Table of Contents
Automation Laboratory (room 106) - industrial controllers programming, automation systems modeling
Industrial Robotics Laboratory (room 112) - programming of robots and their integration into industry.
Engineering systems laboratory (room 201) – to conduct lectures and practical works for automation of buildings (ventilation, video monitoring system, smart house systems).
Electronics, microprocessor and digital engineering laboratory (room 202) - microprocessors in technology, studying signals of electronic equipment.
General and inorganic chemistry laboratory (room 211) - experiments in Analytical Chemistry (qualitative and quantitative analyses), studying properties of inorganic substances and synthesis of inorganic substances.
Instrumental analysis laboratory (room 212) - instrumental analysis, including spectrophotometry, conductometry, automatic titration and other analyses.
Organic chemistry and fuels laboratory (room 213) - study of the properties of organic substances, their analysis and synthesis.
Telematics laboratory (room 25) - study, design, development of data transmissioon and various communications networks. The laboratory has various labware and computers with relevant software to work with the equipment.
Laboratory of industrial processes control (room 26) - the computer class is furnished with powerful workstations with the ability to create a number of virtual machines with different needs to learn how to build network servers and work between servers.
Computer graphics laboratory (room 27) - the computer class is designed to deal with computer graphics. Computers allow the use of various modeling software (Solidworks, AutoCad, SketchUp, etc.).
Computer class (room 28) - working places for learning programming languages and technologies. The workplace has an all-in-one computer (AllInOne) with a touch screen.
Computer class (room 37) - it is possible to conduct simpler computer-related trainings in the classroom.
Digital production and Multimedia laboratory (room 38) - research of digital production solutions and systems design. The lab also has virtual and augmented reality devices. Possibility to create various multimedia projects.
Multimedia laboratory (room 40) - image, audio, video editing,animation creation, multimedia projects. Each workplace has 2 monitors and devices with high computing power and a powerful graphics card.
Computer class (room 42) - the computer class is equipped with Apple Imac computers.
Communication and computer networks laboratory (room 46) - Wi-Fi, 4G, 5G technologies, research of parameters of spectral properties of signals, numerical methods of modulation; research of properties of electromagnetic waves and propagation in free space; measurement of parameters of antenna systems. The laboratory is equipped with measuring equipment of Rohde & Schwarz and Photom company.
Laboratory of programming and smart systems (49 Box) - research, use, development of the Internet of things, robots, Cyber - Physical Systems and Cloud and Software Technologies.
Workshop (room 107) - it is possible to create everything you have ideas for.
Electropneumatics laboratory (room 108) - laboratory to conduct both lectures and practical works in pneumatics and automation of production.
Electric drive laboratory (room 109) - to study the work of electric drives and frequency converters.
Quality and Measurement Laboratory ( room 113)
Material and Mechanical Engineering Laboratory (room 117)
Power supply laboratory (room 204 ) - study of electricity and its behavior.
Laboratory of Technical Physics (room 204A) - the basic laws of mechanics and optics studying.
Tasulised teenused
TalTech Virumaa kolledži tasuliste teenuste hinnakiri
Teenus |
TalTech Virumaa kolledži üliõpilastele |
Väljaspoolt |
Kopeerimine, printimine |
Ühik |
Hind/EUR |
Hind/EUR |
A4 1-poolne | 1 leht | 0,05 | 0,10 |
A4 2-poolne | 1 leht | 0,10 | 0,15 |
A3 1-poolne | 1 leht | 0,15 | 0,20 |
A3 2-poolne | 1 leht | 0,20 | 0,30 |
Kopeerimine, printimine värvitrükk |
Ühik |
Hind/EUR |
Hind/EUR |
A4 1-poolne | 1 leht | 0,70 | 1,00 |
A4 2-poolne | 1 leht | 1,00 | 1,50 |
A3 1-poolne | 1 leht | 1,30 | 2,00 |
A3 2-poolne | 1 leht | 2,00 | 2,50 |
Skaneerimine |
Ühik |
Hind/EUR |
Hind/EUR |
Teksti A4 skaneerimine (PDF või JPG formaat) | 1 leht | 0,30 | 0,50 |
Köitetööd |
Ühik |
Hind/EUR |
Hind/EUR |
Spiraalköide, A4 formaat | köide | 2,50 | 3,00 |
Kiletamine, lamineerimine |
Ühik |
Hind/EUR |
Hind/EUR |
A4 | 1 leht | 1,00 | 1,50 |
A3 | 1 leht | 2,00 | 3,00 |
Raamatukogudevaheline laenutus |
Ühik |
Hind/EUR |
Hind/EUR |
Kullerteenus lugejatele (RVL) | 1 tellimus | 3,00-6,00 | 3,00-6,00 |
Kirjalik tõlge* (keelesuunad eesti-vene-eesti, inglise-eesti-inglise, inglise-vene-inglise) ja muud teenused |
Ühik |
Hind/EUR |
Hind/EUR |
kirjalik tõlge (üld) ** | 1 leht | 12,50 | 14,00 |
erialane või teadustekst ** | 1 leht | 15,00-18,00 | 18,00-24,00 |
tekstide keeleline toimetamine alates | 1 leht | 7,00 | 8,00 |
keelealane konsultatsioon | 45 min | 15,00-20,00 | 15,00-20,00 |
Digiteenused |
Ühik |
Hind/EUR |
Hind/EUR |
Digiallkiri, mobiil-ID, äpid jne (konsultatsioon) | 15 min | 2,00 | 2,00 |
Kaartide, reklaamide kujundamine | 1 tund | 20,00 | 20,00 |
Õppetalituse poolt väljastatavad dokumendid |
Ühik |
Hind/EUR |
Hind/EUR |
arhiiviteatis | 1 leht | 1,50 | 1,50 |
Õis-i tõend, väljatrükk (paberil) | 1 leht | 0,50 | 0,50 |
Kinnitatud koopia | 1 leht | 1,00 | 1,00 |
Hinnad sisaldavad käibemaksu 20 %.
* 1 leht = 901 - 1800 tähemärki algteksti koos tühikutega.
** Minimaalne tellimuse maht on 0,5 lehekülge = kuni 900 tähemärki algteksti koos tühikutega.
*** Kiirtöö puhul tasu kokkuleppel.
Viivis tähtajaks tagastamata teaviku eest |
Ühik |
Hind/ EUR
Semestri laenutus | 1 päev | 0,03 |
30 päeva laenutus | 1 päev | 0,06 |
14 päeva laenutus | 1 päev | 0,06 |
7 päeva laenutus | 1 päev | 0,19 |
Hüvitis rikutud või kaotatud teaviku eest |
Ühik |
Hind/ EUR |
aastatel 1945-1990 ilmunud teavikud | teavik | 9,5 - kordne kaanehind |
aastatel 1991-1992 ilmunud teavikud | teavik | 1,6 - kordne kaanehind |
alates 1992. aastast ilmunud teavikud | teavik | 1,1 - kordne kaanehind |
raamatute lisad (CD-ROM-id, DVD-d, VHSid jms) | teavik | 1,1 - kordne kaanehind |
Ajakirjade puhul on raamatukogul õigus võtta teaviku kopeerimiseks ja köitmiseks vajaminev summa.
Õpperuumide rent
TalTech Virumaa kolledž (Järveküla tee 75, Kohtla-Järve)
Mitte eluruumide renditasude ja tehnika kasutamise hinnad ühes tunnis (60 min):
Hindadele lisandub Eesti Vabariigi seadusega sätestatud käibemaks.
TalTechi ja Virumaa kolledži meeneid saab osta kolledži III korruse teabekeskusest