Tallinna Tehnikaülikool

Instituudi seminarid

Instituudi majaseminarid toimuvad neljapäeviti kell 16:00 ruumis SCI-109. Zoomi link

Ettekande ajaks on ettenähtu 45 minutit + 15 minutit küsimusteks. Lisainfo saamiseks võtke ühendust Dr. Richard Tammega (richrad.tamme@taltech.ee).

Ettekande pealkiri ja kokkuvõte tuleb saata SCI meililisti (loodusmaja@taltech.ee) sama nädala esmaspäevaks. 


 Dr. Dzmitry Kananovich

"Mechanochemistry: new opportunities for organic synthesis"



 Cecilia Sarmiento

"Gene editing in plants"

 Food technology

31.10Pirjo SpuulKBI Infoseminar

 Signe Adamberg

 Food technology 


 Vello Tõugu

Gene technology

 Triin Vahisalu

Food technology

 Pirjo Spuul 


Instituudi majaseminarid toimuvad neljapäeviti kell 16:00 ruumis SCI-109 ning läbi Zoomi vahenduse. 

Ettekande ajaks on ettenähtu 45 minutit + 15 minutit küsimusteks. 

Ettekande pealkiri ja kokkuvõte tuleb saata SCI meililisti (loodusmaja@taltech.ee) sama nädala esmaspäevaks. 


Mihkel Kaljurand (Chemistry)

"50 aastat Loodusteaduste maja hiilgust ja armetust"


Lukas Ustrnul (Chemistry)

"Chiral sensing through supramolecular systems"


Research director Myrtil Kahn from Laboratory of Coordination Chemistry (LCC) of CNRS, France Guest seminar)

„From organometallic chemistry to nanoparticle synthesis - the size and shape of NPs affect their physical properties and applicability“

26.10Pirjo Spuul - KBI info seminar

 Merilin Rosenberg from University of Tartu (Microbiology/gene technology)

"How environmental conditions and simulated use affect antimicrobial surface efficacy and what happens to the lucky survivors"

09.11(CANCELLED) Paolo Guazzi from Hansabiomed Ltd (Gene technology/chemistry)
16.11NO SEMINAR - PhD students conference day

Dr. Leopold Parts from Wellcome Sanger Institute, UK

"Understanding the human genome function with engineering"


Rahul Kumar (Chemistry)

"Engineered Living Materials"


Jekaterina Mazina-Šinkar (Chemistry)

"Green Analytical Instruments – Future or Reality"


Tatiana Moiseeva (Gene Technology)

"The initiation of DNA replication in human cells"

21.12Pirjo Spuul - KBI info seminar

Birgit Mets (Chemistry)

"Valorization of Estonian (mineral) resources"


Peep Palumaa (Gene Technology)

"Copper-related diseases"


Sirje Rüütel Boudinot (Gene Technology)

"P2X4 receptor as a therapeutic opportunity"


Pirjo Spuul (Gene Technology)

"Helicobacter pylori and Lactobacillus salivarius"


Pirjo Spuul; Estelle Silm; Annette Miller & Carl-Sander Kiir 

"RRR Challenge"


Mikk Kaasik (Chemistry)

"From Aarhus with Cyclization"

22.02Pirjo Spuul - KBI info seminar

Kaarel Adamberg (Food technology)

"Gut microbiome"


Dr. Ilmatar Rooda (Gene Technology)

“Transcriptomic profiling reveals heterogeneity and developmental dynamics in ovarian cortical follicles”

11.04Pirjo Spuul - KBI info seminar

Kaia Kukk (Chemistry)

"Laccase immobilization on cellulose"


Juliano De Biaggi (Gene Technology)

"Enzyme constrained model of Y. lipolytica"


Olga Jasnovidova (Gene Technology)

"Exploring the Dynamics of RNA Polymerase II Regulation in Eukaryotes: Insights from Multiple Methodologies"


Aivar Lõokene (Gene Technology and biochemistry)

"Fat in our blood"


Yevgen Karpichev (Chemistry)

"Sustainable formulations: Spanning from bioeconomy to defense research"


Ott Scheler (Gene technology)

"Developments in microfluidics group"

13.06Pirjo Spuul - KBI info seminar

Instituudi majaseminarid toimuvad reedeti kell 09:00 ruumis SCI-109 ning läbi Zoomi vahenduse. 

Ettekande ajaks on ettenähtu 45 minutit + 15 minutit küsimusteks. 

Ettekande pealkiri ja kokkuvõte tuleb saata SCI meililisti (loodusmaja@taltech.ee) sama nädala esmaspäevaks. 

02.09Laura Truu (Gene technology, Synlab)
"Combating SARS-CoV-2 qPCR testing - SYNLAB's example"
09.09Kristel Metsla (Gene technology, Metalloproteomics group)
“Toxicology of Amyloid-β Peptides and the Effect of α-Lipoic Acid in Cellular and Insect Models of Alzheimer´s Disease”
16.09Mariliis Jaago (Gene technology, Protobios)
"Antibody response to oral biofilm is a biomarker for acute coronary syndrome in periodontal disease"

Eli-Eelika Esvald (Gene technology, Molecular neurobiology group)

"Stimulus-specific regulation of BDNF gene expression"

30.09No seminar (annual meeting of the Estonian Society of Human Genetics)

Annela Avarlaid (Gene technology, Molecular neurobiology group)

"The enhancer regions of Bdnf in neuronal and non-neuronal cells"


Kaarel Adamberg (Food Technology)

"Food for gut microbiota"


Mari Palgi (Gene technology, Molecular neurobiology group)

"Using Drosophila melanogaster to model human diseases"


Laura Tamberg (Gene technology, Molecular neurobiology group)

"Modeling TCF4 and HIVEP2 associated diseases in Drosophila melanogaster


Carl Sander Kiir (Gene technology, Molecular neurobiology group)

 "Neuronal activity-dependent gene regulation in the fruit fly"


Ekaterina Kabin (Gene technology, Metalloproteomics group)

"Role of α-lipoic acid in regulation of copper metabolism studied in the cellular model of copper overload" 


Marko Vendelin (Systems biology group)

"Compromised creatine kinase energy transfer leads to adaptations in excitation-contraction coupling but not heart failure"


Riina Aav (Supramolecular Chemistry group)

"Self-organisation of and with hemicucurbiturils: from synthesis to chirality induction and lipase inhibition"


Tatiana Moiseeva (Gene technology, DNA replication and genome stability group) 

"The non-catalytic role of DNA polymerase epsilon in replication initiation in human cells"


Indrek Koppel (Gene technology, Neuron-astrocyte group)

“Cell type-specific proteomics and neuron-astrocyte communication”


Florencia Cabrera Cabrera (Gene technology, Neuron-astrocyte group)

"PICSL for cell-specific proteomics & BDNF regulation in cardiomyocytes"


Petri-Jaan Lahtvee, (Food technolgy, Food Tech and Bioengineering group)

"Developing locally applicable biotechnology value chains"


Vello Tõugu (Gene technology, Metalloproteomics group)

"Molecules involved in Alzheimer’s disease"


Rikke Birkedal (Systems biology group)

"How intracellular structures in cardiomyocytes affect energy transfer and signaling"


Signe Adamberg (Food technology)

“The effect of military combat rations on the gut microbiota and health parameters of Estonian conscripts“


Ildar Nisamedtinov (Food technology)

"Elucidation of yeast oligopeptide transporters functionality“


Irena Jakobson (Gene technology, Plant genetics group)

"Allelic variability by vernalization and photoperiodic sensitivity loci of a number of wheat varieties (Triticum aestivum L.) grown in Estonia“


Anna Traksmaa (Food technology) 

"The effect of storage conditions on the quality of sprouted grains" 


Katrin Laos (Food technology) 

 "The production, properties and applications of furcellaran“


 Anastassia Šubina (Gene technology, Molecular neurobiology group)

"Expression of alternative transcription factor 4 mRNAs and protein isoforms in the developing and adult rodent and human tissues“


Kristine Roos  (Gene technology, Reproductive Biology group)

"Cellular and chemical heterogeneity in the preovulatory follicle"


Tõnis Timmusk (Gene technology, Molecular neurobiology group)

 "Regulation of activity-dependent gene expression in the nervous system”


Ott Scheler (Gene technology, Microfluidics group)

"Last 2 years in the microfluidics lab"


Eve-Ly Ojangu (Gene technology, Wood Chemistry group)

"Ligninolytic properties of actinobacteria isolated from different local environments"


Olli-Pekka Smolander (Gene technology, Bioinformatics group)

“Structural variation in the genomes of European wild strawberry (Fragaria vesca) population”


Immanuel Sanka (Gene technology)

“User-friendly Droplet Detection Pipelines for (almost any) High-throughput Experiments”


Airi Rump (Gene technology)

“Purinergic receptors and G protein pathway components as (sex-dependent) biomarkers in PBMC for Multiple Sclerosis”

Instituudi majaseminarid toimuvad reedeti kell 09:00 ruumis SCI-109 ning läbi Zoomi vahenduse. 

