Tallinn University of Technology


Research areas

  • built environment, urban and regional planning;
  • community development, economic revitalization, reuse and restoration, urban and rural settlement assessment;
  • heritage conservation in urban planning and historical landscapes and parks;
  • revitalization of brownfield’s;
  • examination of historical buildings;
  • construction materials, indoor climate, aspects of building physics and energy efficiency;
  • possibilities to produce  recycled aggregate concrete
  • cyber-physical systems for buildings and urban and regional planning.



Brownfields, town planning, shrinking cities, indoor climate, building materials, history of wooden architecture


Head of the resereach group

Associate professor Aime Ruus, e-mail aime.ruus@taltech.ee 



VFP21013 "eMOTIONAL Cities (1.03.2021−28.02.2025)"

MOBJD633 "Factors Influencing the Implementation of Age-Friendly Communities in Estonia. Applications in Urban Planning and Public Administration. (1.01.2021−31.12.2022)"

LETAE20061 "Valuable settlement structures in Valga municipality: determining milieu areas and the conditions for their use and protection (1.05.2020−1.05.2021)"

LEP19082 "Termbase of spatial planning (30.10.2019−11.01.2021)"

VEU19008 "CA17136 - INDoor AIR POLLution NETwork (2018−2022)", A.Ruus, leader of subgroup WG4f Sampling and instrumentation for monitoring surface transformations of indoor air pollutants

Selected publications from 2020

Nutt, N.; Kubjas, A.; Kaplinski-Sauk, M. (2020). Eesti ajalooliste mõisaparkide ja metsade puistu liigilise koosseisu võrdluse meetod. Agraarteadus, 31 (1). DOI: 10.15159/jas.20.01.

Nutt, N.; Kubjas, A. (2020). Moisture Buffer Value of Composite Material Made of Clay-Sand Plaster and Wastepaper. Journal of Sustainable Architecture and Civil Engineering, 27 (2), 108−115. DOI: 10.5755/j01.sace.27.2.25391.

Nutt, N.; Kubjas, A., Nei, L. (2020). Adding waste paper to clay plaster to raise its ability to buffer moisture. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, 69 (3), 179−185. DOI: 10.3176/proc.2020.3.01.

Nutt, N.; Kubjas, A.; Nei, L.; Ruus, A. (2020). The Effects of Natural Paints on the Moisture Buffering Ability of Paper Plaster. Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, 57 (5), 51−60. DOI: 10.2478/lpts-2020-0027.

Nutt, N.; Kubjas, A. (2020). Suitability of the Weber-Gut risk assessment methodology used in Central Europe for determining invasive woody plant species in Estonian historical parks. Forestry Studies / Metsanduslikud Uurimused, 72 (1), 21−33. DOI: 10.2478/fsmu-2020-0003.

Nutt, N.; Kubjas, A. (2020). The model of trees for the restoration of historical manor parks in Estonia. Landscape Architecture and Art, 16 [ilmumas].

Soolepp, M.; Ruus, A.; Nutt, N.; Raamets, J.; Kubjas, A. (2020). Hygrothermal performance of paper plaster: influence of different types of paper and production methods on moisture buffering. In: E3S Web of Conferences: 12th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics (NSB 2020 (#14010). NSB2020 - 12TH NORDIC SYMPOSIUM ON BUILDING PHYSICS, 6-9 Sept Tallinn. EDP Sciences. DOI: 10.1051/e3sconf/202017214010.

Oras, Sven; Vlassov, Sergei; Vigonski, Simon; Polyakov, Boris; Antsov, Mikk; Zadin, Vahur; Lõhmus, Rünno; Mougin, Karine (2020). The effect of heat treatment on the morphology and mobility of Au nanoparticles. Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology, 11, 61−67. DOI: 10.3762/bjnano.11.6.

Raamets, J.; Ruus, A.; Ivask, M.; Nei, L.; Muoni, K. (2020). Siseõhu kvaliteet põhu- ja pilliroopakkidest seintega elumajades [Indoor air quality in residential buildings with straw- and reed-bale walls]. Agraarteadus, XXXI (1), 84−95. DOI: 10.15159/jas.20.05.

Keskküla, Kadri; Aru, Tambet; Kiviste, Mihkel; Miljan, Martti-Jaan (2020). Hygrothermal Analysis of Masonry Wall with Reed Boards as Interior Insulation System. Energies, 13 (20). DOI: 10.3390/en13205252.

Salmistu, S.; Kotval-K, Z.; Kotval, Z. (2020). The Use of Contemporary Planning Labels in Professional Practice – A Michigan Example. Planning Practice and Research. DOI: 10.1080/02697459.2020.1746038.

Sustainable Technology Research Group

Research areas

  • The studies of energy and material flow, LCA, efficient use of resources based on the concept of the circular economy
  • Competent in the development and implementation of waste recycling technologies. (drug residues in sewage sludge and their degradation efficiency)
  • Development of methodologies for assessing the status of the environment, we use soil microbiological parameters and soil invertebrates’ parameters as bioindicators


Industrial ecology, environmental technology, ecosystem services, environmental microbiology and chemistry, circular economy

Head of the research group

Professor Lembit Nei, lembit.nei@taltech.ee


Selected publications from 2020

Raamets, J.; Ruus, A.; Ivask, M.; Nei, L.; Muoni, K. (2020). Siseõhu kvaliteet põhu- ja pilliroopakkidest seintega elumajades. Agraarteadus, XXXI (1), 84−95. (ETIS 1.1)

