Tallinna Tehnikaülikool


Instituudi seminar 16.01.2025

Seminari ettekanne: "Modelling Methods in Marine Science and Climatology of surface waves
Esitaja: Margus Rätsep (PhD student)
Kuupäev: 16.01.2025
Kell: 14.00
Ruum: U02-102

Instituudi seminarid toimuvad üldjuhul kaks korda kuus.

Toimunud seminarid

Seminari ettekanne: "Inflation beyond General Relativity" 
Esitaja: Christian Dioguardi (PhD student)
Kuupäev: 09.01.2025
Kell: 14.00
Ruum: U02-102

Seminari ettekanne: "Domain decomposition of finite element model and optimization of the interface" 
Esitaja: Radim Dvořák (Institute of Thermomechanics, Czech Academy of Sciences)
Kuupäev: 12.12.2024
Kell: 14.00
Ruum: U02-102

Domain decomposition (DD) methods based on Lagrange multipliers will be introduced. The methods of DD is an useful approach for model size reduction, i.e., its division into smaller parts. Localized Lagrange multipliers method will be discussed in detail and a novel optimization technique for the automatic construction of interface operators for coupling non-matching 3D meshes will be presented. The core of the method lies in the use of least-squares approximation to find the optimal location of additional interface nodes, allowing the problem to be solved without modifying the meshes of the coupled subdomains and passing the patch test. Although many techniques exist in the literature for coupling incompatible meshes, such as the widely accepted Mortar method, which solves the problem exactly, the proposed method brings two crucial advantages: first, it eliminates the need to compute complex surface integrals on the intersection of the boundary meshes; and second, and more importantly, we achieve this passing the patch test with comparable accuracy to Mortar.

Seminari ettekanne: "Optimal Topology and Dimensions for Additively Manufactured Magnetic Cores"
Esitaja: Tudor Plopeanu (füüsika osakonna doktorant-nooremteadur)
Kuupäev: 05.12.2024
Kell: 14.00
Ruum: U02-102

Seminaril esitab doktoritöö eelkaitsmise raames ettekande Oksana Goidyk (tahkisemehaanika labor).
Ettekanne: „Influence of the flow of fresh fiber concrete on the fiber orientations“
Kuupäev: 07.11.2024
Kell: 14.00
Ruum: U02-102

Ettekanne: „From Photons to Posteriors: Bayesian Single-Molecule Analysis with Fitsa“
Esitaja: Hamed Karimi (süsteemibioloogia labori doktorant-nooremteadur)
Kuupäev: 17.10.2024
Kell: 14.00
Ruum: U02-102

Ettekanne: Hypothetical Martian Paleo-Ocean: Insights from the Scaling Laws of Statistical Topography
Esitajad: prof. Jaan Kalda (füüsika osakond), Taavet Kalda (Max Planck Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Heidelberg)
Kuupäev: 03.10.2024
Kell: 14.00
Ruum: U02-102

Instituudi seminar 26.09.2024

Ettekanne: Modelling of density wave propagation in biomembrane
Esitaja: Tanel Peets (tahkisemehaanika labor)
Kuupäev: 26.09.2024
Kell: 14.00
Ruum: U02-303

Ettekanne: Waves on a String of a Monochord Equipped with a Rigid Obstacle
Esitaja: Dmitri Kartofelev (tahkisemehaanika labor)
Kuupäev: 05.09.2024
Kell: 14.00
Ruum: U02-102

This study presents a model capable of modelling wave propagation on a string of a monochord equipped with a rigid obstacle. The ideal string is allowed to vibrate in two mutually perpendicular planes. The obstacle spans both in the direction of the string at rest and perpendicular to it. String collision against the obstacle is modelled using a kinematic model that constrains the string displacement unilaterally. The string sliding against the obstacle is modelled using dry sliding friction model. The friction force is calculated using the string shape. The two vibration planes are coupled through the friction force. Modelling results show that the model generates a variety of dynamics, all strongly dependent on the initial conditions and system parameters. Interactions of a vibrating string with spatially distributed barriers, such as fretboards, play a significant role in acoustics of many stringed instruments. The proposed model can be applied to physics-based sound synthesis of these musical instruments.

Ettekanne: Mathematical Modeling of Pancreatic b-Cells: A Bird’s Eye View
Stefano Scialla (Visiting Research Fellow, KBFI)
Kuupäev: 13.06.2024
Kell: 14.00
Ruum: U02-303

Ettekanne: „Pulse propagation in poro-visco-elastic felt: Interpreting the dispersion relation“
Dmitri Kartofelev (teadur, tahkisemehaanika labor)
Kuupäev: 30.05.2024
Kell: 14.00
Ruum: U02-303

Ettekanne: „Synergy of oceanographic and geodetic data using machine learning“
nooremprofessor Nicole Camille Delpeche-Ellmann (lainetuse dünaamika labor)
Kuupäev: 09.05.2024
Kell: 14.00
Ruum: U02-102

Ettekanne: „Modelling of Helmholtz motion in violin string: A laboratory experiment“, lektor Marek Vilipuu (füüsika osakond)
Kuupäev: 25.04.2024
Kell: 14.00
Ruum: U02-102

Ettekanne: „Päike, elekter ja inimene“ („Sun, Electricity, and Human“), emeriitdotsent Arvo Mere (õhukesekileliste energiamaterjalide teaduslabor)
Kuupäev: 11.04.2024
Kell: 14.00
Ruum: U02-102

Instituudi seminar 21.03.2024

Ettekanne: "Visualising quantum trajectories with run-and-tumble particles", Kasper Meerts (a postdoctoral fellow at NICPB)
Kuupäev: 21.03.2024
Kell: 14.00
Ruum: U02-102

Instituudi seminar 14.03.2024

Ettekanne: "Multi-scaling 2.0 – optimizing complex systems: real cases, emphasizing entropy", Raiker Witter (Spin Design labor)
Kuupäev: 14.03.2024
Kell: 14.00
Ruum: U02-102

Instituudi seminar 07.03.2024

Ettekanne: "Inverse scattering of Acoustic and Electromagnetic waves from flat screen and properties of integral transform on half-axis", doktorant-nooremteadur Sadia Sadique (matemaatika osakond)
Kuupäev: 07.03.2024
Kell: 14.00
Ruum: U02-102

Ettekanne: "Language dynamics model with finite-range interactions influencing the diffusion of linguistic traits and human dispersal", Clément Zankoc
Kuupäev: 15.02.2024
Kell: 14.00
Ruum: U02-102

Ettekanne: "The Role of Diversity in Complex Systems: An Overview", Stefano Scialla
Kuupäev: 18.01.2024
Kell: 14.00
Ruum: U02-303

Ettekanne: "Importance of tau lepton in high energy physics", Laurits Tani
Kuupäev: 11.01.2024
Kell: 14.00
Ruum: U04-103

Seminar: "Deep potential - inferring the gravitational potential from a snapshot of stellar kinematics"
Time: 14.00
Room: U04-103
Presented by: Taavet Kalda

Seminar: Intrinsic Localized Modes (ILM): Application to a monoatomic chain of atoms
Time: 14.00
Room: U04-103
Presented by: Mihhail Klopov

Instituudi seminar 09.11.2023

Seminar: An internal variable model of macroscopic twin boundary dynamics 
Time: 14.00
Room: U02-303
Presented by: Arkadi Berezovski

Seminari teema: Flipped Classroom 
Kell: 14.00
Ruum: U02-303
Ettekandja: Toomas Tamm

Augmented Reality with Apollo Lunar Photos: Searching for Stars and Adding Virtual Objects
Time: 14.00
Room: U04-103
Presented by: Vladislav-Veniamin Pustõnski

Instituudi seminarid toimuvad üldjuhul kaks korda kuus.

Data Science in Real Life: Call Centre Conversations in Nordic Languages
Time: 14.00
Room: U04-103
Presented by: Feelingstream, Lauri Ilison, Risto Hinno

Computational Fluid Dynamics Seminar
Time: 13.30-15.30
Room: U02-301

The seminar is organized by Ossi Kaario (Aalto) and Heiko Herrmann (TalTech).
There will be presentations by Ossi Kaario, Heiko Herrmann, Ville Vuorinen, Alpo Laitinen, Ilya Morev, Arian Lopusanski

Seminar kell 14:00, ruumis U02-303:

- 3 visitors from Kazakhstan will present some of their work
- The Baltic Sea Science Congress is in the week 21-25 August. Those of us presenting can practice our talks. This includes those that are presenting a poster who also have a one minute ‘micro-pitch’ with one slide. 

Seminar toimub kell 14:00 ruumis U02-102. Ettekande teeb nooremteadur Nele Reimets (KBFI).

