Tallinn University of Technology

We are a leading technical university in Estonia, known globally for its academic multidisciplinarity. In our teaching and research, we attempt at synergising all our major fields, including different aspects of engineering, information technology, exact sciences, legal studies, research on governance, and contemporary business studies. A more detailed range of information on our research fields can be easily found here.   
Our students, academic as well as non-academic staff, researchers and experts originate from over 100 countries. TalTech is academic home for the most international studentship and lectureship bodies in the country. With the English language as medium of instruction, we offer 4 Bachelor- and 14 Master-level academic  programmes, while all our Doctoral streams are entirely in English. 

The university’s high-level academic cooperation is framed by our full membership in outstandingly effective educational and professional networks, such as NORDTEK, EUA, HERITAGE, SCIENCE BUSINESS NETWORK and SEFI. This leads to both productive collaboration in conducting a groundbreaking research and global dissemination of academically fruitful results. Enjoy reading about our success stories: