Tallinna Tehnikaülikool

Triboloogia labor

Testing methods and equipment

The best way to characterise the suitability of materials for certain working conditions is to simulate wear in laboratory conditions. The "Research Laboratory of Tribology and Materials Testing" has sufficient experience in this field. We have designed and manufactured several unique wear testing machines, which allow to model different wear modes and to select the most suitable material for the given conditions.

Unique devices

CETR/Bruker UMT-2 for sliding with modules for sliding at room and high temperature (up to 1000C), reciprocation, 4-ball oil testing, etc.

Tribology CETR 1000C
Tribology FormulaStudent

Erosion devices for wide range of temperatures 20-650C

Tribology Erosion Device

Impact-abrasive device

Tribology ImpactAbrasion
Video file

Salt spray corrosion chamber (ASTM B117, ISO 9227, ASTM G85, ISO 6270)

Tribology Salt Spray

Slurry erosion

Tribology SLurry

3D optical profilometer Bruker ContourGT-K0+

Tribology 3D profilometer



The NeTTUN Consortium of 21 Industrial, Research & Development laboratories and SME organisations across 9 countries in Europe provided groundbreaking change in the construction, management and maintenance of tunnels in pursuit of the goals of NMP.2011.4.0-2, FP7 Framework Programme for the European Commission.

The main aim of the Tallinn Univeristy of Technology team (Laboratory of Powder Metallurgy and Laboratory of Tribology) was to develop materials with higher wear resistance and to prove that by laboratory tests.

For more information please press here

To get information on achievements please press here (link to TunnelTalk magazine)

NeTTUN insert



Kleis, I.; Kulu, P. (2007). Solid Particle Erosion : Occurrence, Prediction and Control. Springer

PhD thesis available in PDF (related to tribology and Materials Science):


Additive Manufacturing of Novel Ceramic-Based Composite Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering. Uudsete keraamikal põhinevate komposiitkarkasside kihtlisandustehnoloogia luukoetehnikas

Kamboj, Nikhil Kumar // Hussainova, Irina

Performance of Ceramic-Metal Composites as Tool Materials for Friction Stir Welding. Keraamilis-metalsed komposiidid otshõõrdkeevituse tööriista materjalidena

Kolnes, Mart // Kübarsepp, Jakob; Sergejev, Fjodor

MoSi2-based Composites by Selective Laser Melting. Selektiivse lasersulatuse teel valmistatud MoSi2 baasil komposiidid

Minasyan, Tatevik // Hussainova, Irina; Aydinyan, Sofiya

Combination of SLM-SPS Approaches for Tribological, Antibacterial and Biomaterial Applications. Kombineeritud SLM-SPS meetod triboloogiliste, antibakteriaalsete ja biosobivate materjalide valmistamiseks

Rahmani Ahranjani, Ramin // Antonov, Maksim, Kollo, Lauri


3D Printed Metal and Metal-Ceramic Cellular Lattice Structures for Wear and Thermoacoustic Applications. 3D prinditud metall- ja metall-keraamilised kärgvõre struktuurid triboloogilistele- ja termoakustilistele rakendustele

Holovenko, Yaroslav // Veinthal, Renno; Kollo, Lauri

Severe Plastic Deformation of Metals by Using High Pressure Torsion Extrusion. Metallide süvaplastne deformeerimine kõrgsurve-väändeekstrusiooni meetodil

Omranpour Shahreza, Babak // Kommel, Lembit; Ivanisenko, Julia

Adaptive Wear Mechanisms of Diamond Coatings at Room and Elevated Temperatures. Teemantpinnete adaptiivkulumise mehhanismid toa- ja kõrgendatud temperatuuridel

Yashin, Maxim // Podgurski, Vitali


Reliability Aspects of PVD Coatings Sliding under Wear and Corrosive Conditions. PVD pinnete töökindluse aspektid liughõõrdumise ja korrosiooni tingimustes

Baroninš, Janis // Hussainova, Irina; Antonov, Maksim

Mathematical Modelling and Optimization of Erosion and Corrosion in Tribology. Erosiooni ja korrosiooni matemaatiline modelleerimine ja optimeerimine triboloogias

Casesnoves, Francisco // Kulu, Priit; Antonov, Maksim

Cobalt- and Nickel-Free Titanium and Chromium Carbide-Based Cermets
Koobalti- ja nikli-vabad titaankarbiid- ja kroomkarbiidkermised

Kolnes, Märt // Kübarsepp, Jakob; Sergejev, Fjodor

Development of Coarse Recycled Hardmetal Reinforced Hardfacings. Taaskasutatava jämekõvasulamarmatuuriga kõvapinnete arendus

Simson, Taavi // Kulu, Priit; Surženkov, Andrei

Alumina-graphene Hybrid Materials for Electrochemical Sensing of Bio-analytes. Alumiiniumoksiidgrafeenhübriidmaterjalid biovedelike elektrokeemiliseks tuvastamiseks

Taleb, Masoud // Hussainova, Irina


Technology and Properties of Fine-grained Nd-Fe-B Magnets. Nd-Fe-B peenteramagnetite tehnoloogia ja omadused

Mural, Zorjana // Veinthal, Renno; Kollo, Lauri

Steel Selection Considerations for Hot-Dip Galvanizing. Terase valiku mõjurid kuumtsinkimiseks

Sepper, Sirli // Peetsalu, Priidu; Kulu, Priit

Electroconductive Oxide Ceramics with Hybrid Graphenated Nanofibers. Elektrijuhtiva oksiidgrafeenkiudkeraamika tehnoloogia ja püsivus

Drozdova, Maria // Hussainova, Irina

Chemical Vapour Deposition of Graphene Coating onto Ceramic Nanofibers Substrates and Applications Thereof. Grafeenpinde keemiline aursadestus keraamilistele nanokiududele ja nende kasutus

Ivanov, Roman // Hussainova, Irina

High Strength Ductile Aluminium Matrix Composite. Kõrgtugev ja plastne alumiiniumkomposiitmaterjal

Kallip, Kaspar // Kollo, Lauri; Leparoux, Marc


Functionalization of Alumina Nanofibers with Metal Oxides. Alumiiniumoksiidnanokiudude funktsionaliseerimine metalloksiididega

Aghayan, Marina // Hussainova, Irina

Titanium Carbide Cermet as Ballistic Protection Material. Titaankarbiidkermis ballistilise kaitse materjalina

Jõeleht, Marek // Pirso, Jüri Juhani, Kristjan

Investigation of Severe Plastic Deformation Processes for Aluminum Based Composites. Alumiiniumi baasil komposiitide süvaplastse deformatsiooni protsesside uurimine

Pramono, Agus // Kollo, Lauri

Novel Synthesized and Milled Carbide-based Composite Powders for HVOF Spray. Uudsed sünteesitud ja jahvatatud karbiidide baasil komposiitpulbrid kiirleekpihustuseks

Sarjas, Heikki // Kulu, Priit

ZrC-based and ZrC-doped Composites for High-Temperature and Wear Applications. ZrC baasil ja ZrC-ga legeeritud komposiitmaterjalid rakendusteks kõrgtemperatuursetes ja kulumistingimustes

Yung, Der-Liang // Hussainova, Irina; Antonov, Maksim


Morphological Changes on Diamond and DLC Films During Sliding Wear. Morfoloogilised muutused teemant- ja teemandilaadsetel pinnetel liugkulumisel

Bogatov, Andrei // Podgurski, Vitali


Thermoreactive polymer composite with high particulate filler content. Suure pulbrilise täiteaine sisaldusega termoreaktiivne polümeerkomposiit
Aruniit, Aare // Krumme, Andres ; Kers, Jaan  // 26.06.2014

