Tallinn University of Technology

PhD studies in Information and Communication Technology

Estonia is famous for IT adoption. From e-Estonia to world-leading startups, this is the country where tech is embraced and where innovation is encouraged and put into practice fast. To thrive in this exciting landscape, the leaders of tomorrow will need to understand IT, from its theoretical foundations, through modern hardware solutions, to cutting-edge software development techniques, cyber security and some of the most exciting deep tech applications, including health technologies and artificial intelligence. TalTech’s School of IT is at the centre of this active ecosystem and our goal is to train the leaders of tomorrow.

  • If you want to understand the potential benefits and risks of IT and extend the state of the art of scientific knowledge in the area, you should do a PhD at Taltech’s School of IT. You will be part of world-class research groups and enjoy internationally competitive environement.
  • By joining one of our research groups, you will become part of an exciting research environment and study some of the most pressing problems in ICT. Our reserach is focused around three main pillars: security and trust; digital transformation of the society; smart environments. All the research groups are very international and interdisciplinary, and have extensive collaboration networks.
  • Our PhD studies are free of charge and during the nominal period of study (4 years), the doctoral student - junior researcher is entitled to have a work contract and a gross monthly income.
  • We also partner with national and international public sector institutions as well as deep-tech companies to offer Industrial PhD positions, where students pursue industrially relevant research projects that offer the opportunity to see their research contributions make an immediate impact.

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Study information



Doctoral programme

The general aim of the study programme is to provide in-depth knowledge and research skills in the field of information and communication technologies to individuals either pursuing an academic career or seeking career advancement. PhD students will acquire and deepen specific skills and competences needed for conducting independent research in a selected field of ICT.

The doctoral studies are free of charge. Access requirement for doctoral studies is a master's degree or a corresponding qualification, and upon successful completion of studies, the graduate will be awarded a PhD degree in Information and Communication Technology.

View the programme Our PhD Dissertations

After graduating, the PhD candidate will have obtained:

  • in-depth scientific and systematic overview of his/her research field
  • deep scientific knowledge about theoretical bases and research methods in her/his field
  • skills to formulate, analyse and solve scientific problems
  • ability to independently choose appropriate research methods and technologies to solve specific scientific problems and critically assess the quality of solutions
  • ability to publish original research results in peer-reviewed high-quality international journals and proceedings
  • overview of social and ethical aspects related to his/her research field
  • ability to analyse research results in her/his research field and clearly communicate them to the general public

The doctoral programme comprises extensive research, university-wide general courses to support the research done by the PhD students and field-specific courses that can be chosen according to their research interests.

The courses are taught in Estonian and English. PhD students are required to complete at least 30 ECTS points of course work.  The volume of the research module is 210 ECTS, containing all activates related to individual R&D or creative activities which contribute to the PhD thesis of the student.

Doctoral studies in ICT is a flexible programme that is adaptable to individual person’s interests. The PhD students are encouraged to take courses and participate in winter and summer schools of the universities forming part of TalTech’s network.

The PhD students are also members of the department’s research groups, take part in seminars, give presentations at scientific conferences and have the opportunity of teach and/or supervise theses at the bachelor's and master's levels.

The PhD studies are finalized by a doctoral thesis that contributes to new knowledge of a timely and relevant research problem

At the Tallinn University of Technology you can obtain a PhD degree as:

  • Early Stage Researcher
  • Industrial Doctoral Student
  • Doctoral Student 
  • External Student

Read further

The doctoral student is employed at the university as a doctoral student- early stage researcher, and in addition to the monthly salary, he/she can also apply for scholarships.
You can find information about scholarships and grants:

Apply for the PhD studies, if..

  • You want to advance your knowledge. If you are interested in the development and innovation of new technologies, doctoral studies offer an excellent opportunity to expand your knowledge and skills and to do original research in your field. Doctoral students have the opportunity to work on top-level projects and make an important contribution to the development of new technologies.
  • You want to advance your career. Earning a doctoral degree in ICT can lead to career advancement opportunities, including higher-paying positions and leadership roles in industry, academia, and research institutions. A PhD in ICT can also provide an edge in a competitive job market.
Kolm meest vaatavad tehnoloogilist lahendust.
Kaks naist töötavad IKT apartuuriga.
  • You want to expand your network. Doctoral studies allow you to meet other researchers with whom you can collaborate and exchange ideas. In addition, doctoral students gain access to the university's network of researchers and staff, which helps to expand contacts.
  • You want to grow personally. Pursuing a doctoral degree requires a significant investment of time and effort, but it can also be personally rewarding. Doctoral candidates have the opportunity to develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills, as well as become experts in their field of study.
  • You want to have a global impact. The field of ICT is rapidly evolving, and advancements in this field can have a significant impact on society. Doctoral candidates in ICT have the potential to contribute to the development of new technologies that can improve people's lives and change the world.

Admission to the doctoral studies

Anyone with a master's degree or equivalent qualification, a desire to create something new and a willingness to contribute 4 years to research is welcome to apply for a doctoral position.

Individuals who are willing and prepared to challenges themselves continuously in order to come up with novel ideas and knowledge that is based on sound and rigor research, are considered ideal candidates for doctoral studies. Our doctoral studies are interdisciplinary, and representatives of all fields can join us! You have to find a suitable ICT-related topic and supervisor.

Admission Schedule for 2023/2024 Applying to doctoral studies

Available PhD positions Research groups of the School of IT

Ask for more information

Head of study programme

Questions regarding the content of the study programme.

Prillidega naeratav noor mees vaatab otse kaamerasse. Tal on habe ja sinine kampsun.

Pawel Maria Sobocinski
E-mail: pawel.sobocinski@taltech.ee

Assistant to Program Manager

Questions regarding the teaching and learning activities.

Noor naine, kes kannab musta värvi TalTechi logoga T-särki, vaatab rahuliku ilmega kaamerasse. Tal on käed rinnal risti ja tal on üle õlgade ulatuvad helepruunid juuksed. Ta seisab ülikooli linnakus asuvas koridoris.

Kristi Ainen
E-mail: kristi.ainen@taltech.ee