Description: These small, rugged and fault-tolerant sensors are designed for short-term deployments in extreme underwater environments. Developed as part of the EU H2020, FITHydro project, they are capable of travelling through hydropower turbines. In addition, they have been successfully deployed in glaciers, pressure pipelines, waterfalls, over weirs and large dams.
Key features:
Fault-tolerant pressure sensors, using triple modular redundancy to check data quality of each measurement
The absolute orientation of the sensor is recorded relative to gravity and magnetic North
Self-calibrating pressure sensors to atmospheric pressure and inertial sensor (accelerometer, magnetometer and rate gyro)
Sectors: hydropower, englacial and subglacial measurements, water and wastewater pipeline monitoring
Purchasing / Use: Please contact Jeffrey Tuhtan (jeffrey.tuhtan@taltech.ee)
LINKS: Data sheet / Publications / Flyer ENG