Tallinn University of Technology

What is the Student Parliament?


The Student Parliament is the highest decision-making body of the TalTech Student Union – our very own student parliament. If the TalTech student body were the Estonian people, the Student Parliament would be its parliament.
The Student Parliament meets regularly once a month. In addition, each member of the Student Parliament chooses one of the two committees to work with: the Academic Committee and the Student Life Committee.
The Student Parliament has 15 members, with at least one representative from each faculty. The remaining seats are distributed based on the number of students in each faculty.

Student Parliament members:

  • Elect the Student Union Board.
  • Approve the Student Union budget and action plan.
  • Discuss and decide on matters that affect student life.
  • Represent the interests of all TalTech students.


  • Valuable experience in the functioning of an organization and democracy;
  • ️Be involved in various field trips and motivational events; 
  • Develop self-expression and public speaking skills; 
  • A wide network of representatives from different fields; 
  • ️Be a voice for TalTech students. 

Information evening

Esinduskogu infoõhtu

On February 11th at 6:00 PM, we are waiting for you in rooms U01-227 and U01-228, where you will find out what it means to be a member of the Student Parliament.

This is a great opportunity to:

  • Learn more about what it means to be a member.
  • Ask questions and speak directly with current members.
  • Witness a Student Parliament meeting in action.

Bring a friend – this is an experience not to be missed! The evening ends with delicious pizza! 

More information about the event!

Student experience

"Being in the Student Parliament encouraged me to ask more questions when I didn’t understand something. Before, I didn’t feel confident enough to ask questions in lectures or conferences. Now, I’m much braver and use this to gain knowledge." 
– Diana Maslova, Parliament Member 2022-2023 

"What motivated me to join was mainly to improve myself on a communication level. Plus, I knew I’d meet great people and gain a better understanding of university processes." 
– Kristiina Tammik, Parliament Member 2023-2024


More information!

If you have any questions write to the Coordinator of the Student Parliament: karoliine.orav@tipikas.ee 

If you want more information about the work the Student Parliament does or about the members of the Student Parliament 2024/2025 then check out the Student Parliament website.

Student Parliament website!