Tallinn University of Technology

Current Events

First dissemination event of the HERCCULES project took place at TalTech

a group of people

CCUS  Dissemination event organised by two European projects – HERCCULES and CCUS ZEN, supported by the Horizon Europe Program took place in the Tallinn University of Technology on 13th June. About 50 people on site and 30 online from research institutes, universities, oil and engineering companies, new technology providers, Bellona Foundation, Global CCS Institute and local industrial stakeholders took part in the event. Presentations were made in three sessions and ended in a Panel Discussion.

New technological developments, projects in operation and under construction,  CO2 capture, transport, use and storage (CCUS) scenarios, new European regulations, regulatory and social challenges and prospect for wide industrial implementation of CCUS technology, permitting to reach climate neutrality by 2050 in the Baltic and Mediterranean regions were discussed during the day.

The event was organised by Senior Researcher Alla Shogenova and Researcher Kazbulat Shogenov from the Department of Geology.

Spring 2024 Thesis Defenses at the Department of Geology

five graduates with flowers

At the beginning of June, six students defended successfully their theses at the Department of Geology:

Bachelor's Theses:

Hannah Mikenberg "Soome lahe raua-mangaani konkretsioonide tekkemehhanismide seos merepõhja geoloogilise ehituse ja lekkimislehtritega"
(Formation mechanisms of the iron-manganese concretions in the Gulf of Finland)

Supervisor: Atko Heinsalu, vanemteadur (TalTech), PhD
Co-Supervisor: Vladimir Karpin, TalTech, doktorant, MSc

Siim Roov "Evaluating the performance of the flotation process for recovering calcium carbonate from oil shale mine tailings"
(Põlevkivi aherainest kaltsiumkarbonaadi floteerimise teel eraldamise protsessi tõhususe hindamine)

Supervisor: Sander Kanter, lektor (TalTech), MSc

Kaarl Rudolf Tamm "Lõuna-Eesti ja Põhja-Läti Kesk-Alam-Devoni põhjaveekompleksi põhjavee päritolu ja selle keemilise koostise kujunemine"
(Origin and chemical composition of groundwater in the Lower-Middle Devonian aquifer system in southern Estonia and northern Latvia)

Supervisor: Joonas Pärn, Hydrogeologist(Eesti Geoloogiateenistus), PhD
Co-Supervisor: Rein Vaikmäe, Counsellor (TalTech), PhD

Master's Theses:

Hendrik Klaas "Altkaevandatud alade stabiliseerimine ja maakasutuse võimaluste laiendamine Kiviõli põlevkivikaevanduse näitel"
(Stabilization of Post-Mining Areas and Expansion of Land Use Opportunities: A Case Study of the Kiviõli Oil Shale Mine)

Supervisor: Vesta Kaljuste, Senior Mining Engineer (Energiasalv Pakri OÜ), MSc
Co-Supervisors: Erik Väli, Senior Lecturer (TalTech), PhD
Heidi Elisabet Soosalu, Senior Lecturer (TalTech), PhD

Carina Potagin "Geology, geochemistry, and geochronology of the Märjamaa rapakivi granitoid intrusion"
(Märjamaa granitoidse intrusiooni geoloogia, geokeemia ja geokronoloogia)

Supervisor: Alvar Soesoo, Professor (TalTech), PhD
Co-Supervisor: Juan David Solano Acosta, Early Stage Researcher (TalTech), MSc

Henri Olavi Suomalainen "Distribution of Rare Earth Elements in Estonian Lower Ordovician Complexes"
(Haruldaste muldmetallide levik Eesti Alam-Ordoviitsiumi kivimkompleksides)

Supervisor: Rutt Hints, Senior Researcher(TalTech), PhD
Co-Supervisor: Sophie Graul, Early Stage Researcher (TalTech), MSc

EIT Raw Materials Summit 2024 in Brussels

six people on stage having a discussion

From May 14-16, the EIT Raw Materials Summit 2024 took place in Brussels, Belgium: https://eitrmsummit.com/.

The conference provided an overview of strategies for achieving the 25% minimum target of the Critical Raw Materials Act (CRMA). The need for a unified raw materials and energy strategy was emphasised. Speakers included top EU officials, global industry leaders, and various representatives from European and partner countries. The EIT Raw Materials Summit 2025 will be held from May 13-15 in Brussels.

Participants from the Institute of Geology included Tony Hand, Veiko Karu, Nthati Monei, Karin Robam, and Karin Käär.

Quaternarists on a beetle hunt in the bog with foreign colleagues

people in bog, drilling; two people sitting near outcrop

On the 14th and 15th of May, the Division of Quaternary Geology, together with researchers from Lithuania and the Netherlands (Vaida Seiriene and Nick Schafstall), visited Pääsküla and Vandjala bogs to collect samples for Nick Schafstall's project "Reconstruction of pre-anthropogenic climate in the Eastern Baltic region, based on subfossil beetle remains," which focuses on climate reconstruction based on beetle remains in early Holocene peat sections.