High Temperature Corrosion and Abrasive Wear of Boiler Steels. Katlateraste kõrgtemperatuurse korrosiooni- ja kulumisuuringud

Priss, Jelena // Klevtsov, Ivan; Dedov, Andrei // 20.06.2014

Wear of PVD Coatings on Fineblanking Punches. PVD pinnete kulumine silelõikestantsi templitel

Lind, Liina // Peetsalu, Priidu; Veinthal, Renno // 26.09.2014

Design and Technology of Oxides-Containing Ceramic-Based Composites. Oksiide sisaldava komposiitkeraamika tehnoloogia

Voltšihhin, Nikolai // Hussainova, Irina; Antonov, Maksim // 08.12.2014


Advanced Multiphase Tribo-Functional PTA Hardfacings. Mitmefaasilised kulumiskindlad PTA-keevispinded
Zikin, Arkadi // Hussainova, Irina ; Danninger, Herbert  // 13.06.2013

Disintegrator Milling System Development and Milling Technologies of Different Materials. Desintegraatorjahvatussüsteemi arendus ja erinevate materjalide desintegraatorjahvatustehnoloogiad
Goljandin, Dmitri // Kulu, Priit ; Kers, Jaan  // 28.08.2013


Performance of tool materials in blanking. Tööriistamaterjalide toimivus väljalõikestantsimisel
Tšinjan, Aleksei // Kübarsepp, Jakob  // 26.06.2012


Diffusionsschweißen vonWerkstoffen mit unterschiedlichen Eigenschaften. Diffusion Welding of Different Materials. Erinevate materjalide difusioonkeevitus
Dahms, Steffen // Veinthal, Renno ; Köhler, Günter  // 15.06.2011

Duplex Treatment of Steel Surface. Terase pinna duplekstöötlus
Surženkov, Andrei // Kulu, Priit  // 13.06.2011


 Hard PVD Coatings for Tooling. PVD kõvapinded tööriistamajanduses
 Gregor, Andre // Kulu, Priit  // 18.06.2010

Novel Methods for Hardmetal Production and Recycling. Uudsed meetodid WC-Co kõvasulamite valmistamiseks ja taaskasutamiseks
Joost, Renee // Pirso, Jüri  // 18.06.2010

Sliding Wear of PVD Hard Coatings: Fatigue and Measurement Aspects. Õhukeste kõvapinnete liugekulumine: väsimuse ja mõõtmise aspektid
Sivitski, Alina // Kulu, Priit ; Ajaots, Maido  // 01.11.2010


Abrasive Impact Wear : Tester, Wear and Grindability Studies. Abrasiivlöökkulumine: seade, kulumise ja jahvatatavuse uuringud
Tarbe, Riho // Kulu, Priit ; Käerdi, Helmo  // 04.06.2009


Exothermically Synthesized B4C-Al Composites for Dry Sliding. Eksotermiliselt sünteesitud B4C-Al komposiidid tööks liugehõõrdumise tingimustes
Kimmari, Eduard // Kommel, Lembit  // 11.09.2008

Fatigue Characteristics of PM Steels. Pulberteraste väsimuskarakteristikud
Saarna, Mart // Kulu, Priit  // 11.09.2008


Investigation of the Fatigue Mechanics Aspects of PM Hardmetals and Cermets
Sergejev, Fjodor // Kübarsepp, Jakob  // 27.12.2007

 Sinter/HIP Technology of TiC-based Cermets
 Kollo, Lauri // Kübarsepp, Jakob  // 20.12.2007

Microstructural Aspects of Thermal Sprayed WC-Co Coatings and Ni-Cr Coated Steels
Peetsalu, Priidu // Kulu, Priit ; Besterci, Michal  // 21.12.2007

Assessment of Metal Condition and Remaining Life of In-service Power Plant Components Operating at High Temperature
Dedov, Andrei // Klevtsov, Ivan  // 17.12.2007


Assessment of Cermets Performance in Aggressive Media
Antonov, Maksim // Hussainova, Irina  // 05.12.2006

