Tallinn University of Technology

Biosignal Processing Laboratory

Head of the research group:  Professor MAIE BACHMANN,
Members: Hiie Hinrikus, Jaanus Lass,  Laura Päeske, Maive Hanni
Doctoral students: Tuuli Uudeberg, Safoora Masoumirad
Consultant: Toomas Põld (Meliva)

Topics and competences
Keywords: signal processing, electroencephalography, brain disorders, transcranial direct current stimulation

The research group is experienced in the interdisciplinary area of information technology and brain physiology. The studies are aimed to detect and interpret the features in the brain electroencephalography (EEG) signal characteristic for mental disorder, occupational and/or environmental stressors comprising the advanced methods of signal analysis and the knowledge about brain neuronal activity. An original Spectral Asymmetry Index (SASI) has been developed and proved as a promising method in various applications.

Biosignaalide töötluse labori liikmed
Members of Biosignal Processing Laboratory

Selected results:

  • By applying EEG-based objective measures it is feasible to indicate early symptoms of depressioon, but also the changes and recovery caused by mRNA COVID-19 vaccine;
  • Different EEG markers reflect partly the same features in brain functioning, while Higuchi’s fractal dimension reveals the widest scale of EEG features among the studied markers;
  • Developed EEG based in phase matrix profile outperforms Higuchi’s fractal dimensioon in detecting major depressive disorder;
  • Decreased small-world organization of a brain network is compensated with increased alpha connectivity;
  • There is no threshold for the biological or health effects of radio frequency radiation, while the health risk can be minimized by linking the health protection limit values to the level of radiation, in which no significant health effects have been noticed during a long period of exposure (6 V/m).

Selected projects:

Selected articles