Ettekande ajaks on ettenähtu 45 minutit + 15 minutit küsimusteks. Doktorantide ettekande ajaks on 20 min + 10 min. 

Ettekande pealkiri ja kokkuvõte tuleb saata SCI meililisti (loodusmaja@taltech.ee) sama nädala esmaspäevaks. 

03.09.2021Florencia Cabrera 

"Functional analysis of Signal Peptide Peptidase-Like (SPPL) 2a and 2b intramembrane cleaving proteases"

Gene technology, new postdoc in Timmusk group, TalTech

10.09.2021Simona Bartkova

"Droplet-Based platform(s) for single-cell incubation studies"

Gene technology, Scheler group, TalTech

17.09.2021Grigory Vasiliev

"Antibacterial co-effect of copper and silver nanoparticles with different functionalizations"

Gene technology, Bondarenko group, National Institute of Chemical Physics & Biophysics

24.09.2021Grete Raba

„The effect of colonic mucins on the fermentation of dietary fibres by intestinal microbiota“

Food technology, Adamberg group, TalTech

08.10.2021Maria Vikentjeva

 "Campaign “Post a tick”. Tick bank 2020"

Gene technology, Geller group, Virology Lab of the National Institute for Health Development

22.10.2021Annika Rähni

“Antibody responses to melanoma-specific antigens in melanoma and non-small cell lung cancer patients receiving immunotherapy”

Gene technology,  Protobios LLC

29.10.2021Merike Sõmera

"Plant virology and the recent developments in virus taxonomy driven by the identification of novel viruses through the adoption of high-throughput sequencing approaches"

Gene technology, Plant-pathogen interactions group 

05.11.2021Nadezhda Pupina

“Immune response to a conserved enteroviral epitope of the major capsid VP1 protein is associated with lower risk of cardiovascular disease: Do polio vaccines play a role?”

Gene technology, Protosbios LLC

12.11.2021Tiit Lukk

"Wood (bio)chemistry perspectives at TalTech: From fractionation of lignocellulosic biomass to its valorisation via chemical and enzymatic routes"

Gene technology, Wood Chemistry group

19.11.2021Saadia Khalid

“Pathological manifestations of Helicobacter pylori in the liver”

Gene technology, Biomedicine group

26.11.2021Peep Palumaa

"Alzheimer's disease. History and perspectives"

Gene technology, Metalloproteomics group

03.12.2021Mahdi Morad Pour

"DNA-free transcriptional activation of cabbage (Brassica oleracea L.) with pre-assembled CRISPR/dCas9 ribonucleoproteins to enhance heat stress tolerance"

Gene technology, Computational genomics research group

10.12.2021Mart Speek 

"Revolution in preparation of plasmid DNA"

Gene technology, Assistant Professor Emeritus

17.12.2021Julia Smirnova

"ALS in general and two different approaches to study some aspects of using an ICP-MS"

Gene technology, Metalloproteomics group

07.01.2022 NO SEMINAR
14.01.2022Agne Velthut-Meikas feat Kristine Roos

"Intercellular communication in the ovarian follicle revealed by transcriptomics" and "Cell types in human preovulatory follicle and their gene expression"

Gene technology, Reproductive biology research group

21.01.2022Inga Sarand

„Food microbiomes: food quality, safety and innovation“

Food technology, Food microbiology research group

28.01.2022Ferenz Jozef Sustek Sanchez

 "CRISPR-Cas9 knockout mutants: a tool for stress studies in plants"

Gene technology, Plant-pathogen interactions group

04.02.2022Tagli Pitsi

Seminar on eesti keeles!

"Söömisest: kuidas võiks ja kuidas meil sellega tegelikult lood on?" 


11.02.2022Toomas Paalme

"Food, -biosystems and green deal"

Food technology

18.02.2022Alīna Reķēna, 
Gabriel Luz Chaves &
Henrique Sepulveda

Alīna Reķēna - "Advanced modeling approaches in yeast"

Gabriel Luz Chaves - "Engineering R. toruloides for improved lipid production"

Henrique Sepulveda - "Development of 3D printed engineered living materials for growth-decoupled biochemicals production"

Food technology, PhD students from Prof Petri-Jaan Lahtvee Food Tech and Bioengineering group

25.02.2022Rahul Kumar

"Microbial 3D Printing"

Food technology, Food Tech and Bioengineering group

04.03.2022Nemailla Bonturi

"Synthetic biology and metabolic engineering of the yeast R. toruloides"

Food technology, Food Tech and Bioengineering group

11.03.2022Anna Kattel

"Co-culture process development using individual substrates"

Food technology

18.03.2022Jürgen Tuvikene"The basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor TCF4 regulates activity-dependent transcriptional programs in neurons"
Gene technology
25.03.2022Leenu Reinsalu

"Metabolic reprogramming contributes to the development of colorectal cancer"

Gene technology, National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics

01.04.2022Kristel Vene

"Sunflower press cake  - a new material for highly sustainable food products!?"

Food technology

08.04.2022Pirjo Spuul

"Extragastric manifestations of Helicobacter pylori"

Gene technology

15.04.2022 NO SEMINAR (Good Friday public holiday)
22.04.2022Kairit Zovo

"Lignin and lignin modifying bacterial laccases"

Gene technology, Wood chemistry research group

29.04.2022Olesja Bondarenko

"Applications of nanoparticles as antibacterials and for drug delivery"

Gene technology, National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics

06.05.2022Aivar Lõokene

"Lipases as targets for treatment of hypertriglyceridemia"

Chemistry, Biochemistry of lipids and lipoproteins research group

13.05.2022Tuuli Käämbre

"Energy metabolism in cancer: facts and dreams"

Gene technology, National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics

20.05.2022Julia Geller"Tick research: from field science to crowdsourcing"
Gene technology,  Department of Virology and Immunology, National Institute for Health Development 
27.05.2022Jekaterina Aid-Vanakova

"Influence of intrinsic and extrinsic factors on mitochondrial bioenergetics in the heart"

Gene technology (National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics)


Külalisseminarid – 2024/2025

Zoomi/Teamsi lingid saadetakse meili teel ning on leitavad ka Facebookist.
Lisainfo saamiseks võtke ühendust Prof. Indrek Koppeliga (indrek.koppel@taltech.ee).



Prof. Vadym N. Mochalin from Missouri University of Science & Technology, USA

 „Chemistry and Applications of 2D Transition Metal Carbides (MXenes)“

at 16:00 in SCI-109


Dr. Hanna Vihma from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA

„Reactivating the Dormant UBE3A Allele with Small Molecules: A Path for Angelman Syndrome Therapy“

at 16:00 in SCI-109


Dr. Dániel Silhavy, Head of Plant Photo- and Chronobiology group from Institute of Plant Biology, Hungary

„Essential but barely studied: RNA quality control system in plants“

at 11:00 in SCI-120


Niina Kelanne, D.Sc., University of Turku, Finland

 “Utilization of Nordic raw materials – towards delicious, healthy, and sustainable food”

at 13:00 in SCI-109

Koit Herodes, Associate Professor,  Analytical Chemistry, University of Tartu, Estonia

“Simple complex chemical analysis”

at 14:30 in AS TFTAK, room: Mets


Mohsen Gavahian, Associate Professor from Department of Food Science, National Pingtung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan  

„Emerging Technologies for Food Processing:  Impacts on Sustainability and Organoleptic Properties“

at 11:00 in SCI-109


Dr. Emily Brookes from University of Southampton, UK

„Uncovering epigenetic mechanisms of cortical development“

at 12:00 in SCI-109 

Külalisseminarid – 2023/2024

Zoomi lingid saadetakse meili teel ning on leitavad ka Facebookist.
Lisainfo saamiseks võtke ühendust Prof. Indrek Koppeliga (indrek.koppel@taltech.ee).


Dr Ana Belenguer from University of Cambridge, UK

„Dynamic nature of mechanochemical reactions and transformations“


Dr. Anna-Liisa Luik, from Karolinska Institute

„Extracellular structures in vasculature – basement membrane laminins“ 


Prof. Chris Voigt from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA

"Engineering the Environmental Microbiome"


Dr. Mardo Kõivomägi from National Cancer Institute, USA

„Unpuzzling the biochemical mechanisms of how cyclin-dependent kinase complexes control cell division“


Prof. Naoki Komatsu from Kyoto University, JAPAN

„Separation of Carbon Nanotubes through Host-Guest Chemistry“


Prof. Alicia Hidalgo from University of Birmingham, United Kingdom

„The changing brain of a fly“


Research director Myrtil Kahn from Laboratory of Coordination Chemistry (LCC) of CNRS, France 

„From organometallic chemistry to nanoparticle synthesis - the size and shape of NPs affect their physical properties and applicability“


Prof. Dr. Petri M. Pihko from University of Jyväskylä, Finland

„Anion‐Responsive Catalysts“

Asst. Prof. Dr. Juha H. Siitonen from University of Aalto, Finland

„Studies Towards the Total Synthesis of Haloxine“


Prof. Jose Fonseca from Universidade Nova de Lisboa

„Image Processing Techniques for microscopy imaging“

Dr. Tomasz Kaminski from University of Warsaw

„Single-Cell Assays in Microdroplets“


Dr. Annika Keller from University of Zürich/ University Hospital Zürich

„Brain pericytes – heterogeneity and function“


Prof. Carlos Matute from University of the Basque Country, Spain

„New avenues in neuroinflammation, tissue damage and repair in multiple sclerosis“


Dr. Leopold Parts from Wellcome Sanger Institute, UK

"Understanding the human genome function with engineering"


Prof.  Aigars Jirgensons from Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis

„Reversible covalent inhibitors of plasmodium serine protease SUB1 as anti-malarial drug leads“

at 16:00 in SCI-109 and Zoom


Prof.  Svetlana Lutsenko from Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA

„The Emerging Roles of Copper in Cell Biology “

at 10:00 in SCI-120 and Zoom


Prof.  Jason L. Burkhead from University of Alaska Anchorage, USA

„Copper in human health and disease“

at 10:00 in SCI-120 and Zoom


Dr. Oleg Sitsel from Department of Structural Biochemistry | Max Planck Institute of Molecular Physiology | Dortmund, Germany

"The unusual secretion mechanism of Tc toxins"

at 11:00 in SCI-057


Prof.  Jüri Reimand from University of Toronto, Canada

„Integrative analyses of cancer multi-omics data for functional and translational insights“

at 13:00 in SCI-109 and Zoom


Prof. Carsten Bolm from RWTH Aachen University, Germany

 „Mechanochemistry: The use of mills in synthetic organic chemistry“

at 16:00 in SCI.109 and Zoom


Dr. Tarvi Teder from Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden 

„Structural, functional and regulatory aspects of the leukotriene biosynthetic cascade“

at 15.00 in SCI-109 and Zoom


Dr. Ana M. L. Seca from University of the Azores, Portugal

„Research on bioactive natural products carried out at the University of the Azores“


Professor Kimoon Kim from Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH), South-Korea

„Spatiotemporal Control of Chemical Reactions with Sound“

at 10:00 in SCI-109 and Teams


Professor Magdalena Małecka from University of Lodz, Poland 

„Fluorescent properties in solid-state and solution of novel tricyclic derivatives of chromanones and 2-methylpyrazolin“


Prof.  Michael L. Schilsky M.D. from Center for Excellence for Wilson Disease at Yale

„Evolution in the clinical diagnosis and management of Wilson disease and new endpoints for clinical trials“

at 11:00 in SCI-120 and Zoom


Prof Jaana Vapaavuori from Aalto University, Helsinki, Finland

„Biomaterials as versatile and attractive solution for device applications and functional textiles“

at 13:30 in SCI-109


Prof. Izabella Jastrzębska from University of Białystok, Poland

„(Potential) Steroidal Molecular Rotors“

at 15:00 in SCI-109 and Teams

Külalisseminarid – 2022/2023

Zoomi lingid saadetakse meili teel ning on leitavad ka Facebookist.
Lisainfo saamiseks võtke ühendust Dr. Indrek Koppeliga (indrek.koppel@taltech.ee).



Prof. Wojciech Bal from IBB PAS, Warsaw Poland
„Time and space: emerging factors in metallomics“


Prof. Rafael Moreno-Sanchez from Instituto Nacional de Cardiologia Ignacio Chavez Mexico
„Energy Metabolism in Cancer Cells“

at 15:00 in SCI-109 and Zoom


Dr. Iman Momken, PhD from Laboratory of Signalling and Cardiovascular Pathophysiology, University of Paris-Saclay-University of Evry Val d'Essonne, France
"Metabolic and physiological effects of acceleration training in aged mice and effects of age on the physical abilities of creatine kinase-deficient (mitochondrial CK) mice"

at 15:00 in SCI-109 and Zoom


Dr. Coert Zuurbier, MEng, PhD from Laboratory of Experimental Intensive Care and Anaesthesiology, Department of Anaesthesiology, Amsterdam UMC - AMC, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
"SGLT2 inhibitors and the heart: effects explained by the Na+-interactome?"

at 9:00 in SCI-109 and Zoom


Artur Ruszczak from Microfluidics and Complex Fluids Lab, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland

„From a lab bench to a tiny droplet. Droplet microfluidics methods for streamlining microbiology“

at 15:00 in SCI-109 and Zoom


Special double guest seminar

Prof. Jean-Manuel Raimundo from Aix-Marseille University – CiNAM (CNRS), FRANCE

"Organic conductive surfaces as smart antimicrobials materials"

Dr. Michel Camplo, Associate Professor from Aix-Marseille University

"5FU phosphonium derivatives as antimicrobials" 

at 14:00 in SCI-109 and Zoom


Roman Mysyk from Basque Research and Technology Alliance, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain

"Electrochemical capacitors: state-of-the-art and R&D challenges"

at 14:00 in SCI-109 and Zoom


Dr. Rokas Mikšiūnas from Centre of Innovative Medicine, Vilnius, Lithuania

"Investigation of skeletal and striated muscle mesenchymal stem cells differentiation potential in vitro"

at 14:00 in SCI-109 and Zoom



Dr. Mikk Kaasik from Aarhus University, Denmark 

"Reactivity and selectivity of formyl cycloheptatrienes in cycloadditions"

at 15:00 in SCI-109 and Zoom


Grete Nummert, MSc from Tallinn Zoo

"Science at Tallinn Zoo: from DNA studies to glowing dormice and everything in between"


Dr. Elisabeth Lowe from Newcastle University

" Mining the gut microbiome to discover new enzyme activities "


András József Laki from Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Biomicrofluidics laboratory 

"Lab-on-a-chip devices for biomedical applications"


Stefan Angielsky from Biomedical Microelectromechanical Systems

"Mass production under medical requirements"


Dr. Alan O'Riordan from Tyndall National Institute

"Sensors for Sustainable AgriFood & the Environment"


Professor Sander Kersten from Division of Human Nutrition and Health at Wageningen University (the Netherlands)

"Identification of novel regulators of lipid metabolism: the story of ANGPTL4t"

at 15:00 in SCI-109 and Zoom


Professor Nicolas Joly from University of Artois, Béthune University Institute of Technology (Béthune, France)


at 10:00 in SCI-109 and Zoom

Külalisseminarid – 2021/2022

Zoomi lingid saadetakse meili teel ning on leitavad ka Facebookist.
Lisainfo saamiseks võtke ühendust Dr. Indrek Koppeliga (indrek.koppel@taltech.ee).



Izabella Jastrzebska from University of Białystok 

"The way from steroids to steroidal molecular machines"

at 13:00 in SCI-109 and Zoom 


Dr. Vallo Varik from EMBL, Heidelberg

"An antibiotic combination against ESKAPE pathogens"

at 14:00 in SCI.120 and Zoom


Prof. Maris Turks from Riga Technical University

"Substitution and ring opening of fused pyrimidines using their activation by azido and triazolyl groups"

at 16:00 in SCI-109


Dr. Imre Treufeld from Neo Performance Materials 

„A PhD in Chemistry – What Did I Really Learn?“

at 15:00 in SCI-109 and Zoom


Dr. Kärt Mätlik from Rockefeller University

„Epigenetic regulation of cerebellar granule cell development and maturation“

at 15:00 in Zoom


Prof. Sergio Bordel Velasco from Department of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Technology, University of Valladolid, Spain

"Metabolism of methanotrophic bacteria. A Genome-Scale modeling perspective"

at 16:00 in SCI-028 and Zoom


Aare Ormus, Head Distiller at Junimperium Distillery

„Gin: chemistry and production”

at 15:00 in SCI-109 and Zoom


Prof. Miguel de la Guardia from University of Valencia 

“Smoking. An Analytical Chemistry Perspective”

at 14:00 in SCI-109 and Zoom


Prof. Henrik Munch RoagerDepartment of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports, University of Copenhagen, 

„Diet-microbiota interactions as modulators of human metabolism"  

at 15:00 in Zoom


Dr. Rainer Küngas from CTO, Stargate Hydrogen

„Green Hydrogen Saves the European Industry“

at 15:00 in SCI-109 and Zoom


Dr. Richard J.A. Gosselink from Wageningen University

„Lignocellulosic biorefinery to develop biobased materials, chemicals and fuels“

at 15:00 in Zoom


Special double seminar

Prof. Jean-Manuel Raimundo from Aix Marseille Université

„Innovative organic dielectric as sensing layers for sensors applications“


Dr. Michel Camplo from Aix Marseille Université

„Dicationic-phosphoniums and triphenylamine-, phenazinium- based phosphoniums as antibacterial derivatives“

at 15:00 in SCI-109 and Zoom


Luis M. Valor, Ph.D., Principal Investigator Miguel Servet II, Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria y Biomédica de Alicante (ISABIAL) Alicante, SPAIN

"Huntington's disease: lessons from the study of transcription”

at 15:00 in Zoom


Dr. Juan Pablo Tosar from Universidad de la República, Uruguay 

„Vesicular and nonvesicular extracellular RNAs and their involvement in intercellular communication“

at 15:00 in Zoom


Prof. Christiani A. Amorim 
"Development of a transplantation engineered ovary to restore fertility in cancer patients"
at 15:00 in SCI-120 and Zoom


Prof. Tapio Salmi from Åbo Akademi University, Turku, Finland
"Transformation of polysaccharides in biomass to valuable components - Chemical reaction engineering view"
at 16:00 in SCI-109 and Zoom


Dr. Meeli Mullari from NNF Center for Protein Research, University of Copenhagen
"The RNA-binding protein atlas of the mammalian brain uncovers defective splicing factor functions in Huntington’s disease"
at 15:00 in Zoom


Dr. Francesco Gatto Elypta co-founder and CSO
„The Entrepreneurial Journey Of Elypta: Developing A Systems Biology Approach To Preventing Cancer Mortality“ 
at 14:00 in SCI-109 and Zoom


Dr. Kadi Lõhmussaar from NNF Centerfor Stem Cell Medicine, Denmark
„Patient-derived organoids as a promising tool to study cervical tissue dynamics“

16.03 Prof. Moritz Rossner from Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
"Repurposing Based on Neurobiology: Stimulating Drug Development for Psychiatric Disorders"

Dr. Nicolas Panayotis from Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel and Saints-Pères Paris Institute for the Neurosciences (SPPIN), Paris
„Deciphering the Role of Importin Nuclear Transport Factors in Central Nervous System Functions“


Dr. Mario Plaas from Tartu University, Institute of Biomedicine and Translational Medicine
“Lifelong treatment with GLP1 receptor agonist Liraglutide in the rat model of Wolfram syndrome”


Prof. Evelina Colacino from University of Montpellier
„Revisiting the Kabachnik-Fields multi-component domino reaction by mechanochemistry“


Prof. Olli Silvennoinen from Biocenter Finland, Director; HiLIFE, Helsinki Institute of Life Science, Director
„JAK kinases in health and disease: A closer look at the pseudokinase domain“
at 15:00 in SCI-109 and Zoom

06.06 Prof. dr hab. Agnieszka Szumna from Institute of Organic Chemistry, Polish Academy of Science, Warsaw, Poland
"Organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry and mechanochemistry of molecular cages"
at 14:00 in Zoom

Işılay ÖZTÜRK from Ege University and TalTech
"Computational investigation of the interaction of several anti-inflammatory and anti-hypertensive drug molecules with DNA nucleobase pairs by quantum chemical methods and QM/MM trial"
at 15:00 in Zoom

Keemia doktorantide konverentsid

Keemia eriala doktorantide seminarid – 2023/2024

Seminarid toimuvad kaks korda aastas konverentsi vormis. Iga keemia doktorant teeb ettekande oma tööst üks korda aastas. Kõikidel keemia doktorantidel on kohustuslik osaleda.
Lisainfo saamiseks võtke ühendust Dr. Maksim Ošekaga (Maksim.Oseka@taltech.ee).

Kevadkonverents: 02 ja 03 mai 2024

Thursday, 02.05.2024 at SCI-109

9:00 – 9:10

opening by KBI Director Dr. Pirjo Spuul      

9:10 – 9:50

Nele Konrad

Chiral Sensing Materials from Porphyrins

9:50 – 10:30

Elina Suut-Tuule

Biotin[6]uril Mechanosynthesis

10:30 – 11:00

coffee break

11:00 – 11:40

Mari-Liis Leinus

In-Situ Chemical Analysis of Soil Cations: Method Development, Validation, and Future Perspectives

11:40 – 12:20

Hegne Pupart

Dye-Decolorizing Peroxidase of Streptomyces coelicolor (ScDyPB) Exists as a Dynamic Mixture of Kinetically Different Oligomers

12:20 – 13:10


13:10 – 13:50

Maarja Lipp

Studies of Novel Bacterial Lytic Polysaccharide Monooxygenases

13:50 – 14:30

Olivia-Stella Salm

Non-Destructive Spectroscopy Combined with Chemometrics for Characterization of Lignin

14:30 – 15:00

coffee break

15:00 – 15:40

Aleksandra Zahharova


15:40 – 16:20

Marharyta Laktsevich-Iskryk

Telescoped Synthesis of Vicinal Diamines via Ring-Opening of Electrochemically Generated Aziridines in Flow

Friday, 03.05.2024 at SCI-109

9:00 – 9:40

Marko Šakarašvili

Chiral Hemicucurbituril and Porphyrin Complexes

9:40 – 10:20

Mirjam-Kim Rääbis


10:20 – 10:50

coffee break

10:50 – 11:30

Pille-Riin Laanet

Chemical Characterisation and Borrelia Burgdorferi Inhibiting Activity of Plantago Major and Plantago Lanceolata 

11:30 – 12:10

Annette Miller

Glycosylation Donors and Their Reactivities

12:10 – 12:50

Sten Miller


12:50 – 13:40


13:40 – 14:20

Kristjan Siilak


14:20 – 15:00

Kati Muldma

Production of Snow and Ice Melting Agents – Calcium and Magnesium Acetates from Oil Shale Industry Waste



Sügiskonverents: 09 ja 10 november 2023

Thursday, 09.11.2023 at SCI-109

9:00 – 9:10

opening by the Vice-Dean Prof. Riina Aav

9:10 – 9:50

Kaarel Hunt (Prof. T. Kanger, Prof. Emer. R. Vilu)

“Synthesis of Lacto-N-triose II”

9:50 – 10:30

Jagadeesh Varma Nallaparaju (Prof. Riina Aav, Dr. Dzmitry Kananovich)

“Mechanochemical Birch Reduction with Low Reactive Alkaline Earth Metals”

10:30 – 11:00

coffee break

11:00 – 11:40

Jevgenija Martõnova (Prof. Riina Aav)

“Powder XRD as a Useful Tool”

11:40 – 12:20

Illia Kapitanov (Dr. Yevgen Karpichev)

“Design, Structure Improvement, and Applications of Sustainable Ionic Liquids”

12:20 – 13:10


13:10 – 13:50

Maryam Kazemi (Dr. Ivar Kruusenberg, Dr. Kerli Liivand)

“Synthesis of Electrocatalyst for Oxygen Reduction Reaction from Spent Li-Ion Battery Recycled Material”

13:50 – 14:30

Tatsiana Nikonovich (Prof. Riina Aav, Dr. Dzmitry Kananovich)

“Mechanochemical C-N Bond Forming Reactions and Their Use in Pharmaceutical Synthesis”

14:30 – 15:00

coffee break

15:00 – 15:40

Arian Lopušanski (Prof. Toomas Tamm, Dr. Heiko Jens Herrmann)

“Reacting Flow”

15:40 – 16:20

Hanna-Eliisa Luts (Prof. Toomas Tamm)


Friday, 10.11.2023 at SCI-109

9:00 – 9:40

Anastassia Bljahhina (Dr. Maria Kuhtinskaja, Dr. Tiina Kriščiunaite)

“Nutritional Quality of Plant-Based Yoghurt Alternatives”

9:40 – 10:20

Anastasiya Krech (Prof. Maksim Ošeka)

“Ring-Opening Coupling Reaction of Cyclopropanols with Electrophilic Alkenes Enabled by Decatungstate as Photoredox Catalyst”

10:20 – 10:50

coffee break

10:50 – 11:30

Jüri Laanoja (Dr. Kaja Kasemets, Dr. Mariliis Sihtmäe)

“Synthesis and Antibacterial Efficiency of Chitosan-Copper Oxide Nanocomposites”

11:30 – 12:10

Naatan Seeba (Dr. Aivar Lõokene, Prof. Riina Aav)

“Application of Biophysical Methods to Study Lipoprotein Lipase Regulation and Lipase-drug Interactions”

12:10 – 12:50

Tran Ho (Dr. Maria Kulp, Dr. Tiit Lukk)

“Synthesis of Esterified Lignin”

12:50 – 13:40


13:40 – 14:20

Tatsiana Jarg (Prof. Riina Aav))

“HPLC-MS Analysis of Hemicucurbit[8]urils and Their Host-Guest Studies”

14:20 – 15:00

Thi Thanh Ngan Nguyen (Dr. Jasper Adamson, Prof. Riina Aav)

“Synthesis of Hemicucurbiturils by Mechanochemistry and derivatized silica gel for HPLC column development”

15:00 – 15:40

Mahendra Kothottil Mohan (Dr. Yevgen Karpichev, Dr. Tiit Lukk)

“Chloromethylation as a versatile chemical route for biomass valorization: an example of lignin”

15:40 – 17:30


Keemia eriala doktorantide seminarid – 2022/2023

Seminarid toimuvad kaks korda aastas konverentsi vormis. Iga keemia doktorant teeb ettekande oma tööst üks korda aastas. Kõikidel keemia doktorantidel on kohustuslik osaleda.
Lisainfo saamiseks võtke ühendust Dr. Maksim Ošekaga (Maksim.Oseka@taltech.ee).

Kevadkonverents: 18 ja 19 mai 2023

Please fill the registration form!

Thursday, 18.05.2023 at SCI-109

9:00 – 9:10

Opening by Vice-Rector Tiit Lukk

9:10 – 9:50

Hegne Pupart (sup. Tiit Lukk and Priit Väljamäe)

“Non-Michaelis-Menten Kinetics of Dye-Decolorizing Peroxidase from Thermobifida Halotolerans

9:50 – 10:30

Annette Miller (sup. Tõnis Kanger)

“Glycosyl Donors for HMO Synthesis”

10:30 – 11:00

coffee break

11:00 – 11:40

Maryna Lazouskaya (sup. Ott Scheler)

“Ink-Jet Printed CuO-Based pH-Sensors”

11:40 – 12:20

Elina Suut-Tuule (sup. Riina Aav and Dzmitry Kananovich)

“Synthesis of Pseudo-Enantiomeric Hemicucurbiturils by Mechanochemistry”

12:20 – 13:00

Denys Bondar (sup. Yevgen Karpichev)

“Drug Design and Delivery: Targeting AChE and PARP”

13:00 – 13:40


13:40 – 14:20

Nele Konrad (sup. Riina Aav and Dzmitry Kananovich)

“Hexakis(Zn-Tetraphenylporphyrin)-Biotin-L-Sulfoxide[6]uril: a Hexapod Cavitand for Recognition of Nanosized Objects”

14:20 – 15:00

Pille-Riin Laanet (sup. Merike Vaher and Piret Saar-Reismaa)

“Natural Sources of Anti-Borrelia Agents”

15:00 - 15:30 coffee break

15:30 – 16:10

Ehsan Zarmehri (sup. Ivar Kruusenberg)

“Oxygen Reduction Reaction on the Nanocarbon-Based Catalyst for Fuel Cell”


Mirjam-Kim Rääbis (sup. Sander Ratso and Ivar Kruusenberg)

Friday, 19.05.2023 at SCI-109

9:00 – 9:10


9:10 – 9:50

Mari-Liis Leinus (Jekaterina Mazina-Šinkar and Ruth Shimmo)

“Future Perspective of In-Situ Soil Analysis”

9:50 – 10:30

Marko Šakarašvili (sup. Riina Aav and Lukaš Ustrnul)

“Chiral Recognition by Solid-State Hemicucurbituril-Porphyrin Assemblies”

10:30 – 11:00

coffee break

11:00 – 11:40

Sten Miller (sup. Tuuli Käämbre and Aleksandr Klepinin)

“Dynamics of Adenine Nucleotides in Colorectal Cancer Clinical Material”

11:40 – 12:20

Mari-Liis Brük (sup. Riina Aav and Jasper Adamson)

“Photocatalytic Sulfide Oxidation with Hemicucrbituril-Porphyrin Derivatives”

12:20 – 13:00

Aleksandra Zahharova (sup. Toomas Tamm)

“Molecules Geometry Optimization Using Machine Learning”

13:00 – 13:40


13:40 – 14:20

Maarja Lipp (sup. Tiit Lukk and Priit Väljamäe)

“Expression of Cellulose-Degrading Enzymes Originated from Thermoalkaliphilic Actinobacteria

14:20 – 15:00

Olivia-Stella Salm (sup. Maria Kulp and Tiit Lukk)

“Chemometrics for characterization of lignin from Estonian wood biomass”

15:00 – 15:40

Kristjan Siilak (sup. Riina Aav and Lukaš Ustrnul)

“Silver Assisted Binding of Anions by Biotin[6]uril”

15:40 - 17:30


Sügiskonverents: 27 ja 28 oktoober 2022

Thursday, 27.10.2022 at U06A-201

9:00 – 9:10


9:10 – 9:50

Eleana Lopušanskaja (sup. Margus Lopp and Anne Paju)

“Alkylation of Substituted Phenols”

9:50 – 10:30

Jagadeesh Varma Nallaparaju (sup. Riina Aav and Dzmitry Kananovich)