Recycling of Composite Plastics
Kers, Jaan // Kulu, Priit  // 21.12.2006


Characterization and modelling of erosion wear of powder composite materials and coatings
 Veinthal, Renno // Kulu, Priit  // 11.11.2005


Fatigue Performance and Mechanical Reliability of Cemented Carbides
Preis, Irina // Kübarsepp, Jakob  // 28.12.2004


Determination of residual stresses in coatings and coated parts. Jääkpingete määramine pinnetes ja pindega detailides
Kõo, Jakub  // 1994

Some of recent publications relevant to tribology in English (to be updated soon):


Zhao, G.; Hussainova, I.; Antonov, M.; Wang, Q.; Wang, T. (2013). Friction and wear of fiber reinforced polyimide composites. Wear, 301(1-2), 122 - 129.

Gutsev, D.; Antonov, M.; Hussainova, I.; Grigoriev, A.Y. (2013). Effect of SiO2 and PTFE additives on dry sliding of NiP electroless coating. Tribology International, 65, 295 - 302.

Antonov, M.; Hussainova, I.; Adoberg, E. (2013). Effect of loading system inertia on tribological behaviour of ceramic-ceramic, ceramic-metal and metal-metal dry sliding contacts. Tribology International, 65, 207 - 214.

Antonov, M.; Veinthal, R.; Huttunen-Saarivirta, E.; Hussainova, I.; Vallikivi, A.; Lelis, M.; Priss, J. (2013). Effect of oxidation on erosive wear behaviour of boiler steels. Tribology International, 68, 35 - 44.

Zikin, A; Antonov, M; Hussainova, I; Katona, L; Gavrilovic, A. (2013). High temperature wear of cermet particle reinforced NiCrBSi hardfacing. Tribology International, 68, 45 - 55.

Veinthal, R.; Sergejev, F.; Zikin, A.; Tarbe, R.; Hornung, J. (2013). Abrasive impact wear and surface fatigue wear behaviour of Fe-Cr-C PTA overlays. Wear, 301(1-2), 102 - 108.

Kimmari, E.; Podgursky, V.; Simunin, M.; Adoberg, E.; Surženkov, A.; Viljus, M.; Hartelt, M.; Wäsche, R.; Sildos, I.; Kulu, P. (2013). Tribological behavior of carbon nanofibers deposited on hard nanocomposite (nc-Ti_(1-x)Al_xN)/(a-Si_3N_4) coating. Surface & Coatings Technology, 225, 21 - 25.

Hvizdoš, P.; Besterci, M.; Kulu, P.; Kavačkaj, T. (2013). Tribological Characteristics of Copper Based Composites with Al2O3 Particles at Various Temperatures. High Temperature Materials and Processes, 32(5), 437 - 442.


Antonov, M.; Hussainova, I.; Veinthal, R.; Pirso, J. (2012). Effect of temperature and load on three-body abrasion of cermets and steel . Tribology International, 46(1), 261 - 268.

Hussainova, I.; Antonov, M.; Zikin, A. (2012). Erosive wear of advanced composites based on WC. Tribology International, 46(1), 254 - 260.


Hussainova, I.; Antonov, M.; Voltsihhin, N. (2011). Assessment of zirconia doped hardmetals as tribomaterials. Wear, 271(9-10), 1909 - 1915.

Antonov, M.; Hussainova, I.; Kübarsepp, J.; Traksmaa, R. (2011). Oxidation-abrasion of TiC-based cermets in SiC medium. Wear, 273(1), 23 - 31.

Hussainova, I.; Jasiuk, I.; Du, X.; Antonov, M. (2011). Characterization of microstructure and mechanical properties of cermets at micro- and nano- scales . International Journal of Materials and Product Technology, 40(1/2), 58 - 74.

Sergejev, F.; Klaasen, H.; Kübarsepp, J.; Preis, I.. (2011). Fatigue mechanics of carbide composites. International Journal of Materials and Product Technology, 40(1-2), 140 - 163.

Klaasen, H.; Kübarsepp, J.; Tšinjan, A.; Sergejev, F. (2011). Performance of carbide composites in cyclic loading wear conditions. Wear, 271(5-6), 837 - 841.

Sergejev, F.; Peetsalu, P.; Sivitski, A.; Saarna, M.; Adoberg, E.. (2011). Surface fatigue and wear of PVD coated punches during fine blanking operation. Engineering Failure Analysis, 18(7), 1689 - 1697.

Veinthal, R.; Kulu, P.; Käerdi, H. (2011). Microstructural aspects of abrasive wear of composite powder materials and coatings. International Journal of Materials and Product Technology, 40(1/2), 92 - 119.

Podgursky, V.; Adoberg, E.; Surženkov, A.; Kimmari, E.; Viljus, M.; Mikli, V.; Hartelt, M.; Wäsche, R.; Šíma, M.; Kulu, P. (2011). Dependence of the friction coefficient on roughness parameters during early stage fretting of (Al,Ti)N coated surfaces. Wear, 271(5-6), 853 - 858.

Hvizdoš, P.; Besterci, M.; Kulu, P. (2011). Tribological Characteristics of Micro- and Nano-Composites Cu-Al2O3 at Room and Elevated Temperatures. High Temperature Materials and Processes, 30(6), 573 - 577.


Antonov, M.; Hussainova, I. (2010). Cermets surface transformation under erosive and abrasive wear. Tribology International, 43(8), 1566 - 1575.

Klaasen, H.; Kübarsepp, J.; Roosaar, T.;Viljus, M.; Traksmaa, R. (2010). Adhesive wear performance of hardmetals and cermets. Wear, 268(9-10), 1122 - 1128.

Podgursky, V.; Nisumaa, R.; Adoberg, E.; Surzhenkov, A.; Sivitski, A.; Kulu, P. (2010). Comparative study of surface roughness and tribological behavior during running-in period of hard coatings deposited by lateral rotating cathode arc . Wear, 268(5-6), 751 - 755.


Hussainova, I.; Jasiuk, I.; Sardela, M.; Antonov, M. (2009). Micromechanical properties and erosive wear performance of chromium carbide based cermets. . Wear, 267, 152 - 159.

Hussainova, I.; Pirso, J.; Antonov, M.; Juhani, K. (2009). High temperature erosion of Ti(Mo)C-Ni cermets. Wear, 267, 1894 - 1899.

Antonov, M.; Hussainova, I. (2009). Experimental setup for testing and mapping of high temperature abrasion and oxidation synergy . Wear, 267(11), 1798 - 1803.

Antonov, M.; Hussainova, I.; Kulu, P.; Sergejev, F.; Gregor, A. (2009). Assessment of gradient and nanogradient PVD coatings behaviour under erosive, abrasive and impact wear conditions. Wear, 267(5-8), 898 - 906.

Kulu, P.; Tarbe, R.; Käerdi, H.; Goljandin, D. (2009). Abrasivity and grindability study of mineral ores. Wear, 267(11), 1832 - 1837.

Veinthal, R.; Tarbe, R.; Kulu, P.; Käerdi, H. (2009). Abrasive erosive wear of powder steels and cermets . Wear, 267(11), 1838 - 1844.

Veinthal, R.; Kulu, P.; Pirso, J.; Käerdi, H. (2009). Characterization And Prediction Of Abrasive Wear Of Powder Composite Materials. Wear, 267(12), 2216 - 2222.


Hussainova, I.; Antonov, M. (2007). Assessment of cermets performance in erosive media. International Journal of Materials and Product Technology, 28(3/4), 361 - 376.

Hussainova, I.; Pirso, J.; Juhani, K.; Antonov, M.; Letunovits, S. (2007). Erosion and abrasion of chromium carbide based cermets produced by different methods. Wear, 263(7-12), 905 - 911.