"The role of hydrogen in sensitivity-enhanced NMR in analyzing complex mixtures"
Nele Reimets1,2, Kerti Ausmees1, Sirje Vija1, Aleksander Trummal1, Merle Uudsemaa1, Indrek Reile1 

1Chemical Physics, National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics, Akadeemia tee 23, Tallinn 12618, Estonia 

2School of Science, Tallinn University of Technology, Ehitajate tee 5, Tallinn 19086, Estonia 

Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) is a powerful analytical tool for sample analysis. However, analytes in biofluids often appear in minute concentrations, well below the detection limit of NMR. To improve the NMR sensitivity parahydrogen (pH2) hyperpolarization (HP) has been adapted for measuring complex mixtures like biofluids. 

High-field non-hydrogenative PHIP (HF-nhPHIP) [1] is a chemoselective method which uses parahydrogen as its hyperpolarization source. Its name “non-hydrogenative” means there is no hydrogenation reaction happening on the analyte and the method does not require sample manipulation. HF-nhPHIP works at high magnetic fields and can quantitatively detect signals orders of magnitude below the usual NMR limit of detection.  

In my talk I will give an overview of my work with HF-nhPHIP over four years. HF-nhPHIP can guide complex mixture analysis [2-5] by giving an estimation of presence and concentration of different molecules in the sample. I will show the richness of analytes in human urine analysed by HF-nhPHIP and demonstrate how specific analyte classes can be detected in urine samples. We believe that with further research and development, HF-nhPHIP could be used to map metabolites and metabolomic pathways that fail to be detected with common analytical tools.  

1. Fraser, R., et.al., Acc.Chem.Res., 2022, 55, 1832. 
2. N. Reimets, K. Ausmees, S. Vija and I. Reile, Analytical Chemistry, 2021, 93, 9480. 
3. K. Ausmees, N. Reimets and I. Reile, Chemical Communications, 2022, 58, 463. 
4. K. Ausmees, N. Reimets and I. Reile, Molecules, 2022, 27, 802. 
5. N. Reimets, K. Ausmees, S. Vija, A. Trummal, M. Uudsemaa and I. Reile, 2023, submitted. 

Seminar kell 14:00 ruumis U02-102. Ettekande "Heat conduction in microstructured solids" teeb vanemteadur Arkadi Berezovski.

Seminar kell 14:30 ruumis U02-303, ettekande teeb teadur Kert Tamm.

Ettekande teema "Ex vivo study of synchronicity of signals in nerve fibres"

Seminar kell 14:00 ruumis U02-102. Ettekande teeb dotsent Tanel Mullari.

 "The shifts of vector fields for discrete-time dynamical systems"

Seminar kell 14:00 ruumis U02-102. Ettekande teeb teadur Dmitri Kartofelev.

 "Modernising Lab Experiments for TalTech Physics Students and Modelling of Helmholtz Motion in Violins"

Seminar kell 14:00 ruumis U02-302A. Ettekande teeb doktorant-nooremteadur Mikolaj Zbigniew Jankowski.

"Sediment transport in eastern Baltic Sea"

Seminar kell 14:30 ruumis U02-303, ettekande teeb teadur Dmitri Kartofelev.

"Modelling of helmholtz motion in violins" / "Viiuli keele Helmholtzi liikumise modelleerimine"

Seminar kell 14:00 ruumis U02-302A. Ettekande teeb Fatemeh Najafzadeh

"The newest results of wave climate in the Gulf of Riga"

Seminar  kell 14:00 ruumis U02-102. Ettekande teeb vanemteadur Marco Patriarca (KBFI/NICBP)

"Impact of memory and heterogeneity on language competition"

Abstract: Various factors affect the outcome of cultural competition. Many language competition models assume prestige as key factor driving the dynamics but other factors, such as memory, are also expected to play a relevant role. Memory effects have been studied in some opinion dynamics model and are known to affect the dynamics of a system. But so far they have not yet been studied systematically in language competition, where it makes sense to assume that language learning and attrition are time-consuming processes. We build a simple cultural dynamics model that incorporates memory. Heterogeneity naturally comes into play, since memory and learning skills are usually diverse. We also explore the role of other factors, such as initial population fractions and average daily interaction rates.

Seminar ruumis U02-102 kell 14:00. Ettekande teeb nooremteadur Laurits Tani (KBFI)

"Hyperparameter optimization using evolutionary algorithms for ML in high energy physics"

Abstract:  In contemporary high energy physics (HEP) experiments the analysis of vast amounts of data represents a major challenge. In order to overcome this challenge various machine learning (ML) methods are employed. A complication arises from the fact that in addition to the choice of the ML algorithm a multitude of algorithm-specific parameters, referred to as hyperparameters, need to be specified in practical applications of ML methods. The optimization of these hyperparameters, which is often performed manually, has a significant impact on the performance of the ML algorithm. In this work we explore two distinct evolutionary algorithms, particle swarm optimization and Bayesian optimization, which allow to determine optimal hyperparameters for a given ML task in a fully automated way. We also studied the capability of these algorithms for utilizing the highly parallel computing architecture that is typical for the field of HEP.

Seminar ruumis U02-102 kell 14:00. Ettekande teeb nooremteadur Ruiwen Ouyang (KBFI)

"Topics on modern grand unified theories"

Abstract: In this seminar, we present the phenomenological consequences of the theoretically well-motivated SO(10) grand unified theory for the unification of fundamental interactions. The renormalization group effects will be discussed, accompanied by a detailed discussion on the phenomenological consequence of gauge and Yukawa unification which are constrained by the proton decays and perturbative unitarity, and the resulting neutrino masses as well as the vacuum stability.

Seminar ruumis U02-102 kell 14:00. Ettekande teeb Radim Dvořák (Institute of Thermomechanics of the Czech Academy of Sciences)

"Direct asynchronous time integration of the finite element model"

Abstract: An asynchronous direct time integration scheme of finite element model will be presented. The model is decomposed by means of Localized Lagrange multiplier method and individual domains are than directly integrated in time using different time steps. The scheme will be explained with example the linear-elastic stress wave propagation problem.  It will be shown, that the exact continuity of the field of displacement, velocity and acceleration at the interface is satisfied. The functionality of the asynchronous integrator will be discussed within selected wave propagation problems.

Seminar  kell 14:00 ruumis U02-102. Ettekande teeb Kert Tamm, teadur, tahkisemehaanika labor

"Modelling of mechanical waves in a myelinated axon"

Abstract: Experimental studies have demonstrated that the signals in nerves have not only electrical components but are accompanied by mechanical and thermal effects as well. A brief overview is given about the previously established model framework for describing a combined nerve signal composed of electrical, mechanical and thermal components propagating on an unmyelinated axon followed by a more recent work done to account for an influence a myelin sheath might have on a mechanical component of such a signal ensemble.

Seminar  kell 14:00 ruumis U02-102. Ettekande tegi Heiko Herrmann, vanemteadur, tahkisemehaanika labor

"Fiber Concrete: Experiments, Analysis, Simulation"

Seminar  kell 14:00 ruumis U02-102. Ettekande tegi Jaan Janno, täisprefessor tenuuris, matemaatika osakond

"On inverse problems that use nonlocality of fractional derivatives"

Seminar  kell 14:00 ruumis U02-102. Ettekande tegi Marko Vendelin, täisprefessor tenuuris, süsteemibioloogia labor.

"Biophysics of the heart: overview of our studies on intracellular processes and the links between them"

Abstract: A brief overview of the studies performed in the Laboratory of Systems Biology on heart bioenergetics, mechanics, and electrophysiology. In particular, we look into how mitochondria respond to changes in the energy demand of the heart, diffusion within the cell, and how disruption of energy transfer within the cell disturbs other processes. Examples from the earlier and current studies will be given and overall aim described.

Seminar  kell 14:00 ruumis U02-102. Ettekande tegi Jaan Kalda, füüsika osakonna professor

ETAG grant COVSG22 "Modelling the spread of a virus over scale-free networks: a key to understanding the role of superspreaders by COVID-19 pandemics"

Seminar  kell 14:00 ruumis U02-102. Ettekande tegi Sadia Sadique, matemaatika osakonna doktorant-nooremteadur

"A single far-field pattern determines the shape of scattering screens"

Abstract: Scattering of acoustic waves from thin object called screen leads to the mathematical description of Helmholtz equation with boundary condition. Similarly, scattering of one dimensional curved screen in two dimensional plane determines its shape uniquely.

Seminar  kell 14:00 ruumis U02-102. Ettekande tegi Riho Rästa, doktorant KBFI-st

"Magnetic order in square cupola compounds A(BO)Cu4(PO4)4 (AB = PTi, SrTi, KNb)"

In the upcoming presentation on 20.01.2022 14:00 at U02-102 I will talk about our recent research on the newly discovered isostructural compounds A(BO)Cu4(PO4)4 (AB = PTi, SrTi, KNb). The structure consists of square cupolas of magnetic Cu2+ ions that produce quadrupole interaction which allows for the appearance of the magnetoelectric (ME) effect. The ME effect has many potential future applications. In order to reveal the underlying mechanism of how the magnetic environments form in these systems we present a 63,65Cu and 31P NMR study.


Seminar kell 14:00 ruumis U02-102. Ettekande teeb Marco Patriarca, vanemteadur KBFI-st

"Hubs, diversity, and noise in FitzHugh-Nagumo oscillator networks: Synchronization and Resonances."

Abstract: Using the stochastic FitzHugh-Nagumo equations to represent the oscillatory electrical behavior of β-cells, we develop a coupled oscillator network model with cubic lattice topology. The emergence of pacemakers or hubs in the system is shown to be a natural consequence of oscillator population diversity [1]; we study also the effect of adding noise and the combined effects of diversity on the global behavior of the oscillator network and its resonant response. [1] S. Scialla, A. Loppini, M. Patriarca, and E. Heinsalu, Phys. Rev. E 103, 052211 (2021)

Seminar kell 11:00, Akadeemia tee 21 küberneetika maja ruum B101

Ettekande tegi Dr Serge Dos Santos, Associate Professor Hab. Dir. Rech.
INSA Centre Val de Loire, Inserm iBrain, Blois, France
Vice-President of Academia NDT International
Director of the IIAV (2018-2022)

Ettekande pealkiri "Acoustic Nonlinear Imaging within NDT 4.0 Using Prescriptive Signal and Data Analysis"

Seminar  kell 14:00 ruumis U04-103. Ettekande teeb Nele Reimets, doktorant KBFI-st

"Developing analytical applications for parahydrogen hyperpolarization: urinary elimination pharmacokinetics of nicotine"

Pharmacokinetics (PK) is essential in modern drug development in order to understand the (bio)chemical processes that a drug undergoes in the body from its intake to excretion. To follow minute concnetrations of analytes in complex mixtures like urine or blood, exceptional resolution and sensitivity is desired. Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) is an attractive choice for PK for it offers straightforward data interpretation and quantitative analysis. However, pharmacologically active compounds and their metabolites in biofluids often appear in minute concentrations, well below the detection limit of NMR. To improve the NMR sensitivity parahydrogen (pH2) hyperpolarization (HP) has been adapted for measuring biofluids [1]. Recent progress in pH2 HP techniques allows multiscan experiments [2], [3] and to resolve complex spectra of urine with 2D spectroscopy [4]. By combining pH2 HP and 2D spectroscopy, it is possible to overcome the NMR sensitivity barrier and detect midnanomolar concentrations of a drug and a drug metabolite in a biofluid matrix [5]. In this presentation, I will discuss how pH2 HP can be applied in pharmacokinetics where precise quantitative and qualitative analysis is desired. As a proof of concept, we measured urine of humans exposed to nicotine and compared two common intake methods – smoking and absorption through skin by using a transdermal patch. We followed urinary elimination of nicotine, and its main metabolite cotinine, and determined their concentrations in urine during the onset and withdrawal from nicotine consumption.


[1] I. Reile, N. Eshuis, N. K. J. Hermkens, B. J. A. van Weerdenburg, M. C. Feiters, F. P. J. T. Rutjes, M. Tessari, Analyst 2016, 141, 4001–4005.
[2] N. Eshuis, R. L. E. G. Aspers, B. J. A. van Weerdenburg, M. C. Feiters, F. P. J. T. Rutjes, S. S. Wijmenga, M. Tessari, Angew. Chemie Int. Ed. 2015, 54, 14527–14530.
[3] N. K. J. Hermkens, N. Eshuis, B. J. A. van Weerdenburg, M. C. Feiters, F. P. J. T. Rutjes, S. S. Wijmenga, M. Tessari, Anal. Chem. 2016, 88, 3406–3412.
[4] L. Sellies, I. Reile, R. L. E. G. Aspers, M. C. Feiters, F. P. J. T. Rutjes, M. Tessari, Chem. Commun. 2019, 55, 7235–7238.
[5] N. Reimets, K. Ausmees, S. Vija, I. Reile, Anal. Chem. 2021 93, 9480-9485.

Project title: Experiments in physics teaching and learning

In cooperation with Leibnic University Hannover (Germany), Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia), University of Latvia (Latvia)

7. oktoober 2021
9:30-10:30Excursion through the Physics Labs at TalTech. Student labs + physics demos.Marek Vilipuu, marek.vilipuu@taltech.ee
10:30-11:30Workshop - novel physics experiments for education, part I: focus on offline experimentsLembit Kurik: RemoteLab project Eero Uustalu, Jaan Kalda: experiments with tools from your kitchen.
11:30-12:00Schlieren photographyIndrek Luberg
12:30-14:00Workshop - novel physics experiments for education, part II: focus on monochordsMarek Vilipuu: oscillations of a violin string Eero Uustalu: Guitar string and thermal expansion. Location: U02-102
14:00-15:30Seminar: innovation in physics educationGunnar Friege - From expertise research to the use of Physics Olympiad tass as learning materials Stina Scheer - Outreach Project: MasterClasses in Quantum Physics Location: U02-102
16:00-16:45Physics education research at the Tallinn UniversityNeeme Lumi and Sander Paesalu, Tallinn University, The concept and misconceptions of function in high school mathematics and physics experiments
16:45-18:00Workshop - novel physics experiments for education, part III: focus on opticsKaido Reivelt (University of Tartu):Optics toolbox and teaching-learning sequences for coherent science instruction in lower secondary schools. Eero Uustalu: Budget optics toolbox for undergraduate studies
8. oktoober 2021
9:30-10:30Workshop - novel physics experiments for education, part IV: focus on magnetic materialsMeeting place: U02-105. Eero Uustalu, Jaan Kalda, TalTech: measuring the permeability of a ferromagnetic sheet using flux leakage; measuring the permeability of a graphite pebble using capillary forces. Bonus: finding surface tension + electrical black boxes.
10:30-12:45Round tableMeeting place: U02-105. Jaan Kalda, TalTech: alternative ways to introduce thermodynamics, electromagnetism, special relativity, and analytical mechanics. Everyone: drawing conclusions, planning for the next steps

Täielik külastuse ajakava

Projekti toetab Saksamaa Liitvabariigi Välisministeeriumi vahenditest Saksa Akadeemilise Vahetusteenistuse (DAAD) kaudu Balti-Saksa Kõrgkoolide Büroo.

Kybi Balti-Saksa
Kybi Uni Latvia
Kybi Uni Hannover
Kybi Uni TTÜ

Seminar  kell 14:00 ruumis U02-102. Ettekande teeb Riho Rästa, doktorant KBFI-st

"Nuclear magnetic resonance of the square cupola compounds A(BO)Cu_4(PO_4)_4 (AB = BaTi, SrTi, PbTi, KNb)"

In the upcoming presentation on 30.09.2021 14:00 at U02-102 I will talk about the history and discovery of the magnetoelectric (ME) effect and I will explain the contributing conditions like broken space-time symmetry, spiral driven ordering and geometric frustration. Researchers in Japan (Kimura et al. [1]) have been successful in synthesizing new crystals that exhibit the ME effect in a previously unseen manner. The A(BO)Cu4(PO4)4 compunds comprise of magnetic Cu2+ ions that form so-called square cupola clusters. By cooling the compound we observe a phase shift under the temperature T = 10 K into an antiferromagnetic ordered state. In the overview I will first go through the main characteristics that have been found and then I will focus on the studies made using nuclear magnetic resonance techniques. I will introduce the two main articles, published by Islam et al. [2] and by our own team (Rästa et al. [3]). This will be the first presentation of two, in the next presentation I will talk about my current work involving the expansion of these studies.


[1] K. Kimura, P. Babkevich, M. Sera, M. Toyoda, K. Yamauchi, G. S. Tucker, J. Martius, T. Fennell, P. Manuel, D. D. Khalyavin, R. D. Johnson, T. Nakano, Y. Nozue, H. M. Rønnow, and T. Kimura. Magnetodielectric detection of magnetic quadrupole order in Ba(TiO)Cu4(PO4)4 with Cu4O12 square cupolas. Nature Communications, 7:13039, October 2016.

[2] S. S. Islam, K. M. Ranjith, M. Baenitz, Y. Skourski, A. A. Tsirlin, and R. Nath. Frustration of square cupola in sr(tio)cu4(po4)4. Phys. Rev. B, 97:174432, May 2018.

[3] Riho Rästa, Ivo Heinmaa, Kenta Kimura, Tsuyoshi Kimura, and Raivo Stern. Magnetic structure of the square cupola compound ba(tio)cu4(po4)4. 101:054417.

Seminar toimub kell 14:00 ruumis U02-102. Ettekande teeb Maris Eelsalu, lainetuse dünaamika labori teadur
"Sandy beach evolution in the low-energy microtidal Baltic Sea: attribution of changes to hydrometerological forcing"

The focus is on the evolution of two sandy beaches (Pirita and Russalka) in Tallinn Bay, northeastern Baltic Sea, that are about 3 km apart and oriented differently. A large proportion of annual wave energy flux is packed into a very few days in the year. The wind direction and thereby the direction of the wave fields of the strongest storms in the year determines which coastal areas are most affected. The response of the beaches to hydrometeorological conditions over 12 years, 2008–2020 based on annual high-resolution measurements using airborne and terrestrial laser scanning technology is quantified. The fastest sediment removal from the subaerial beach occurs during time periods with elevated water level and strong waves. Accretion occurs during periods when water level is less elevated. Even though annual variations in the sand volume of subaerial beach are significant, both beaches are stable but respond differently. A comparison of the link between volume changes of the beaches with the monthly average intensity of hydrometeorological drivers suggests a specific mechanism that supports one of the beaches. Sand that is removed from the higher part of Pirita beach and moved to the south and deposited in the shallow nearshore during elevated water levels and north-western storms is transported back to the north in very shallow water during periods of low water level and moderate south-western winds. This mechanism may implicitly stabilise the beaches under bi-directional wind regime.

Seminar kell 14:00 ruumis U02-102

Ettekande tegi Martin Laasmaa, süsteemibioloogia labori vanemteadur
"Investigating calcium handling proteins in heart cells by employing super-resolution imaging"

Heart failure, and cardiovascular disease in general, continue to be the leading cause of morbidity and mortality. Despite some advancements in cardiac research, the prevalence of cardiac diseases continues to grow as the population age. Thus, the already massive socioeconomic burden presented by cardiovascular disease is only expected to increase.
The heart cell's contraction is regulated through changes in intracellular calcium concentration, controlled by different calcium handling proteins. During heart diseases, function, arrangement, and quantity of these proteins are altered, resulting in reduced heart blood pumping capacity. However, in the past decades, advancements in optical microscopy have been made, making it a suitable tool for investigating the molecular mechanisms underlying these alterations. This talk will focus on studying ryanodine receptors, one of the most prominent calcium-handling proteins in heart cells, at nanoscale resolution using different super-resolution imaging methods.

Seminar kell 14:00 Zoom keskkonnas

Ettekande tegi Heiko Herrmann, tahkisemehaanika labori vanemteadur
"Composites with inclusions: orientation averaging for rod-like and orthotropic inclusions"

Seminar kell 14:00 ruumis U02-102


1. Nataliia Kinash, küberneetika instituudi nooremteadur
"Inverse problems for generalized subdiffusion equations"

2. Mart Ratas, küberneetika instituudi nooremteadur
"Haar wavelet based numerical methods: employing adaptive grids"

Seminar kell 14:00 ruumis U05-103

Ettekande tegid Jüri Kurvits, matemaatika osakonna lektor ja Marina Kurvits (TLÜ)
"Kuidas tudeng õpib ja mõtleb ning kuidas teda selles toetada?"

Seminar kell 14:00 ruumis U02-102

Ettekande tegi Kevin Parnell, lainetuse dünaamika labori professor
"Bridging gaps between coastal science and coastal management"

Seminar kell 14:30 ruumis U02-102

Ettekande tegi Kert Tamm, tahkisemehaanika labori teadur
"Mathematical Modelling of Nerve Signals"

Contemporary systems biology is using widely in silico modelling of biological processes. The fascinating problem of propagation of complex signals in nerve fibres can also be analysed in such a way. The complexity of this process is characterized by the ensemble of waves which is composed by electrical, mechanical and thermal signals in fibres. This reflects the physical complexity of physiological processes. In this talk it is argued how to build up a mathematical model by uniting the equations which govern single waves in structural elements of a fibre into a coupled system. As a proof of concept such a model is presented in which the process is triggered by an electrical impulse following the classical axon physiology. The discussion about modelling is going on concentrating upon the physiological properties biomembranes and bulk matter and what is the most important problem – the character of coupling forces. The numerical simulations help to analyze the coupling effects and causal mechanisms.

