are very nice and helpful even if you’re just trying your best, and speaking Italian makes any market or little store visit so much easier. 
  • Buy food in the markets. Although there are lots of regular supermarkets like the ones we’re used to, the prices there are much higher than at a local market, and the selection is not as good. Every district has its own market or even a few
  • PoliTo might seem very crowded, but you are free to use all the facilities (libraries, study rooms) of other universities. An app called Affluences helps to book a spot even on your personal email address.


Programme in TalTech: Architecture (EAUI), 4th year
Host university: Sapienza University
Duration: Autumn semester 2023

Subjects that I took:

Courses to be taken at SapienzaCorresponding courses/modules at TalTech
Structural Engineering of Ancient and Modern Buildings – 8 ECTSTugevusõpetuse alused
Theories of the Contemporary Research in Architecture – 8 ECTSKaasaegse arhitektuuri- ja linnaplaneerimise teooriad
Architectural Design Studio for Urban Regeneration – 12 ECTSWorkshop III


An exchange semester in Rome as an architecture student was very eye-opening and rewarding. I chose Rome as the destination primarily because of the subjects offered at Sapienza University and of course the city’s rich architecture and history.

Attending Sapienza University taught me how to approach the design process from a different angle. The focus on conceptuality was different from what I am used to. Plus, working with students from different countries offered valuable insights into the architectural practices and professional landscape of each country.

Living in a new city was a great opportunity for gaining independence. Adjusting to life in Rome made me more self-reliant and confident in my abilities to navigate new places.

What really stuck with me was how Italians approach their work-life balance. Italians truly value their friends, family and food. After the work day was over the tables at restaurants started filling with people, chatting and enjoying meals. 

Despite never having visited Rome before, it quickly came to feel like home. The architecture, lively streets and friendly people make it unforgettable.

Interested in becoming an ambassador?

Looking ahead, we aspire to expand our ambassador project to include representatives from all schools within TalTech. Are you currently in process of applying for exchange studies abroad or considering it for the future? If you have any interest in becoming an ambassador yourself, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.