Antonov, M. ; Hussainova, I.; Pirso, J.; Volobujeva, O. (2007). Assessment of mechanically mixed layer developing during high temperature erosion of cermets. Wear, 263(7-12), 878 - 886.

Sergejev, F.; Preis, I.; Kübarsepp, J.; Antonov, M. (2007). Correlation between surface fatigue and microstructural defects of cemented carbides. Wear, 264(9), 770 - 774.

Kulu, P.; Veinthal, R.; Saarna, M.; Tarbe, R. (2007). Surface fatigue processes at impact wear of powder materials. Wear, 263(1-6), 463 - 471.

Kulu, P.; Veinthal, R.; Käerdi, H. (2007). Characterisation and modelling of erosion wear of powder composite materials and coatings. International Journal of Materials and Product Technology, 28, 425 - 447.


Stack, M. M.; Antonov, M. M.; Hussainova, I. (2006). Some views on the erosion–corrosion response of bulk chromium carbide based cermets. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 39(15), 3165 - 3174.

Klaasen, H.; Kubarsepp, J.; Eigi, R (2006). Peculiarities of hardmetals wear in blanking of sheet metals. Tribology International, 39(4), 303 - 309.

Klaasen, H.;Kübarsepp, J. (2006). Abrasive wear performance of carbide composites. Wear, 261, 520 - 526.


Kulu, P.; Hussainova, I.; Veinthal, R (2005). Solid particle erosion of thermal sprayed coatings. Wear, 258(1-4), 488 - 496.

Kulu, P.; Mikli, V.; Kaerdi, H.; Besterci, M (2005). Angularity evaluation of milled WC-Co powder. International Journal of Materials & Product Technology, 22(4), 289 - 298.


Klaasen, H.; Kubarsepp, J (2004). Wear of advanced cemented carbides for metalforming tool materials. Wear, 256(7-8), 846 - 853.

Klaasen, H.; Kubarsepp, J.; Preis, I. (2004). Wear behaviour, durability, and cyclic strength of TiC -base cermets. Materials Science and Technology, 20(8), 1006 - 1010.

Klaasen, H.; Kubarsepp, J (2004). Wear behaviour and mechanical properties of sinterhipped hardmetals. Powder Metallurgy, 47(2), 161 - 167.


Kulu, P (2002). Selection of powder coatings for extreme erosion wear conditions. Advanced Engineering Materials, 4(6), 392 - 397.


Kubarsepp, J.; Klaasen, H.; Pirso, J (2001). Behaviour of tic-base cermets in different wear conditions. Wear, 249(3-4), 229 - 234.

Hussainova, I.; Kübarsepp, J.; Pirso, J (2001). Mechanical properties and features of erosion of cermets. Wear, 250, 818 - 825.


Hussainova, I.; Kubarsepp, J.; Shcheglov, I (1999). Investigation of impact of solid particles against hardmetal and cermet targets. Tribology International, 32(6), 337 - 344.


Reshetnyak, H.; Kubarsepp, J. (1998). Resistance of hardmetals to fracture. Powder Metallurgy, 41(3), 211 - 216.


Reshetnyak, H.; Kubarsepp, J. (1997). Structure sensitivity of wear resistance of hardmetals. International Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials, 15(1-3), 89 - 98.


Kubarsepp, J.; Reshetnyak, H.; Annuka, H. (1994). Characterization of the serviceability of steel-bonded hardmetals. International Journal of Refractory Metals & Hard Materials, 12(6), 341 - 348.

Kübarsepp, J.; Kallast, V. (1994). Stainless hardmetals and their electrochemical corrosion resistance. Werkstoffe und Korrosion, 452 - 458.

Reshetnjak, H.; Kübarsepp, J. (1994). Mechanical properties of hard metals and their erosive wear resistance. Wear, 177(2), 185 - 193.

The complete list of publicaitons is available from Estonian Research Information System (ETIS). For quick assess please press here.