Raamets, J.; Ruus, A.; Ivask, M.; Nei, L. (2020). Air quality microbiological studies in straw bale and reed houses. European Biotechnology Congress 2020. Journal of Biotechnology [forthcoming] (ETIS 5.1)

Nei, L.; Haiba, E.; Lillenberg, M. (2020). Minireview: Pharmaceuticals in sewage sludge and their degradation during composting – recent studies in Estonia. Agraarteadus, 31 (1), 47−52 (ETIS 1.1)

Henning, H. E.; Putna-Nīmane, I.; Kalinowski, R.; Perkola, N.; Bogusz, A.; Kublina, A.; Haiba, E.; Bārda, I.; Karkovska, I.; Schütz, J.; Mehtonen, J.; Siimes, K.; Nyhlén, K.; Dzintare, L.; Äystö, L.; Siņics, L.; Laht, M.; Lehtonen, M.; Stapf, M.; Stridh, P.; Leisk, Ü. (2020). Pharmaceuticals in the Baltic Sea Region – emissions, consumption and environmental risks. 2020:28, 1−345. (ETIS 2.5)

Nyhlén, K.; Spjuth, S.; Jakobsson, T.; Äystö, L.; Mehtonen, J.; Lehtinen, T.; Bregendahl, J.; Leisk, U.; Haiba, E.; Schüt, J.; Stapf, M.; Kublina, A.; Szumska, M.; Bogusz, A.; Kalinowski, R. (2020). Recommendations for efficient dissemination of environmental information regarding pharmaceuticals. 2020:27, 1−29. (ETIS 2.5)

Nei, L.; Haiba, E.; Nei, S. V. (2020). On the degradation of some widely used pharmaceuticals during sewage sludge composting. Journal of Biotechnology: European Biotechnology Congress 2020. Journal of Biotechnology [forthcoming]. (ETIS 5.1)

Nei, L.; Haiba, E.; Nei, S. V. (2020). Biodegradability studies of some widely used pharmaceutical during sewage sludge composting. SETAC Abstract Book: SETAC Europe annual meeting in Dublin, Ireland (3-7 May 2020). Dublin: SETAC. (ETIS 5.2)

Nutt, N.; Kubjas, A., Nei, L. (2020). Adding waste paper to clay plaster to raise its ability to buffer moisture. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, 69 (3), 179−185. (ETIS 1.1)

Eklund, J.; Nei, L. (2020). Richard Compton: Thought Leader, Educator and Bon Viveur. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 872 (Article 114279), 1−3. (ETIS 1.1)

Nutt, N.; Kubjas, A.; Nei, L.; Ruus, A. (2020). The Effects of Natural Paints on the Moisture Buffering Ability of Paper Plaster. Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences, 57 (5), 51−60. (ETIS 1.1)

Ivask M., Kiiker R., Loit K., Põldmets M., Raamets J., Shanskiy M. 2020. Vihmaussikoosluste struktuur ja mulla mikroobikoosluse aktiivsus suvinisu mahe- ja tavatootmispõldudel. Agronoomia 2020, lk.18 – 24 (ETIS 3.5)

Ivask M. 2020. Ökoloogilise tasakaalu vähetuntud kindlustajad. Sinu Mets 2, 22-23 (ETIS 6.3)

Soolepp, M.; Ruus, A.; Nutt, N.; Raamets, J.; Kubjas, A. (2020). Hygrothermal performance of paper plaster: influence of different types of paper and production methods on moisture buffering. In: E3S Web of Conferences: 12th Nordic Symposium on Building Physics (NSB 2020 (#14010). NSB2020 - 12TH NORDIC SYMPOSIUM ON BUILDING PHYSICS, 6-9 Sept Tallinn. EDP Sciences. (ETIS 3.1)

Abstract photo of a geometric lights


Our publications in Estonian Research Information System

Defended thesis in last years

Jane Raamets, 2020, (sup) Aime Ruus; Mari Ivask; Lembit Nei, Indoor air microbiological quality in reed-bale and straw-bale houses in Estonia 

Jiri Tintera, 2019, (sup) Aime Ruus; Zenia Kotval, Urban Regeneration Strategies for Shrinking Post-Soviet European Communities: A Case Study of Valga, Estonia 

Jüri Järvis, 2018, (sup) Mari Ivask; Lembit Nei, Novel Technology for Utilization of Solid Organic Waste in Recultivation of Abandoned Mining Areas 

Egge Haiba, 2017, (sup) Lembit Nei; Merike Lillenberg, Optimization of sewage sludge composting: problems and solutions

Nele Nutt, 2017, (sup) Zenia Kotval, The Restoration of Nationally Protected Estonian Manor Parks in the Light of the Florence Charter 

Our foreign partners

  • Michigan State University, USA
  • University of South Florida St Petersburg, USA
  • Sumy State University, Ukraine
  • Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences, Finland
  • Swedish University of Agriculture 
  • Latvian Agricultural University
  • K.H.Kempen University College, Belgium
  • Universidade Tecnica Lisboa, Portugal
  • Wageningen Agricultural University, Holland
  • Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Faculty of Environmental Sciences
  • Institute of Zoology, National Academy of Sciences, Belarus
  • Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Germany
  • Humboldt University in Berlin, Germany
  • University of Hohenheim, Germany
  • University of Hannover, Germany
  • Exeter University, Camborne School of Mines, UK
  • University of Greenwich, UK
  • University of Brighton, UK
  • University of Oxford, UK
  • University of Washington, USA
  • https://sphera.com   
  • Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland