Tallinna Tehnikaülikool

Kaitstud doktoritööd

Georgi Hrenov. Conceptual Framework for Integrating Key Elements of a Safety Management System into Organisational Performance Management. 2023

Christopher Paul Meyer. Entrepreneurial Discovery Process Design for Sustainable Development within Smart Specialisation Strategies. 2023

Naghmeh Nik Bakhsh. Joint Recovery Management in Business-to-Business Markets: Antecedents, Process and Relational Outcome. 2023

Ekaterina Koroleva. FinTech Business Models and Their Linkages with Customers and Founders. 2022

Jaana Sepp. Safety Culture Framework for Nursing and Care Institutions. 2021

Tatiana Kudriavtseva. Cluster Industrial Policy and Tools in Transition Economy: The Case of Russia. 2021

Robert Philipp. Smart Seaports as Innovation Drivers for Blue Growth. 2021

Valeria Kiisk. Knowledge Sourcing Strategies and Their Impact on Organizational Performance. 2020

Xiaosong Zheng. Identifying Shared Key Success Factors for International Joint Ventures in China. 2020

Merle Küttim. International University-Industry Knowledge Transfer. 2020

Vaiva Kiaupaite-Grušniene. Conceptual Model for Cash Flow Statement: History, Analysis and Further Development. 2019

Merli Reidolf. Knowledge Networks and Local Resources Shaping Innovation in Rural Areas. 2019

Kalev Kallemets. Development of Resource Regime of Oil Shale Industry: A Case of Estonia. 2019

Tarmo Koppel. Safety Management of Electromagnetic Fields in the Work Environment. 2019

Sirje Ustav. Defining Metacompetencies for Entrepreneurship Education. 2018

Paavo Siimann. Usage of Efficiency Matrix in the Analysis of Financial Statements. 2018

Eunice Omolola Olaniyi. Business Models in Compliance with Sulphur Emissions Control Area Regulations. 2018

Kaidi Kallaste. Kutsekvalifikatsiooni omistamise praktika ja raamatupidamise kui kutseala areng Eestis. 2018

Laima Gerlitz. Design Management as a Driver for Innovation in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises. 2018

René Arvola. Telework as a Solution for Extending Worklife. 2018

Jana Kukk. Value Creation in Knowledge-intensive Business Services. 2016

Emilia Startseva. Комплексный анализ и оценка эффективности деятельности хозяйственной единицы. 2016

Anatoli Beifert. Regional Airports as a Driving Force for Economic and Entrepreneurial Growth Through Air Cargo Value Chains. 2016

Liis Talpas. The Theoretical Bases for the Preparation of Financial Statements for SMEs: the Case of Estonia. 2016

Iivi Riivits-Arkonsuo. Consumer’s Journey as Ambassador of Brand Experiences. 2015

Õnnela Paas. Development of the Safety Management System at Enterprises. 2015

Katrin Toompuu. The Full Costing Model and Its Implementation at Universities: The Case of Tallinn University of Technology. 2015

Siiri Same. Conceptualization of Experience Marketing and Country Branding from a Marketing Management Perspective. 2015

Eneken Titov. Management Paradigm Values in Real and Propagated Level as Prerequisites of Organisational Success. 2015

Kristina Hunke. Conceptualisation and Management of Green Transport Corridors. 2015

Anu Virovere. The Role of Management Values, Knowledge Management and Conflict Management for Improvement of Organisational Sustainability. 2015

Merle Rihma. Ethics Audit: A Management Tool for Assessing of Corporate Social Responsibility and Preventing Ethical Risks. 2014

Riina Koris. Customer Orientation at a Higher Educational Institution: The Perspective of Undergraduate Business Students in Estonia. 2014

Alar Kolk. Co-evolution of Capabilities’ and Alliance Portfolios: Multinational Firms in Global ICT Industry. 2014

Aleksandr Michelson. Destination Branding and Constructing Symbolic Capital in the Reproduction of Heritage Space: the Case of UNESCO Designated Hanseatic Old Towns. 2014

Marina Järvis. Assessment of the Contribution of Safety Knowledge to Sustainable Safety Management Systems in Estonian SMEs. 2013

Hannes Ling. Developing an Assessment Measure for Enhancing Entrepreneurship Education through a Metacognitive Approach. 2013

Karen Voolaid. Measurement of Organizational Learning of Business Schools. 2013

Angelika Kallakmaa-Kapsta. Before and After the Boom: Changes in the Estonian Housing Market. 2013

Aleksandr Miina. Critical Success Factors of Lean Thinking Implementation in Estonian Manufacturing Companies. 2012

Sirje Pädam. Economic Perspectives on Environmental Policies: The Costs and Benefits of Environmental Regulation in Estonia. 2012

Tobias Wiebelt. Impact of Lease Capitalization on the Development of Accounting Standards: A Theoretical Research. 2012

Mike Franz Wahl. Kapitaliühingute lõppomanike alusväärtuste ja tahte uurimine ning omanikkonna tüpoloogia konstrueerimine. 2011

Oliver Parts. The Effects of Cosmopolitanism on Estonian and Slovenian Consumer Choice Behavior of Foreign versus Domestic Products. 2011

Jüri Kleesmaa. Economic Instruments as Tools for Environmental Regulation of Electricity Production in Estonia. 2011

Tarmo Kadak. Creation of a Supportive Model for Designing and Improving the Performance Management System of an Organisation. 2011

Ivar Soone. Interrelations between Retail Service Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty: A Holistic Perspective. 2007

Enno Lend. Transpordiühenduse ja logistikasüsteemi interaktsioon (Saaremaa ja Hiiumaa näitel). 2007

Jochen Sebastian Heubischl. European Network Governance – Corporate Network Systematic in Germany, the United Kingdom and France: an Empirical Investigation. 2006