Seminar kell 14:30 ruumis U02-102

Ettekande tegi Gionni Marchetti , KBFI-st
"A Bayesian approach to Naming Game model"

We present a novel Bayesian approach to semiotic dynamics, which is a cognitive analogue of the naming game model restricted to two conventions. The one-shot learning that characterizes the agent dynamics in the basic naming game is replaced by a word-learning process, in which agents learn a new word by generalizing from the evidence garnered through pairwise-interactions with other agents. The principle underlying the model is that agents, like humans, can learn from a few positive examples and that such a process is modeled in a Bayesian probabilistic framework. We show that the model presents some analogies but also crucial differences with respect to the dynamics of the basic two-convention naming game model. The model introduced aims at providing a starting point for the construction of a general framework for studying the combined effects of cognitive and social dynamics.

Seminar kell 14:30 ruumis U02-102

Ettekande tegi Dmitri Kartofelev, tahkisemehaanika labori teadur
"Fractal geometry of music"

A general discussion on fractal geometry present in human composed music and its applications.

Seminar kell 14:30 ruumis U02-102

Ettekande tegi Gert Tamberg, matemaatika osakonna vanemlektor
"Sampling operators"

Seminar kell 14:30 ruumis U02-102

Ettekande tegi Jaan Kalda, füüsika osakonna professor
"Universal law for distribution of records"

It will be shown that almost all the ranking lists related to human achievements (e.g. seasonal bests of 100 meters running race) are described by a universal distribution law: numerically described achievement x is a linear function of ra – the rank r taken to a certain power a, with 0<a≤2. This linear law can be extrapolated to the values of r approaching zero, making it possible to estimate, what would be the result of the winner of the race if the selection base were to be much larger than it currently is. In the case of the 100 meters race, such an extrapolation results in x=9.48 seconds, implying that at the current level of technology (running shoes, dietary prescriptions, etc), this is the human limit.
It will be hypothesized that such a law is the result of a quasi-homogeneous distribution of humans over a "fitness space".

Seminar kell 14:00 ruumis U02-102

Ettekande tegi Jüri Majak, mehaanika ja tööstustehnika instituudi professor

Seminar kell 14:00 ruumis U02-108

Ettekande tegi Arvo Mere, füüsika osakonna dotsent
"Õppeainele e-toe loomine Moodle-keskkonnas"

Seminar kell 16:00 ruumis CYB-B101

Ettekande tegi Jüri Engelbrecht
"Pool sajandit mehaanikat"

Seminar kell 14:00 ruumis U02-102

Ettekande tegi Aleksei Tepljakov Arvutisüsteemide instituudi teadur
"On the Recent Developments in Fractional-order Modeling and Control and Virtual Reality in the Centre for Intelligent Systems"

Seminar kell 14:00 ruumis U02-102

Ettekande tegi Stephanie Rendon de la Torre tehnilise füüsika doktorant
"Multifractal and fractal complex networks: Estonian network of payments"

Seminar kell 11:00 ruumis CYB-B101

Ettekande tegi Robinson Hordoir Rootsi Meteoroloogia ja Hüdroloogia Instituudi teadlane
"Nemo-Nordic: A NEMO based ocean model for Baltic & North Seas, research and operational applications"

Nemo-Nordic, a Baltic & North Sea three-dimensional hydrodynamic is presented. This model is intended to come as a tool for both short term and long term simulations that can be used for ocean forecasting as well as process and climatic studies. A brief overview of the model and its research and operational capabilities shall be described by its main developer Dr. Robinson Hordoir, from the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, Sweden.

Seminar kell 14:00 ruumis CYB-B101

Ettekande tegi Dušan Gabriel Tšehhi Teaduste Akadeemia Termomehaanika Instituudi osakonnajuhataja
"Explicit contact-impact algorithm based on the bipenalty method"

Seminar kell 10:00 ruumis CYB-B101

Ettekande tegid:

1) Jaak Monbaliu, Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering Science, University of Leuven, Belgium
"Climate REsilient coaST"

2) Hannes Tõnisson, Institute of Ecology, School of Natural Sciences, Tallinn University, Estonia
"Storminess, extreme storms and coastal processes - today, in the past and tomorrow"

3) Magnus Larson, Environmental Technology, Faculty of Engineering, Lund University, Sweden
"Modeling coastal evolution from an engineering perspective"