“Mechanochemical Barbier-Type Grignard Reactions of Organic Halides”

10:30 – 11:00

coffee break

11:00 – 11:40

Hanna-Eliisa Luts (sup. Toomas Tamm)

“Hypervalent Halogen and Chalcogen Hydrides”

11:40 – 12:20

Aleksandra Murre (sup. Tõnis Kanger)

“Immobilization of Aminocatalysts Onto Resins and Their Application in Rearrangement Reactions”

12:20 – 13:10


13:10 – 13:50

Thi Thanh Ngan Nguyen (sup. Jasper Adamson and Riina Aav)

“Exploring Synthetic Route to New Chiral Monomers of Hemicucurbiturils”

13:50 – 14:30

Harry Martõnov (sup. Tõnis Kanger and Kadri Kriis)

“Synthesis of Peptide Consisting Halogen Bond Donors and Their Application”

14:30 – 15:00

coffee break

15:00 – 15:40

Tatsiana Shalima (sup. Riina Aav)

“HPLC-MS Analysis and Binding Studies of New Mono-Functionalized Cyclohexanohemicucurbit[8]uril”

15:40 – 16:20

Jevgenija Martõnova (sup. Riina Aav)

“Progress on Formation and Properties of Metal-Organic Complexes and Networks”

Friday, 28.10.2022 at NRG-226

9:00 – 9:10


9:10 – 9:50

Anastassia Bljahhina (sup. Maria Kuhtinskaja and Tiina Kriščiunaite)

“Quantification of Major Oat and Pea Saponins in Plant-Based Foods”

9:50 – 10:30

Arian Lopušanski (sup. Toomas Tamm)

“Reaction Modeling with Computational Fluid Dynamics”

10:30 – 11:00

coffee break

11:00 – 11:40

Anastasiya Krech (sup. Maksim Ošeka)

“Development of New Photocatalytic Ring-Opening Reactions of Cyclopropanols”

11:40 – 12:20

Tran Ho (Maria Kulp and Tiit Lukk)

“Characterization Methods of Biomass and Lignin”

12:20 – 13:00

Anni Kooli (sup. Maksim Ošeka)

“Sustainable Synthesis and Dearomatization of Oxygen-Containing Aromatic Compounds”

13:00 – 13:50


13:50 – 14:30

Tatsiana Dalidovich (sup. Riina Aav and Dzmitry Kananovich)

“Mechanochemical C–N Bond Forming Reactions in The Synthesis of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients”

14:30 – 15:10

Kaarel Erik Hunt (sup. Tõnis Kanger and Raivo Vilu)

“Synthesis of 6'-Galactosyllactose and Lacto-N-triose II”

15:10 – 15:50

Vyacheslav Bolkvadze (sup. Jekaterina Mazina-Šinkar and Vitali Sõritski)

“Molecularly Imprinted Polymer as a Tool for Analysis of Cannabis”

15:50 – 16:00


16:00 – 17:30


Keemia eriala doktorantide seminarid – 2021/2022

Seminarid toimuvad neljapäeviti kell 16:00 ruumis SCI-109 ning veebiülekandena Zoomis.
Lisainfo saamiseks võtke ühendust Dr. Maksim Ošekaga (Maksim.Oseka@taltech.ee).



Denys Bondar (sup. Yevgen Karpichev)
"Arylhydroxamic Acids as Precursors for Perspective PARP Inhibitors"

Anni Kooli (sup. Margus Lopp)
"Electrochemical Hydroxylation of Aromatic Compounds in Continuous-Flow"

23.09 Nele Konrad (sup. Riina Aav, Dzmitry Kananovich)
"Thiourea organocatalysts' (chir)optical sensing by zinc porphyrins. Progress on hexa zinc porphyrins"
Mahboob Alam (sup. Pavel Starkov)
"Novel M-N-C materials for electrocatalytic applications"
30.09 Prof. Māris Turks from Riga Technical University
"Substitution and Ring Opening of Fused Pyrimidines Using Their Activation by Azido and Triazolyl Groups"
07.10 Mahendra Kothottil Mohan (sup. Yevgen Karpichev, Tiit Lukk)
"Development of catalytic clothing in the field of translational research to solve huge unmet clinical needs"
Marko Šakarašvili (sup. Riina Aav, Lukaš Ustrnul)
"Bis-Zn(II) porphyrin is sensitive to difference in the size of hemicucurbiturils"
14.10 Işılay Öztürk (sup. Toomas Tamm)
"Interaction of drug molecules with DNA nucleobases"
Kristjan Siilak (sup. Riina Aav, Lukaš Ustrnul)
"Anion Binding of Biotinuril Derivatives"
21.10 Dr. Alexander Nyuchev from Lobachevsky University, Russia
"Development of water-soluble conjugates for photodynamic and targeted therapy"

Ehsan Zarmehri (sup. Ivar Kruusenberg)
"Investigation of oxygen reduction reaction on metal-phthalocyanine catalyst"
Sten Miller (sup. Tuuli Käämbre, Aleksandr Klepinin)
"Metabolic analysis of human colorectal cancer tissues"

04.11 Hegne Pupart (sup. Tiit Lukk)
"Dye-decolorizing peroxidases from Streptomyces coelicolor and Thermobifida halotolerans show organosolv lignin remodeling activities"
Kaarel Hunt (sup. Tõnis Kanger, Raivo Vilu)
"Human Milk Oligosaccharides & Carbohydrate Chemistry: Selective Deacetylation of Pyranosides Using Immobilized Candida Antarctica Lipase-B"
11.11 Loodusteaduskonna XIII teaduskonverents
(Konverents toimub Küberneetika maja saalis Veenus ja veebiülekandena Zoomis)
18.11 Eleana Lopušanskaja (sup. Margus Lopp, Anne Paju)
"Alkylation of resorcinols"
Tatsiana Dalidovich (sup. Riina Aav, Dzmitry Kananovich)
"Mechanochemical Nucleophilic Substitution of Alcohols via Isouronium Intermediates"
25.11 Dr. Irina Osadchuk
"Insight into ECD spectra induction mechanisms based on TD-DFT approach"
02.12 Estelle Silm (sup. Tõnis Kanger)
"Asymmetric organocatalytic Michael addition of cyclopentane-1,2-dione to alkylidene oxindole"
09.12 Jagadeesh Varma Nallaparaju (sup. Riina Aav, Dzmitry Kananovich)
"Mechanochemical mediated Barbier reactions"
Maryna Lazouskaya (sup. Ott Scheler)
"RuO2-based electrodes for measurement in food samples"
16.12 Maria Volokhova (sup. Liis Seinberg)
"Synthesis of nanoparticles and study of their physical properties"
Tatsiana Shalima (sup. Riina Aav)
"Screening Approach to Mechanochemical Synthesis of Macrocycles"
03.02 Hanna-Eliisa Luts (sup. Toomas Tamm)
"Formation enthalpies of novel halogen and chalcogen species"
Jevgenija Martõnova (sup. Riina Aav, Kari Rissanen)
"Crystallographic studies of halogen-bonded and other supramolecular complexes"
10.02 Dr. Sandra Kaabel from Aalto University, Finland
"Enzymatic hydrolysis of synthetic- and biopolymers by mechanochemistry and accelerated aging"

Arian Lopušanski (sup. Toomas Tamm)
"Using Computational Fluid Dynamics in Chemistry"

