About the department
Medical Technology study programme
Medical Technology study programme is a combination of engineering, medicine, IT and physics. Health care is constantly in the need for new technologies that help to improve the diagnosis and treatment processes. Graduates of Medical Technology study programme might deal with functional diagnostics and take care of the equipment in intensive care or be responsible for the procurement, maintenance and safety of medical equipment in a hospital. In scientific research we cover the fields of biomedicine, neurology, nephrology and cardiovascular medicine.

Digital health study programme
Digital health is an integral part of health care. It is said, that in the 21st century, health care is no longer a medical science, but rather an information science. 30% of the data stored in the world is health data. In TalTech, we operate as a study- , research- and development establishment in the field of digital health. Our international study programme provides knowledge on how to implement innovative solutions in health care. Scientists value digital services and provide recommendations on how to digitalize health care wisely. Our mission is to make health care future proof with smart digitalization.

PhD Programme
Admissions to doctoral studies take place throughout the year according to the schedule of public competition.

The mission of Centre for Biomedical Engineering is to act as a leading institution within the interdisciplinary field of Biomedical Engineering in Estonia, to be a partner in the world, which carries out high level research and high-quality teaching at various levels.
The activities and competence of the Centre:
- Research and development of medical apparatus and instruments, and their optimal and effective use;
- Systems and instruments for personalized treatments aiming to improve life quality and well-being;
- Development of technologies for the artifical systems expanding and strengthening inherent human capacities.

Biosignal Processing Laboratory
The Biosignal Processing Lab at TalTech merges IT and brain physiology to analyze EEG signals, identifying features related to mental disorders and stress. We've developed the promising Spectral Asymmetry Index (SASI) for various applications.

The Board of Tallinn University of Technology will present the rector candidates at a press conference on March 28 between 1:00-1:30 p.m.
Research Areas
- Analysis of electrical oscillations of brain and cognitive processes related with bioelectric signals;
- Development of objective indicators for early detection of depression;
- Biofluid optics;
- Development and integration of smart technologies to develop safe and ergonomic work clothes;
- Monitoring of quality of kidney replacement therapy;
- Automated and digitalized entering of clinical information using automatic speech recognition system.
- Development of new optical methods and technologies for early diagnosis of atherosclerosis;
- Development of digital decision support systems and communication tools for personalised medicine for diagnostics and treatment of cardiovascular diseases;
- Development of new technologies for diagnosis and treatment of familial hypercholesterolemia within the framework of the international FHSC project;
- Determination of oxidative stress markers for patients with cardiovascular disease or diabetes mellitus.
• supporting the development of IT solutions for digitalisation of healthcare and examining interoperability factors (strategies, standards, IT architecture, data sets, databases) needed for the implementation of digital health solutions
• evaluation of digital health technologies and developing the necessary framework for deployment
• testing and development of solutions related to personal medicine