Tallinn University of Technology

Baltic Polymer Symposium is a traditional conference, started in the year 2001, circulating in Baltic states. The conference is a meeting point for polymer scientists, especially young scientists, Ms and Ph.D. students from the Baltics. Still, the conference has broad international recognition nowadays, having participants from more than 15 countries. The most important areas covered by the conference are polymeric materials and composites, conductive polymers, electrochemistry, and photochemistry of polymers.
20th Baltic Polymer Symposium is organized by Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech).

Please find the BPS2022 ABSTRACT BOOK here. 

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Important deadlines

Abstract submission: 20 June 2022  

Early bird registration: 20 June 2022  

Final registration: 22 August 2022  

Full Paper submission: 19 September 2022 

Conference fee must be paid by the latest 5.09.2022