Table of Contents
- Additive Manufacturing Technologies
- Advanced Structures and Products
- Automated Production Systems and Real-Time Monitoring and AI Models Research Group
- Autonomous Vehicles Research Group
- Innovative Materials for Industrial Applications
- Research Group of Logistics and Transport
- Smart Industry
- Wear Resistant Composites and Coatings
Additive Manufacturing Technologies
Head of the research group: Professor PRASHANTH KONDA GOKULDOSS,
Members: Lauri Kollo, Jaroslav Holovenko
Postdoctoral researchers: Raghu Nandan Ummethala, Neera Singh
Doctoral students: Mu Yong Kun, Pearlin Hamed
Topics and competences
Keywords: additive manufacturing, powder metallurgy, solidification, meta-stable materials, amorphous alloys, high entropy alloys, high temperature materials, light metals, biomaterials and mechanical properties
The research topics of the group are:
- Alloy design for additive manufacturing;
- Pre-mature failure in additively manufactured materials;
- Powder metallurgy of high entropy alloys for extreme environments;
- Processing of functional materials by additive manufacturing.
Selected project:
• ETAG21021, "Waste-to-resource: eggshells as a source for next generation biomaterials for bone regeneration" (2021-2024)

• MOBERC15, "Alloy design for Additive Manufacturing” (2018−2020)
Selected articles:
• Maity, T.; Prashanth, K.G.; Balci, Ö.; Kim, J.T.; Schöberl, T.; Wang, Z.; Eckert, J. (2018). Influence of severe straining and strain rate on the evolution of dislocation structures during micro-/nanoindentation in high entropy lamellar eutectics. Int. J. of Plasticity, 109, 121−136.
• Wang, Z.; Prashanth, K. G.; Surreddi, K. B.; Suryanarayana, C.; Eckert, J.; Scudino, S. (2018). Pressure-assisted sintering of Al–Gd–Ni–Co amorphous alloy powders. Materialia, 2, 157−166.
• Rathod, H. J.; Nagaraju, T.; Prashanth, K. G.; Ramamurty, U. (2019). Tribological properties of selective laser melted Al-12Si alloy. Tribology International, 137, 94−101.
• Xi, L.; Wang, P.; Prashanth, K. G.; Li, H.; Prykhodko, H. V.; Scudino, S.; Kaban, I. (2019). Effect of TiB2 particles on microstructure and crystallographic texture of Al-12Si fabricated by selective laser melting. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 786, 551−556
Advanced Structures and Products
Head of the research group: Lead Research Scientist JÜRI MAJAK,
Members: Martin Pärn, Martin Eerme, Jüri Lavrentjev, Meelis Pohlak, Fabio Auriemma, Hans Rämmal, Maarjus Kirs, Tarmo Velsker
Doctoral students: Anti Haavajõe, Erko Õunapuu, Madis Mikola, Pavel Tšukrejev, Tiina Lelumees
Topics and competences
Keywords: structural analysis and design optimization, artificial intelligence, acoustics, numerical methods
The research group has long time experience in the area of structural analysis and design optimization, also design of production processes. One of the main topics in recent years is implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) tools and methods modelling (ANN) and design optimization (EA, GA, ACO, PSO). Another topical field of research is development of hybrid algorithms (ANN+EA) and combining multiple AI tools. One subtopic is development and adaption of new numerical methods with focus on Haar wavelet based dicretization methods. The acoustic research performed includes development of experimental methods to investigate vibro-acoustic parameters of new products for industry and for energy transformation. The first field of investigation is mostly related to methods to improve the noise attenuation of walls, doors and windows for both industrial and living applications. The second objective of the research is to investigate possibilities to harvest energy from excess vibration and noise. One possible way is to use so-called thermoacoustic transformation which deals with the conversion of acoustic energy into more useful types of energy.
Selected projects:
• TAR16012, “Zero energy and resource efficient smart buildings and districts” (2015-2023).
• PUT1300, “Numerical methods and algorithms for design of advanced composite and nanostructures” (2016-2019).
• F15027, “Smart manufacturing and materials technologies competence centre” (2015-2022).
Selected articles:
• Auriemma, F.; Holovenko, Y. (2019). Performance of Additive Manufactured Stacks in a Small Scale Thermoacoustic Heat Engine. SAE Technical Paper Series, 1−9.
• Rämmal, H.; Lavrentjev, J. (2019). Acoustic Study on Motorcycle Helmets with Application of Novel Porous Material. SAE Technical Paper Series, 1-7.
• Lavrentjev, J.; Rämmal, H.; Kozmenkova, A. (2019). New acoustic material for vehicle applications and measurement techniques to determine absorption coefficient for small size test samples. SAE Technical Paper Series, 2019-01-1585.
• Rämmal, H.; Lavrentjev, J. (2019). Endurance of Micro-Perforated Elements in Unmanned Ground Vechicle’s Small Diesel Engine Silencer Application. SAE Technical Paper Series, SAE2019-32-9533.
Automated Production Systems and Real-Time Monitoring and AI Models Research Group
Head of the research group: Associate Professor KRISTO KARJUST,
Members: Jüri Riives, Priit Põdra, Aigar Hermaste, Allan Aari, Riho Uusjärv, Tõnis Raamets, Margus Müür
Doctoral students: Pavel Tšukrejev, Kaarel Kruuser, Heiko Pikner, Kashif Mahmood
Topics and competences
Keywords: manufacturing execution system (MES), production monitoring, production optimisation, real time information, wireless sensor network, predictive maintenance, artificial intelligent in production
The main objective of the research is to study and develop a Production Monitoring System (PMS) with predictive functionality that operates in near real time, focusing on SMEs. The main activities of the research are: (a) development of the PMS concept; (b) system prototyping; (c) development of model predictive control.
The advanced Production Monitoring and Prediction System detects, measures and monitors the variables, events and situations which affect the performance and reliability of manufacturing systems and processes. Efficient, real-time feed of information for production control and monitoring includes data acquisition about the state of equipment, production orders, flow of materials, quality of products, process data and other necessary data which are used for making proper and optimised decisions regarding manufacturing planning, improved use of available resources, planning of equipment maintenance, etc.
Selected projects:
• VIR19004 "Innovation Framework for Challenge Oriented Intelligent Manufacturing (INforM)”
• VE19030 "Autonomous Mobile Robot for intra-logistics at Kulinaaria”
• F15027, "Smart manufacturing and materials technologies competence centre".
• AR16077, "Smart Industry Centre".
• VIR16048, "Smart Logistics and Freight Villages Initiative".
Selected articles:
• Kaganski, S.; Eerme, M.; Tungel, E. (2019). Optimization of enterprise analysis model for KPI selection. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, 68 (4), 371−375.
• Karjust, K.; Kruuser, K.; Tšukrejev, P. (2019). Production monitoring system development for manufacturing processes of photovoltaic modules. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, 68 (4), 401−406.
• Kangru, T.; Riives, J.; Mahmood, K.; Otto, T. (2019). Suitability analysis of using industrial robots in manufacturing. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, 68 (4), 383−388.
• Mahmood, K.; Karaulova, T.; Otto, T.; Shevtshenko, E. (2019). Development of cyber-physical production systems based on modelling technologies. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, 68 (4), 348−355.
• Shevtshenko, E.; Karaulova, T.; Igavens, M.; Strods, G.; Tandzegolskiene, Ilona; Tutlys, Vidmantas; Mahmood, Kashif. (2019). Innovative methods of engineering education popularization at schools. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, 68 (4), 356−363.
Autonomous Vehicles Research Group
Head of the research group: Professor RAIVO SELL,
Members: Andres Petritšenko, Martinš Šarkans, Margus Müür, Vladimir Kuts, Kaimo Sonk
Doctoral students: Ehsan Malayjerdi, Heiko Pikner, Mohsen Malayjerdi, Krister Kalda, Junyi Gu, Andrew James Roberts
Topics and competences
Keywords: robotics, self-driving vehicles, mobile robots, artificial intelligence, autonomous systems, drones, virtual environments, simulation of autonomous vehicles, teleoperation, sensor fusion
The research group is working on the development and research on complex autonomous systems, including localization, navigation, mission planning, sensorics, artificial intelligence, electro-mechanics, control, simulation and machine vision. The topics are applied to a full range of autonomous systems, in particular to self-driving vehicles, mobile robots and drones in context of Smart City. As a result of research Estonian first self-driving vehicle TalTech iseAuto and mobile robot for industrial logistics - BoxBot were designed and produced.
Main research topics:
- Expertise and competence of self-driving cars
- Smart City experiments, including V2X, 5G and HMI
- Simulations and virtual environment creation
- Areal mapping and imaging with UAVs
- Development of autonomous mobile robots
- Teleoperation of autonomous vehicles in Smart Cities
- Cyber security of autonomous vehicles
See more info on research group webpage:
Innovative Materials for Industrial Applications
Head of the research group: Professor IRINA HUSSAINOVA,
Members: Maksim Antonov, Roman Ivanov, Sofiya Aydinyan, Dmitri Goljandin, Mart Viljus, Fjodor Sergejev, Rainer Traksmaa
Postdoctoral researcher: Rocío Rojas Hernandez
Doctoral students: Tatevik Minasyan, Le Liu, Nikhil Kumar Kamboj, Ali Saffar Shamshirgar, Dmitri Gomon, Mansure Rezapourian, Ramin Rahmani, Rahul Kumar
Topics and competences
Keywords: ceramics; composites; multifunctional structures; bio-inspired materials; tribology; recycling; high temperature materials; chemical vapour deposition; self-propagating high temperature synthesis; microstructural analysis; mechanical testing; additive manufacturing; spark plasma sintering
The research of the group is broadly subdivided into four main interconnected and highly interdisciplinary directions: (a) bio-inspired multi-functional composites; (b) high-temperature damage-tolerant composites; (c) powders for SLS of composites and AM of complex-shaped composites; and (d) recycling.
The group is comprised of several laboratories: The Laboratory of Self-propagating High temperature Synthesis (SHS) is dealing with preparation of powders, mostly ceramic based composite powders. The Lab of Chemical Vapor Deposition is specialized on functionalization by carbon. The group shares Powder Metallurgy and Additive Manufacturing Laboratories focusing on spark plasma sintering and selective laser sintering. The Laboratory of Tribology and Materials Testing is the only place in Estonia where materials can be tested under most of tribological conditions. The Laboratory of Disintegrator Technology is working with the combined systems of impact grinding and separation based on disintegrator mills.
The latest outcomes:
• A method for producing nanofibers composites by combustion techniques
• Composite shielding material and the process of making it
• A method for producing rhombohedral FeAlO3 nanofibers
• A catalyst, a method of producing thereof for oxidative conversion of hydrocarbons and hydrogenation of carbon oxides
• Self-aligned graphene-augmented fibrous scaffolds for bio-applications
• Functionally graded mechanical properties, electro- and thermo-conductivity in ceramics
• Combustion synthesis of Si3N4, MoSi2 and TiB2 based complex structures and SLS thereof
• Deposition of nanoparticles on mesoporous substrate by wet-combustion technology
• Highly selective sensors for simultaneous determination of epinephrine, acetaminophen and tryptophan; and dopamine, uric and ascorbic acids
• Novel approach to fabricate nitrides by SLM
• Spark plasma sintering of ultra-high temperature materials
• Hierarchically structured ceramics reinforced by hybrid nanofibers
Selected projects:
• MOBJD254, “Development of novel core-shell structured luminescent materials”.
• PUT1063, “Nanonet of ceramic fibers with targeted functionalities”.
• IUT19-29, “Multi-scale structured ceramic-based composites for extreme applications”.
• PSG220, “Additive manufacturing of super-strong and lightweight ceramics for next generation high temperature compounds”.
Research Group of Logistics and Transport
Head of the research group: Professor DAGO ANTOV,
Members: Jüri Lavrentjev, Kati Kõrbe Kaare, Hans Rämmal, Ott Koppel, Eduard Ševtšenko, Jelizaveta Janno, Anton Pashkevich, Sirje Lilleorg
Doctoral students: Kristjan Kuhi, Imre Antso, Juri Ess, Allan Nõmmik, Kaur Sarv, Raul Markus, Erko Vallbaum, Eva Branten
Topics and competences
Keywords: logistics, mobility and transport planning, supply chain planning
The research group focuses on the following research directions:
• Eco-friendly vehicles. Contact: Jüri Lavrentjev,
The research aims at reducing the environmental impact of vehicles. The main research object is vehicle-generated noise produced by both an individual vehicle and traffic flow. The design of an individual vehicle explores the possibilities for creating and deploying new and more effective noise absorbing materials. In the applied research, the focus is also on new types of liquid fuel, their technical and economic problems.
• Mobility engineering and traffic planning. Contact: Dago Antov,
Transport, mobility and traffic related studies are aimed to find the possibilities of safe, seamless and sustainable mobility, the study of the interlinkages between urban logistics and transport and space use. Besides the aforementioned, the keywords include sustainable mobility and sustainable transport, including public transport in the city, region, country and internationally, traffic forecasting, transport studies, mobility schemes, transport network analysis and transport system planning, road safety and surveillance.
• Logistics. Contact: Kati Kõrbe Kaare,
The research relates to smart logistics, freight security, transport pricing and network performance measurement.
• Supply chain engineering. Contact: Eduard Shevchenko,
The studies are related to value chain analysis, supply chain collaboration, sustainable supply chain and demand forecasting.
Selected projects:
• AR17119 "Infotechnological Mobility Observatory" (2017−2022)
• VIR16048, “Smart Logistics and Freight Villages Initiative” (2016−2019).
• VIR17131, “Using ferry real time information to optimise intermodal transport chains in the Baltic Sea Region” (2017−2020).
Selected articles:
• Mahmood, K.; Karaulova, T.; Otto, T.; Shevtshenko, E. (2019). Development of cyber-physical production systems based on modelling technologies. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, 68 (4), 348−355
• Safari H., Khanmohammadi, E., Maleki, E., Cruz-Machado., Shevthsenko, E. (2019). Ranking strategic objectives in a strategy map based on logarithmic fuzzy preference programming and similarity method. Management Systems in Production Engineering, 2019 (27, 3), 153−161.
• Lavrentjev, J.; Rämmal, H. (2019). Acoustic Study on Motorcycle Helmets with Application of Novel Porous Material. SAE Technical Paper Series, 1−8.
• Lavrentjev, J.; Rämmal, H.; Kozmenkova, A. (2019). New acoustic material for vehicle applications and measurement techniques to determine absorption coefficient for small size test samples. SAE Technical Paper Series, 1−8.
Smart Industry
Head of the research group: Professor TAUNO OTTO,
Members: Jüri Riives, Lauri Kollo, Meelis Pohlak , Eduard Ševtšenko, Tatjana Karaulova, Fjodor Sergejev, Toivo Tähemaa, Martinš Sarkans, Yevhen Bondarenko, Margus Müür, Aigar Hermaste
Doctoral students: Tavo Kangru, Kristo Vaher, Kashif Mahmood (defended degree in 2019), Vladimir Kuts (defended degree in 2019)
Topics and competences
Keywords: smart manufacturing, industry 4.0, digital twins, digital manufacturing
The research of the group is focused on development of the concept of smart manufacturing and digital twins (DT).
The latest results:
The simulation environment in virtual reality based on the principles of Industry 4.0 has been developed. By exploiting the digital twin's concept, a new communication method has been developed where industrial robot control programming does not depend on human presence. Dual-way synchronisation based on the example of the industrial robotic cell enables management and control of the factory from the simulation in real-time.
International cooperation:
With U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), creation of the smart simulations standards was initiated. TalTech’s expertise is well aligned with NIST’s efforts toward developing repeatable and replicable test methods for human-robot interaction (HRI). Together, we verify and validate the test methodology and metrics for assessing performance and overall user experience, which will be integral to emerging robotic technologies in a variety of application domains. This is the first step in a larger effort to work with the robotics community to verify and validate HRI research.
A project with ABB Drives aimed to create an intelligent workplace for an electro-technical sector factory, which has a kind of transformer cooling assembly. The results were found to be enhancing traceability and have a faster assembly process, increasing the quality, reducing cost and time. The application was completed and tested in a more straightforward form in the TalTech IVAR laboratory. The appearance of the application, user interface, the components animation, and optimisation of viewpoints were sufficient, and the feedback from the test users was positive.
Selected projects:
• VFP17063, "Strategic investments in European manufacturing to win global challenges".
• AR16077, "Smart Industry Centre”, a national research roadmap project
• VERT18066, "Transforming Educational Programmes For Future Industry 4.0 Capabilities”
Selected articles:
• Kuts, V.; Otto, T.; Tähemaa, T.; Bondarenko, Y. (2019). Digital twin based synchronised control and simulation of the industrial robotic cell using virtual reality. JOURNAL OF MACHINE ENGINEERING, 19 (1), 128−145.
• Kuts, V.; Modoni, G. E.; Otto, T.; Sacco, M.; Tähamaa, T.; Bondarenko, Y.; Wang, R. (2019). Synchronizing physical factory and its Digital Twin through an IIoT middleware: a case study. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, 68 (4), 364−370.
• Mahmood, K.; Karaulova, T.; Otto, T.; Shevtshenko, E. (2019). Development of cyber-physical production systems based on modelling technologies. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, 68 (4), 348−355.
• Kangru, T.; Riives, J.; Mahmood, K.; Otto, T. (2019). Suitability analysis of using industrial robots in manufacturing. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, 68 (4), 383−388.
Wear Resistant Composites and Coatings
Head of the research group: Professor emeritus JAKOB KÜBARSEPP,
Members: Kristjan Juhani, Marek Tarraste, Mart Viljus, Lauri Kollo, Maksim Antonov, Dmitri Goljandin, Märt Kolnes, Fjodor Sergejev, Andrei Surženkov, Priit Kulu, Vitali Podgurski, Mart Saarna, Andrei Bogatov, Riho Tarbe, Rainer Traksmaa, Hans Vallner, Heinar Vagiström.
Doctoral students: Abrar Hussain, Himanshu Singh Maurya, Vahur Leinberg, Sibel Yöyler.
Topics and competences
Keywords: ceramic-based composite, cemented carbide, cermet, ceramic-matrix composite, coating, composite hardfacing, wear resistance, corrosion resistance, mehcanical properties
The R&D activities of the research group have been focused mainly on the following research topics and related industrial applications: (a) Co- and Ni-free WC-based cemented carbides with alternative (considering critical materials supply, environmental safety and healthcare aspects) Fe-based metallic binders; (b) W-free, TiC- and Ti(C,N)-based cermets with alternative Fe-based binders; (c) ceramic-matrix composites based on refractory compounds of Ti; (d) Fe-based composite hardfacings with ex situ and in situ synthesized carbide reinforcements; (e) diamond-based thin coatings; f) technology of additive manufacturing of TiC-Fe cermets.
The latest results:
• industrial technology for production of Co- and Ni-free WC-FeMn cemented carbides, production of product prototypes;
• industrial technology for production of TiN- and TiCN-based ceramic-matrix composites, production of product prototypes;
• advancement of high-temperature performance of diamond coatings;
• industrial brazing technology for TiC-based cermets and advanced contact-free testing method;
• technology for deposition of Fe-based hardfacings with ex situ and in situ synthesized carbide-based reinforcement;
• development of technology for additive manufacturing of TiC-Fe alloys.
Selected projects:
• IUT19-29 "Multi-scale structured ceramic-based composites for extreme applications" (Estonian Research Agency, 2014-2019).
• VE19020 „Development of coloured ceramic-ceramic composites for watch and jewellery applications” (The Swatch Group R&D Ltd, 2020-2021).
• PUT1369 "Adaptation mechanisms of diamond films in dry sliding wear” (Estonian Research Agency, 2017- 2020).
• PRG1145/PRG665 “Composites “ceramics – Fe-alloy” for a wide range of applications” (Estonian Research Agency, 2020-2025).
Selected articles:
• Jakob Kübarsepp, Kristjan Juhani (2020). Cermets with Fe-alloy binders: A review.
• Märt Kolnes, Marek Tarraste, Jakob Kübarsepp, Kristjan Juhani, Mart Viljus (2021). In¬ situ alloying of TiC-¬FeCr cermets in manganese vapour.
• Himanshu Singh Maurya, Kristjan Juhani, Fjodor Sergejev, Konda Gokuldoss Prashanth (2022). Additive manufacturing of TiC-based cermet with stainless steel as a binder material.
• Dmytro Tkachivskyi, Kristjan Juhani, Andrei Surženkov, Priit Kulu, Tomáš Tesař, Radek Mušálek, František Lukáč, Jakub Antoš, Marek Vostřák, Maksim Antonov, Dmitri Goljandin (2020). HVOF Sprayed Fe-Based Wear-Resistant Coatings with Carbide Reinforcement, Synthesized In Situ and by Mechanically Activated Synthesis.
• Podgursky, V.; Alamgir, A.; Yashin, M.; Jõgiaas, T.; Viljus, M.; Raadik, T.; Danilson, M.; Sergejev, F.; Lümkemann, A.; Kluson, J.; Sondor, J.; Bogatov, A. (2021). High-Temperature Tribological Performance of Al2O3/a-C:H:Si Coating in Ambient Air. Coatings, 11 (5), #495. DOI: 10.3390/coatings11050495.