Table of Contents
Media Coverage
- 25.01.2023 Article "Ainekübeke aitab muuta imiku piimasegu kasulike bakterite peolauaks" - Annette Miller
- 03.02.2023 Article "DNA valmistamise mehhanismi uurimine kannustab vähiravi leidmist" - Tatiana Moiseeva
- 09.02.2022 Kaarel Adamberg spoke at Õnne Foorum - "Vaimset tervist toetav toit".
- 22.02.2022 Anni Kooli spoke in a show Laser TV3 about Chemical safety in nail technician products.
- 01.04.2022 Anni Kooli spoke in Tiiu Journal about fragrance and perfume allergy and its dangers.
- 22.07.2022 Kaarel Adamberg spoke about bread in Vikerkaare morning program.
12.08.2022 Kristel Vene commented in OmaMaitse journal"Petmine otse meie nina all: toidu hindade järsk tõus ja sõjast tingitud toorainepuudus kasvatab toidupettuste hulka"
11.01.2023 Koidula gymnasim attended a tour of our department and participated in the genetics workshop.
20.01.2023 St. Johannes School attended inorganic workshop.
23.01.2023 Kadrioru Saksa gymnasim attended a tour of our department.
26.01.2023 PhD Career Day. Several successful researchers and representatives of the academy, public and private sectors, spoke about their experiences and gave good advice to doctoral students.
06.-07.01.2022 Chemistry study session in cooperation with the University of Tartu School of Science. Practical preparation for the International Chemistry Olympiad.
24.01.2022 Nõo gymnasium science fair.
23.03.2022 Viljandi gymnasim attended a tour of our department.
20.04.2022 Workshop for members of the Baltic Chemistry Olympiad team. Preparation for the Olympiad.
29.04.2022 Science Day! TalTech Faculty of Science organized a day of workshops for young people interested in science. More than 30 workshops were open!
05.05.2022 Cooperation seminar on oncology with PERH in Mektory. Presentations by researchers from KBI and KBFI, the Institute of Health Technology, and oncologists from PERH.
27.05.2022 Visit of food technologists from the University of the Life Sciences. The food technologists of the University of Agriculture, led by Prof. Ivi Jõudu, visited TFTAK and we visited the university. There was an excursion and a seminar.
25.10.2022 Science Day for biology and chemistry teachers.
27.-28.10.2022 Conference of Chemistry PhD students.
28.10.2022 EditGrass4Food workshop.
November - Energy Saving Challenge. KBI research groups came up with new ideas how to use less electricity. Read more HERE!
20.12.2022 - KBI symposium and Christmas Party!