10.03 Harry Martõnov (sup. Tõnis Kanger)
"Synthesis of peptide consisting halogen bond donors"
Vyacheslav Bolkvadze (sup. Jekaterina Mazina-Šinkar, Vitali Sõritski)
"Novel sensors development for quick cannabis abuse determination by capillary electrophoresis and molecularly imprinted polymers"
17.03 Dr. Adam Buczkowski from University of  Łódź, Poland
"Physicochemical studies of cucurbituril carriers of anticancer drugs"
24.03 Anastasiya Krech (sup. Maksim Ošeka)
"Development of New Photocatalytic Ring-Opening Reaction of Cyclopropanols in Flow"
Pille-Riin Laanet (sup. Merike Vaher, Piret Saar-Reismaa)
"Anti-Borrelia Phytochemicals from Estonian Plants"
31.03 Ella (Ivantsova) Duvanova (sup. Yevgen Karpichev)
"Polyoxotungstates with d-Metals Cations in Solution and in Salts Composition"
07.04 Denys Bondar (sup. Yevgen Karpichev)
"Design of AChE reactivators and PARP inhibitors"
Kaarel Hunt (sup. Tõnis Kanger, Raivo Vilu)
"Human Milk Oligosaccharides & Carbohydrate Chemistry: Synthesis of 6’-Galactosyllactose"
21.04 Mahendra K Mohan (sup. Yevgen Karpichev)
"Chloromethylation of Lignin as a Route to Functional Materials with Catalytic Properties in Cross-Coupling Reaction"
Marko Šakarašvili (sup. Riina Aav, Lukaš Ustrnul)
"Chiral Self-Organization of Porphyrins by (R,R)- and (S,S)-cycHC[n]’s from Solution to Solid State"
28.04 Kristjan Siilak (sup. Riina Aav, Lukaš Ustrnul)
"Evaluation of Binding between Salts and Biotin[6]uril Derivative"
Ehsan Zarmehri (sup. Ivar Kruusenberg)
Mobility research report from BAM, Germany "Opening of Bottleneck Pores for the Improvement of Nitrogen Doped Carbon Electrocatalysts"
05.05 Sten Miller (sup. Tuuli Käämbre, Aleksandr Klepinin)
"Metabolic Analysis of Human Colorectal Cancer Tissues"
Hegne Pupart (sup. Tiit Lukk)
"Insights into Bacterial Dye-Decolorizing Peroxidases and Their Lignin Remodeling Activity"
12.05 Nele Konrad (sup. Riina Aav, Dzmitry Kananovich)
"Chirality Study of Porphyrin and Biotinuril Conjugates and their Complexes with Silica Based Nanohelices"

Chemistry PhD Seminars – 2020/2021



Dr. Lukaš Ustrnul, postdoc in Supramolecular chemistry research group
"Supramolecular complexes of chiral hemicucurbiturils and methods to study them"


Tatsiana Shalima (sup. Riina Aav)
"HPLC and MS analysis of biotin[6]uril derivatives and more"

Kefeng Ping (sup. Pavel Starkov)
"Multi-purpose chemo- and electrocatalyst materials from carbon-rich metal-organic frameworks"


Tatsiana Dalidovich (sup. Riina Aav, Dzmitry Kananovich)
"Mechanochemical Synthesis of Amides with Uronium-Based Coupling Reagents, a Method for Hexa-amidation of Biotin[6]uril"

Dmitri Trubitsõn (sup. Tõnis Kanger)
"Enantioselective organocatalytic N-functionalization of indole derivatives"


Kristiina Kaldas (sup. Margus Lopp, Gert Preegel)
"Aspects of kerogen dissolution in subcritical conditions"

Mariliis Kimm (sup. Tõnis Kanger)
"[2,3]-Wittig Rearrangement as a Formal Asymmetric Alkylation of α-Branched Cyclic Ketones"


Dr. Martin Ruzicka
"The development of automated saliva extraction procedure for roadside testing of drugs of abuse"


Eleana Lopušanskaja (sup. Margus Lopp, Anne Paju)
"Towards ortho-selective electrophilic addition/dearomatization to phenolates"

Robert Risti (sup. Aivar Lõokene, Nigulas Samel)
"Isothermal titration calorimetry as a tool for studying lipolytic enzymes"


Estelle Silm (sup. Tõnis Kanger)
"Asymmetric Organocatalytic Michael Addition of Cyclopentane-1,2-dione to Substituted Oxindoles"

Mahboob Alam (sup. Pavel Starkov)
"Fused Hybrid Linkers for MOF-Derived Multifunctional Electrocatalysts"


Anni Kooli (sup. Margus Lopp)
"Selective C-alkylation of Substituted Naphthols"

Kamini Mishra (sup. Riina Aav)
"Synthesis of Chiral Hemicucurbiturils"


Rector Tiit Land
"Iron regulation, oxidative stress and neurodegeneration"


Maria Volokhova (sup. Liis Seinberg)
"Synthesis of magnetic nanomaterials by using CaH2 as reducing agent and their functionalization"

Aleksandra Murre (sup. Tõnis Kanger)
"Asymmetric chemoenzymatic one-pot synthesis of α-hydroxy half-esters"


Ehsan Zarmehri (sup. Ivar Kruusenberg)
"Electrocatalytic Oxygen Reduction on Lead Phthalocyanine Modified Multi-walled Carbon Nanotubes for Fuel Cell"

Kaarel Hunt (sup. Tõnis Kanger, Raivo Vilu)
"Human Milk Oligosaccharides & Carbohydrate Chemistry"


Aleksandra Zahharova (sup. Toomas Tamm)
"Machine learning for finding Titanium tartrate complex geometry structures and their energies"

Denys Bondar (sup. Yevgen Karpichev)
"Functionalized nanodiamonds as Acetylcholinesterase reactivator carriers"


Dr. Aivar Lõokene
"Mechanisms of endothelial lipolysis. Fat in our blood"


Nele Konrad (sup. Riina Aav, Dzmitry Kananovich)
"Binding studies to zinc porphyrin derivatives"

Maryam Kazemi (sup. Ivar Kruusenberg, Kerli Liivand)
"Separation of Carbon from spent lithium-ion batteries and usage as catalyst for Oxygen Reduction reaction"


Mari-Liis Ludvig (sup. Jasper Adamson, Riina Aav)
"Studies of azobenzene and pyridine containing macrocycles"

Hanna-Eliisa Luts (sup. Toomas Tamm)
"A Study of halogen hydrides and chalcogen hydrides"



Kefeng Ping (sup. Pavel Starkov)
"Rational Design of Carbonaceous MOF-based Materials for Chemo- and Electrocatalytic Applications"

Kristjan Siilak (sup. Riina Aav, Lukaš Ustrnul)
"Anion binding of biotinuril derivatives"


Dr. Maksim Ošeka
"Electrochemical oxidation reactions in continuous-flow"


Jevgenija Martõnova (sup. Riina Aav, Kari Rissanen)
"Molecular Structure Determination in Solid State"

Sten Miller (sup. Tuuli Käämbre, Aleksandr Klepinin)
"Utilizing 18O based analysis method to study biological systems"


Lachinkhanim Huseynli (sup. Kristel Vene, Riina Aav)
"Determining and controlling flavor-active compounds in food"

Marko Šakarašvili (sup. Riina Aav, Lukaš Ustrnul)
"Induced chirality in solid state and its application in sensing"


Tiina Kontson (sup. Margus Lopp, Merike Vaher)
"Catalytic conversion of recalcitrant glycopolymers: investigation of saccharification and isomerization in ionic liquids"

Hegne Pupart (sup. Tiit Lukk)
"Insights into lignin and lignin degraders with a focus on dye-decolorizing peroxidases"


Dr. Indrek Reile from National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics
"Why is NMR so insensitive and what can chemists do about it?"


Piia Jõul (sup. Maria Kuhtinskaja)
"New approaches to sample treatment and analysis of environmentally harmful compounds"


Anna Cowart (sup. Jasper Adamson, Riina Aav)
"An Investigation of Noncovalently Bound Supramolecular Systems Through Case Studies of Oxacalixarenes and Iodo-triazoles"

Jagadeesh Varma Nallaparaju (sup. Riina Aav, Dzmitry Kananovich)
"Mechanochemical Organic Synthesis"


Mariliis Kimm (sup. Tõnis Kanger)
"Asymmetric organocatalytic [2,3]-Wittig rearrangement of cyclic ketones"

Dmitri Trubitsõn (sup. Tõnis Kanger)
"Enantioselective organocatalytic synthesis of N-alkylated indoles"


Dr. Martin Jakoobi from French National Centre for Scientific Research
"Group 9 metal complexes in action: iridium cleaves aromatic C-C bonds in arenes, while rhodium and cobalt tandem isomerize-hydrosilylate internal alkenes"


Tatsiana Dalidovich (sup. Riina Aav, Dzmitry Kananovich)
"Development of mechanochemical C-N bond formation reactions"

Kristiina Kaldas (sup. Margus Lopp, Gert Preegel)
"Structural Consideration of Kukersite from Air Oxidation"


Kaarel Hunt (sup. Tõnis Kanger, Raivo Vilu)
"Human Milk Oligosaccharides & Carbohydrate Chemistry: Organocatalytic and Iron(III) Chloride Glycosylation Reactions"

Maryna Lazouskaya (sup. Ott Scheler)
"Influence of Nafion Membrane on the Performance of Ruthenium Oxide pH electrode"


Anni Kooli (sup. Margus Lopp)
"Simple and selective C-alkylation of 1- and 2-naphthols"

Eleana Lopušanskaja (sup. Margus Lopp, Anne Paju)
"Electrophilic addition/dearomatization to phenols and resorcinols"


Dr. Peep Pitk, R&D Manager from AS Graanul Invest
"Unique wood fractionation to allow wood to biomaterial/biochemicals value chains development- www.sweetwoods.eu"


Aleksandra Murre (sup. Tõnis Kanger)
"Asymmetric chemoenzymatic one-pot synthesis of  α-hydroxy half-esters"

Estelle Silm (sup. Tõnis Kanger)
"Asymmetric organocatalytic Michael addition of cyclopentane-1,2-dione to substituted oxindoles"


Kristiina Kaldas (sup. Margus Lopp, Gert Preegel)
"Structural Consideration of Kukersite from Air Oxidation"

Tatsiana Shalima (sup. Riina Aav)
"Extraction of small electron-rich organic compounds from water via host-guest binding with hemicucurbiturils"


Maryam Kazemi (sup. Ivar Kruusenberg, Kerli Liivand)
"Electrocatalytically Active Catalyst Material for Oxygen Reduction Reaction from Spent Lithium-Ion Batteries"

Geenitehnolooogia doktorantide konverentsid

Geenitehnoloogia eriala doktorantide seminarid – 2023/2024

Seminarid toimuvad kaks korda aastas konverentsi vormis. Iga geenitehnoloogia doktorant teeb ettekande oma tööst üks korda aastas. Kõikidel geenitehnoloogia doktorantidel on kohustuslik osaleda.
Lisainfo saamiseks võtke ühendust prof Indrek Koppeliga (indrek.koppel@taltech.ee)

Kevadkonverents: 22 mai 2024

Wednesday, 22.05.2024 at SCI-109

Chair:  Richard Tamme

9:00 – 9:10

Opening remarks: Richard Tamme

9:10 – 9:50

Piret van der Sman (sup. Lilian Järvekülg and Cecilia sarmiento, KBI TalTech)

“Common potato viruses in Estonia and potato’s differential susceptibility to potato virus
Y (PVY)”

9:50 – 10:30

Elina Berntsson (sup. Peep Palumaa, KBI TalTech; Sebastian Wärmländer,
Stockholm University; Per Roos, Karolinska Institutet)

“Metal binding to the Amyloid Beta peptide”

10:30 – 11:00

Coffee break

11:00 – 11:40

Helena Tull (sup. Florencia Cabrera Cabrera and Indrek Koppel, KBI TalTech)

“Transcellular communication between neurons and glial cells”

11:40 – 12:20

Kristina Kööts (Kristjan Pilt and Ivo Fridolin, Dept of Health Technologies, TalTech)

“The Radial Artery Pulse Wave Velocity as a Potential Predictive Biomarker of Cardio-
Vascular Events”

12:20 – 13:10

lunch (no catering)

13:10 – 13:50

Lucia Jaska (sup. Rikke Birkedal Nielsen and Marko Vendelin, Dept of Cybernetics, TalTech)

“Energetic compartmentalization in cardiomyocytes”

13:50 – 14:30

Carl Sander Kiir (sup. Tõnis Timmusk and Jürgen Tuvikene, KBI TalTech)

“Neuronal activity-dependent gene regulation in the fruit fly”


Leenu Reinsalu (sup. Tuuli Käämbre, KBFI)

“Energy Metabolism Profiling of Human Colorectal Tumors”


Coffee break


Kannan Thirumal Muthu (sup.Eve-Ly Ojangu and Tiit Lukk, KBI Taltech)

“Microbial utilization of technical lignins”


Helen Põldsam (sup. Kaia Palm and Tõnis Timmusk, KBI TalTech)

“Therapeutic Targeting of the Cellular Machinery of Pain”


Wrap-up with snacks

Sügiskonverents: 16 ja 17 november 2023

Thursday, 16.11.2023 at SCI-109

Chair:  Richard Tamme

9:00 – 9:10

Opening remarks: Assistant Prof. Indrek Koppel

9:10 – 9:50

Romain Jacques Elie Bernasconi (sup. Rikke Birkedal Nielsen & Marko Vendelin)

“AMPK: "Chick or Egg" of the muscle phenotype?”

9:50 – 10:30

Giuseppe Leonardo Auditano (sup. Kersti Tepp & Tuuli Käämbre, KBFI)

“The effects of pesticides on intestinal cells’’

10:30 – 11:00

Coffee break

11:00 – 11:40

Anastassia Šubina (sup. Tõnis Timmusk & Mari Palgi)

“Basic helix-loop-helix transcription factor TCF4 in health and disease"

11:40 – 12:20

Naga Raviteja Chavata (sup. Tatiana Moiseeva)

“The enigma of Polymerase Epsilon (Pol ε): from roles to recruitment in replication initiation”

12:20 – 13:10


13:10 – 13:50

Sadia Khalid (sup. Pirjo Spuul)

“Understanding the relationship between H. pylori infection and potential liver disorders”

13:50 – 14:30

Syed Shahid Musvi (sup. Tatiana Moiseeva)

“Identification of the new replication initiation factors in human cells using proximity labelling Split-TurboID”

14:30 – 15:00

Coffee break

Friday, 17.11.2023 at SCI-109

Chair: Indrek Koppel

9:00 – 9:40

Inge Varik (sup. Agne Velthut-Meikas & Paulo Guazzi)

“From factories to ovaries: The impact of DEHP on female fertility”

9:40 – 10:20

Kaisa Roots (sup. Pirjo Spuul)

“Helicobacter pylori in Estonia – past, present, and future”

10:20 – 10:50

coffee break

10:50 – 11:30

Annika Rähni (sup. Kaia Palm & Tõnis Timmusk)

“Next generation phage display mimotope-variation analysis (MVA) defines antibody response patterns linking different phases of schizophrenia”

11:30 – 12:10

Sigrid Kirss (sup. Peep Palumaa & Mari Palgi)

“Regulating copper metabolism in case of Alzheimer's disease”

12:10 – 12:50

Roland Martin Teras (sup. Sirje Rüütel Boudinot & Jüri Teras, PERH)

Preliminary title: “Molecular oncology”

12:50 – 13:40


13:40 – 14:20

Sameera Anant Vipat (sup. Tatiana Moiseeva)

"The role of TIMELESS in DNA replication initiation in human cells"

14:20 – 15:00

Irina Česnokova  (sup. Martin Laasmaa & Marko Vendelin)

“Imaging cardiomyocyte substructure during the postnatal development of a rat heart“


Wrap-up with snacks and drinks

Toidutehnoloogia doktorantide konverentsid

Toidutehnoloogia eriala doktorantide seminarid – 2023/2024

Seminarid toimuvad üks kord aastas konverentsi vormis. Iga toidutehnoloogia doktorant teeb ettekande oma tööst üks korda aastas. Kõikidel geenitehnoloogia doktorantidel on kohustuslik osaleda.
Lisainfo saamiseks võtke ühendust Kaarel Adambergiga (kaarel.adamberg@taltech.ee)

Üritus toimub 11.aprill 9:00-16:45 ruumis SCI-109.