Tallinn University of Technology

Laboratories and services

The Department's modern laboratories support research and teaching activities and allow us to provide services to other research groups in the university and beyond.

Price List

Laboratory of Geochemistry and Mineralogy

Contact: Nata-Ly Pantšenko, +372 620 3049


  •     Determination of elemental composition by XRF method
  •     Determination of mineral composition by XRD method

The laboratory of geochemistry and mineralogy mainly deals with studies of the elemental composition and structure of rocks and other materials.

A Bruker D8 Advance X-ray diffractometer (XRD) with a powder diffractometry setting is used in the laboratory for mineralogical and structural studies. In geology, the method is a basic tool for determining mineralogical composition and allows to study structural changes in minerals as a result of various environmental influences.

man with laboratory equipment
girl working in laboratory

The laboratory uses a Bruker S4 Pioneer fluorescence spectrometer (XRF) to analyse the elemental composition, with which it is possible to determine the content of a wide range of chemical elements from fluorine to uranium in the content range of 10ppm – 100%.

In addition to Bruker S4 Pioneer spectrometer, Vanta M-series handheld XRF spectrometer is utilised. It allows for a fast initial overview of elemental composition of a material.

As for the preparation of samples, the laboratory is equipped for sawing, crushing and grinding rocks and making thin and polished sections.

The laboratory has long been participating in the International Association of Geoanalysts benchmarking programme, which aims to provide feedback on the quality of laboratory analysis (see certificates). The laboratory is comprehensive, and in addition to research, it also participates in national projects and cooperates with private companies, such as chemical engineering companies, metallurgical industry, pharmaceutical industry, road construction companies, etc.

Certificates: basalt, basalt2, calcified sediment, dolerite, granite, granodiorite, leucomonzogranite, metalliferous shale, monzonite, phosphorite, sandy loam, sandy loam2, sediment, siliceous siltstone, slate, tholeiitic basalt, tonalite

Laboratory of Isotope and Hydrogeochemistry

Contact person: PhD Merlin Liiv, +372 620 3030


  • Isotopic composition of organic matter and water

Isotopic composition of organic matter (carbon and nitrogen) in sediments and other samples are analysed using FlashEA 1112 coupled via ConFlo IV to a Delta V Advantage Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer. Sample precision and calibration of data is performed using International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) standards.

The isotopic composition of water samples (δ18O and δD) is determined with a Picarro L-2120-i laser spectrometer.

lab equipment Picarro
woman in lab

Laboratory of Mining conditions

Contact person: MSc Sander Kanter, +372 620 3853


  • Vibration measurements
  • Measurement of noise level in the work environment
  • Measurement of industrial noise
  • Sieve analysis of bulk materials (gradation test)
  • Determination of formability of bulk materials
  • Determination of aggregate toughness by the Los Angeles method
  • Determination of abrasiveness of rocks by the LCPS method
  • Expert assessment on the stability of the rock mass
  • Expert assessment on the handling of explosives and pyrotechnic articles
  • Blasting design, expert assessments on blasting parameters and safety
  • Consultations on military geology and military technologies

Laboratory of Sedimentology and Palaeoecology

Contact person: PhD Tiiu Alliksaar, +372 620 3032


  • Analysis of sediment composition: organic, carbonate and terrigenous matter using the loss on ignition (LOI) method.
  • Analysis of sediment organic matter elemental composition: total carbon, organic carbon, total nitrogen and sulphur content via organic elemental analyser Thermo FLASH 2000 CHNS-O.
  • Low-temperature (-55°C) vacuum drying of samples using the freeze dryer  Scanvac Coolsafe 55.
  • Sediment grain-size analysis using the laser diffraction particle size distribution analyser Horiba Partica LA-950 and test sieves with the electromagnetic digital sieve shaker Controls 15-D0409.
  • Biostratigraphic analysis of sediments: pollen, diatoms, plant macro remains, and Palaeozoic stratigraphic dating.
  • Collecting and preparing sediment samples (lake sediments, peat profiles) for further analysis.
lab worker with equipment
man in a storage room

The Laboratory of Sedimentology and Palaeoecology focuses on studying natural and anthropogenic changes in the environment, climate and vegetation based on information preserved in sediments (lake, bog, marine, etc.). Various palaeoecological issues are addressed, such as the development of vegetation in changing climates, the impact of land use on landscape formation (analysis of pollen and plant macrofossils), natural processes and human influence on water bodies (analysis of diatoms etc.)

Särghaua Earth Science Centre

Contact person: Centre Administrator PhD Maris Rattas, +372 5884 6443
