Tallinn University of Technology

Centre for Biomedical Engineering

Centre for Biomedical Engineering at Tallinn University of Technology is one structural unit of Department of Health Technologies. The Centre is engaged in teaching on  master and doctoral levels.

The mission of Centre for Biomedical Engineering is to act as a leading institution within the interdisciplinary field of Biomedical Engineering in Estonia, to be a partner in the world, which carries out high level research and high-quality teaching at various levels.

The activities and competence of the Centre:

  • Research and development of medical apparatus and instruments, and their optimal and effective use;
  • Systems and instruments for personalized treatments aiming to improve life quality and well-being;
  • Development of technologies for the artifical systems expanding and strengthening inherent human capacities.

Team of the Centre for Biomedical Engineering values:

  • Performance
  • Development
  • Professional Commitment
  • Consistency
  • Cooperation
  • Ethics
Biomeditsiinitehnika keskuse töötajad
Team of the Centre for Biomedical Engineering


Sensor Technologies in Biomedical Engineering (SensorTechBME) Research Group

Head of the research group:  Professor IVO FRIDOLIN
Members: Jürgen Arund, Jana Holmar, Merike Luman, Kristjan Pilt, Risto Tanner, Nils Fredrik Arne Uhlin, Moonika Viigimäe,  Kai Lauri, Sigrid Kalle, Deniss Karai
Doctoral Students: Annika Adoberg, Kristina Kööts, Liisi Leis, Joosep Paats

Topics and Competences
Keywords: sensors; algorithms; sensor fusion; biofluid optics; uremic toxins; dialysis; on-line monitoring; spectrophotometry; spectrofluorimetry; signal processing; smart work wear; physical activity monitoring; energy consumption; fatigue monitoring; automatic speech recognition; speech-to-text applications, physiological well-being monitoring

The main research field of the SensorTechBME team is to develop flexible and novel sensor technologies and algorithms in biomedical engineering applications:

  • To estimate dialysis adequacy and quality securing end stage renal disease (ESRD) patients’ care quality. The research is exploring spectrophotometrical and  pectrofluorimetrical characteristics-signatures of the biofluids and performing various signal processing and analysis on those signals.
  • To develop beyond the state-of-the-art applications incorporated into a smart wearable multi-sensor fusion system for generating valuable data about the workers’ location, locomotion, physical activity, energy consumption and physiological status.
  • For speech-to-text usage in healthcare and industry.
  • Innovative psychophysiological development of methods that combine quantitative physiological and subjective psychological indicators to assess people's emotional response to different (living) environments (e.g. safe, comfortable, stressful, overstimulating or unattractive). One area of application is to bridge the gap between city planners and city residents using the so-called well-being score mapping.

Professor Fridolin is a member of the international European Uremic Toxin Work Group (EUTox WG).

Sensortehnoloogiad meditsiinitehnikas uurimisrühm
Members of Sensor Technologies in Biomedical Engineering (SensorTechBME) Research Group

Main results

  • A novel on-line multicomponent miniaturized optical sensor for monitoring removal of uremic toxins in the spent dialysate during hemodialysis was designed and validated in the European multicenter clinical study.
  • A new method and device were developed for real-time physical fatigue estimation based on physiological signals and parameters.

Selected projects:

Selected publications: