Tallinn University of Technology

The Tallinn University of Technology Department of Health Technologies will be celebrating several major events in 2024: in the fall, the Department will celebrate its 30th anniversary, with the Estonian Society for Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics also having reached the same milestone. There is also reason to congratulate the Master’s programme in Digital Health, which is celebrating its 15th year. 

Members and friends of the Department of Health Technologies are invited to a gathering at the Tallinn TV Tower, on 7 November 2024, to gain insight into the research groups, cooperation partners, and action plans of the Department of Health Technologies. In the evening there will be a festive dinner and networking for the participants.

Participation is only by individual invitation. 

You are also invited to attend the opening conference of EstWell, the Center of Excellence for Well-being Sciences, on 8 November, held at the Tallinn University of Technology Student House. Learn more and register.


  • 10.30–10.55 Arrival and coffee break 
  • 10.55–11.00 Opening
  • 11.00–11.05 Opening remarks by Professor Gert Jervan, Dean of the TalTech School of Information Technologies  
  • 11.05–11.10 Opening remarks by Professor Emeritus Hiie Hinrikus, TalTech Department of Health Technologies   
  • 11.10–11.20 Presentation of the Hiie Hinrikus Scholarship to a student of the Medical Engineering and Medical Physics curriculum. Jaanus Lass, secretary of the Estonian Society for Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics, and Hiie Hinrikus 
  • 11.20–11.40 The past-present-future of the Department of Health Technologies. The director of the Department, assistant professor Jana Holmar  
  • 11.40–11.50 International cooperation in frame of COST PerMedik action, overview. Professor Joachim Jankowski, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany 
  • 11.50–12.00 International cooperation: COST PerMedik action “Post-translational modification in context of comorbidities”. Professor Vera Jankowski, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany 
  • 12.00–12.15 Estonian Society of Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics. Jaanus Lass, Senior Researcher at the TalTech Department of Health Technologies 
  • 12.15–12.30 Inside EFOMP (European Federation of Organisations for Medical Physics): Current status on the role, demands and requirements of the Medical Physicist. EFOMP Chair of Education and Training Committee Veronica Rossetti
  • 12.30–12.45 Master of Science in Health Technologies I: Digital Health. Programme Manager Doris Kaljuste  
  • 12.45–13.00 Master of Science in Health Technologies II: Medical Engineering and Physics. Programme Manager Jelena Fomina
  • 13.00–14.00 Lunch
  • 14.00–14.20 Medical engineer in various roles: e-intensity system project at the North Estonia Medical Centre. Anna-Marie Jakobson, biomedical technology engineer at the Medical Technology Division of the North Estonia Medical Centre 
  • 14.20–14.40 Tallinn Hospital as the best opportunity to modernise and optimise medical technologies and hospital infrastructure in today’s Estonia. Marko Parve, leading specialist in medical technology 
  • 14.40–15.00 TIntroduction to TalTech Health – Health and Food Technologies Focus Centre of Excellence at TalTech. Pirjo Spuul, biomedical scientist and Director of the Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology at TalTech 
  • 15.00–15.20 TalTech Department of Health Technologies research group “Sensor Technologies in Medical Engineering”. Professor Ivo Fridolin, TalTech Department of Health Technologies    
  • 15.20–15.40 Welfare break
  • 15.40–16.00 TalTech Department of Health Technologies research group “E-health Applications and Services”. Professor Peeter Ross, TalTech Department of Health Technologies 
  • 16.00–16.15 TalTech Department of Health Technologies research group “Bioelectric Signals of the Brain”. Professor Maie Bachmann, TalTech Department of Health Technologies  
  • 16.15–16.30 TalTech Department of Health Technologies research group “Technologies for Diagnostics and Treatment of Hypertension and Atherosclerosis”. Professor Margus Viigimaa, TalTech Department of Health Technologies 
  • 16.30–17.00 Introduction to the Estonian Centre of Excellence of Well-Being Sciences. Margit Meiesaar, manager of the Centre of Excellence for Well-being Sciences 
  • 17.00–18.00 Group picture and tour of the building 
  • 18.00–22.00 Dinner, greetings and congratulations, musical performance 


Gert jervan

Gert Jervan is the Professor of IT and Dean of the Faculty of IT at TalTech. He is engaged in research on topics related to IT reliability and dependability. As the dean, he is responsible for the faculty, which has nearly 3,000 students and more than 300 employees. 

Hiie Hinrikus

She is an internationally recognized biomedical engineering scientist and expert in non-ionizing radiation. Under her leadership, the Biomedical Engineering Center at TalTech and the Estonian Society of Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics were established in 1994. 

Jana Holmar

Jana Holmar is an assistant professor of bioliquid optics and Director of the Department of Health Technologies at TalTech. As the director of the department, she works in the name of greater cooperation, competitiveness and visibility of research groups. And in her research, she is developing the field of biomarker optics, which would make it possible to improve the lives of people suffering from kidney failure. 

Joachim Jankowski

Professor Joachim Jankowski is the Director of the Institute for Molecular Cardiovascular Research (IMCAR), a research institute located inside the RWTH Aachen University Hospital, Germany, and the chair of the “European Uremic Toxin” (EUTox) working group. He is dedicated to pursuing scientific excellence in cardiovascular biology, focusing on chronic renal failure, vascular remodeling, and cardiovascular disease. 

Vera Jankowski

Professor Vera Jankowski is work group leader at the Institute for Molecular Cardiovascular Research (IMCAR) at the RWTH Aachen, Germany. She has extensive expertise in mass spectrometry and chromatography to identify, quantify and localize novel regulators of pathological processes in CKD, CVD and neurodegenerative diseases. She is an outstanding expert in discovering post-translational modifications (PTMs) of proteins and peptides and their localisation in the tissue by using a combination of chromatography, mass spectrometry and MALDI imaging. 

Jaanus Lass

Jaanus Lass is a member of the Board of the Estonian Society of Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics, technical researcher and entrepreneur, and an authorised biomedical engineer. 

He is also a promoter of the Estonian qualifications system for biomedical engineers. 

Veronica Rossetti

Veronica Rossetti is an Italian medical physicist working in Turin, in the medical physics department of the University Hospital Città della Salute e della Scienza. Her professional activities focus on diagnostic radiology imaging, dosimetry and radiation protection. She is an adjunct professor at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Turin and participates in training programmes for medical physicists and other health professionals. For her second term, she is chairperson of the EFOMP Education and Training Committee. 

Doris Kaljuste

Doris Kaljuste is the Programme Director for TalTech’s Digital Health Master’s programme. Kaljuste has previously been involved in various roles in digital health projects, both at university and at hospital, and has worked closely with parties in the field of digital health and integrated care in Estonia and abroad. 

Jelena Fomina

Jelena Fomina, PhD, is the Programme Director for Medical Engineering and Medical Physics. Using more than 10 years of business cooperation experience in implementing innovative projects and relying on the professional experience of colleagues, she motivates students to successfully complete the programme. 

Anna-Marie Jakobson

Anna-Marie Jakobson graduated from TalTech with a Master’s degree in medical technology and physics, works as a biomedical technology engineer at the Medical Centre and manages intensive care devices. She is also responsible for the correct functioning of the dosimetry system as an engineer in the measurement laboratory of the North Estonia Medical Centre and for presenting the results of measurements of the individual doses absorbed by radiology workers. 

Marko Parve

Marko Parve is a leading specialist in medical technology and a medical engineer with extensive skills, who has over 15 years of experience as the Head of the Medical Equipment Department at the East Tallinn Central Hospital. He is currently working at the Tallinn Hospital Development Foundation as a leading medical technologist, where he is contributing his knowledge and experience to the design of a new hospital. 

Pirjo Spuul

Pirjo Spuul, a biomedical scientist and Director of the Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology at TalTech, is an internationally recognised microbiologist and head of the biomedicine research group. Under her leadership, research is being carried out on pathogen-induced cancer-causing processes, focusing on the human pathogen Helicobacter pylori. 

Ivo Fridolin

Ivo Fridolin is a tenured full professor in the Department of Health Technologies at Tallinn University of Technology and the CTO of Optofluid Technologies OÜ. Ivo and his research team are pioneers in optical dialysis dose monitoring methodology and technology, and in developing a methodology for assessing physiological well-being based on multi-parametric physiological measurements in the urban space. 

Peeter Ross

Peeter Ross is a professor of e-health and a radiologist, and the co-founder of the doctoral and master’s programmes in Digital Health. He is one of the creators and implementers of the Estonian Health Information System, which has gained international recognition. 

Maie Bachmann

Maie Bachmann is an Associate Professor of Biosignal Processing at TalTech. She has created and developed methods for detecting changes in brain signals caused by mental disorders or the environment. 

Maie Bachmann

Margus Viigimaa is a researcher in cardiovascular medicine at TalTech. He is an internationally renowned expert in hypertension, atherosclerosis, and personalised medicine, as well as an honorary member of several European professional associations. 

Margit Meiesaar

Margit Meiesaar is the manager of the Center of Excellence for Well-being Sciences. She has previously worked as a programme manager at the Estonian Research Council and as a project manager and communications person in the Institute of Technology at University of Tartu. 


Register here

Please register only if you have received an invitation by e-mail. N.B. Space is limited. If, after registration, it turns out that you cannot participate, please let us know at martin.kriisemann@taltech.ee

Additional information

The event will take place at the Tallinn TV Tower (Kloostrimetsa tee 58a, Tallinn). Parking is available in front of the TV Tower entrance. More information about how to get there is here.

Participation in the conference is free of charge, but requires prior registration. When entering, you must provide the QR code you received when you registered. 

The conference is in Estonian, except for presentations by foreign speakers. The conference has simultaneous translation in the Estonian-English direction.

The organizers reserve the right to make changes to the program.


Support the Hiie Hinrikus Scholarship Fund!

The scholarship is intended for a Master’s student in Medical Technology and Physics in the School of Information Technologies, and will be awarded for the first time in 2024 within the framework of the fall competition of the Development Fund of Tallinn University of Technology. The scholarship will be awarded at the anniversary conference on 7 November.