Tallinn University of Technology

Doctoral Studies at TalTech

TalTech is a research university where science, study, and innovation are closely connected and equally valued. The university offers research-oriented higher education in engineering, technology, natural and social sciences. We teach our doctoral candidates to solve complex real-life problems with scientific methods under the guidance of the best researchers in their field.

After graduating from doctoral studies, you will be able to apply scientific methods in solving problems, have good analytical and critical thinking skills, be familiar with the latest scientific achievements and understand the mechanisms of economics and society, as well as possess skills to make yourself understood outside the scientific community.

Doctoral candidates at TalTech conduct research in their supervisors' research groups as early stage researchers or solve research and development problems of a company or institution as industrial doctoral students. Those who work outside the university and are interested in doctoral studies on a research topic of their choosing are welcome to complete their doctoral studies as regular doctoral students or as external students.

  1. TalTech is the flagship of engineering and IT science and education in Estonia, providing higher education at all levels in engineering and technology, information technology, economics, physical sciences, and the maritime field.
  2. The academic staff at TalTech consists of highly qualified internationally recognised professionals.
  3. TalTech is the most international university in Estonia offering top quality higher education, with students, lecturers, scientists, and experts from all continents. TalTech has the highest number of international PhD candidates (34%) and academic staff (21%) compared to other Estonian universities. We also work on a daily basis with universities and research institutions around the world.
  4. TalTech has an excellent infrastructure for doctoral studies, our PhD candidates are very satisfied with the working atmosphere. Doctoral candidates are treated as colleagues in their research groups.
  5. The university has a common salary structure for all doctoral candidates, equivalent to the average income in Estonia. This provides PhD candidates a living wage, allowing them to concentrate on their studies, and thus reduces the overall time spent to complete their studies. It also gives a clear signal to society that PhD candidates are valued contributors.
  6. There are numerous funding opportunities for PhD candidates to gain international experiences.
  7. TalTech supports companies in organizational and product development. Our Innovation and Business Centre Mektory brings together researchers, students, and entrepreneurs, providing young people inspiration, knowledge, and resources to establish and develop student start-ups.

A doctoral programme corresponds to 4 academic years of studies. The programme consists of:

  1. research, development and creative activities related to the doctoral thesis (more than 85% of doctoral programme)
  2. course work corresponding to 30 ECTS (the workload of studies in the curricula registered before 2022 is 60 ECTS)
  3. teaching activities, including supervision of bachelor's and master's theses
  4. an external research mobility
  5. a doctoral thesis
  6. a public defense

The doctoral degree awarded at TalTech is called 'Doctor of Philosophy', followed by the name of the curricular specialisation in brackets.

After graduating, the PhD candidate will have obtained:

  1. in-depth scientific and systematic overview of his/her research field
  2. deep scientific knowledge about theoretical bases and research methods in her/his field
  3. skills to formulate, analyse and solve scientific problems
  4. ability to independently choose appropriate research methods and technologies to solve specific scientific problems and critically assess the quality of solutions
  5. ability to publish original research results in peer-reviewed high-quality international journals and proceedings
  6. overview of social and ethical aspects related to his/her research field
  7. ability to analyse research results in her/his research field and clearly communicate them to the general public

There are no tuition fees for doctoral studies in Estonia. If you are admitted as an Early Stage Researcher, you will be employed at TalTech and paid a monthly salary of at least the average monthly salary in Estonia, in proportion to your workload during your nominal study period. The salary can exceed the Estonian average wage, depending on the particular PhD position.

All PhD students who were matriculated before the 2022/2023 academic year and are studying full-time, receive a doctoral allowance paid by the government (660€ per month) during the nominal period of studies, as per the Study Allowances and Study Loans Act. Additionally, a monthly scholarship or salary, guaranteed by the supervisor or the department, is paid on top of the government allowance.

Doctoral programmes

Starting from 2022/2023 academic year TalTech offers 4 doctoral study programmes.
Previous doctoral programmes can be viewed in the Study Information System.

There are 6 specialities in the Engineering Sciences programme:

  1. Building and Civil Engineering and Architecture. Programme director Madis Ratassepp, madis.ratassepp@taltech.ee
  2. Chemical, Materials and Energy Technology. Programme director Mai Uibu, mai.uibu@taltech.ee
  3. Electrical Power Engineering and Mechatronics. Programme director Toomas Vaimann, toomas.vaimann@taltech.ee
  4. Environmental, Coastal and Marine Technology. Programme director Kristjan Tabri, kristjan.tabri@taltech.ee
  5. Maritime. Programme director Loreida Timberg, loreida.timberg@taltech.ee
  6. Production and Materials Engineering, Robotics, Transport and Logistics. Programme director Tenured Full Professor Jüri Majak, juri.majak@taltech.ee

Student Counsellor at Dean´s Office: Tuuli Möldre, tuuli.moldre@taltech.ee

Read about the programme in Study Information System

The speciality is Information and Communication Technology

The programme director is Pawel Maria Sobocinski, pawel.sobocinski@taltech.ee
Assistant to programme director: Kristi Ainen, kristi.ainen@taltech.ee
Student Counsellor at Dean´s Office: Katri Kadakas, katri.kadakas@taltech.ee


Read about the programme in Study Information System

The programme director is Maria Cecilia Sarmiento Guerin, cecilia.sarmiento@taltech.ee

There are 4 specialities in the Science programme:

  1. Applied Physics and Mathematics. Head of speciality Jaan Kalda, jaan.kalda@taltech.ee
  2. Biomedicine and Health Technologies. Head of speciality:
         Ivo Fridolin, ivo.fridolin@taltech.ee
         Maria Cecilia Sarmiento Guerin, cecilia.sarmiento@taltech.ee
  3. Chemistry and Biotechnology. Head of speciality:
         Maria Cecilia Sarmiento Guerin, cecilia.sarmiento@taltech.ee
         Maksim Ošeka, maksim.oseka@taltech.ee
         Petri-Jaan Lahtvee, petri-jaan.lahtvee@taltech.ee
  4. Earth Sciences. Head of speciality:
         Olle Hints, olle.hints@taltech.ee
         Urmas Raudsepp, urmas.raudsepp@taltech.ee

Student Counsellor at Dean´s Office: Maarja Märss, maarja.marss@taltech.ee

Read about the programme in Study Information System

Programme director Mari-Klara Stein, mari-klara.stein@taltech.ee

There are 3 specialities in the Business, Economics and Governance programme:

  1. Business. Programme director Mari-Klara Stein, mari-klara.stein@taltech.ee
  2. Economics and Finance. Programme director Tõnn Talpsepp, tonn.talpsepp@taltech.ee
  3. Public Policy and Innovation. Programme director Ringa Raudla, ringa.raudla@taltech.ee

Student Counsellor at Dean´s Office: Maria Edur, maria.edur@taltech.ee

Read about the programme in Study Information System

Admission to Doctoral Studies

Admission to doctoral studies is open throughout the year. You can apply to the available positions during several admission periods. There are no tuition fees for doctoral studies, the duration of studies is 4 years.

PhD admission
PhD administration

Rules and Regulations

Here you can find all the legislation governing the organisation of doctoral studies at TalTech


There are several opportunities to apply for mobility grants to participate in international conferences or other research or study activities abroad.


Visiting PhD students

If you are a doctoral student at a foreign university and want to come to TalTech for a short study or research visit, find out what the possibilities are

Estonian language courses for PhD students

TalTech offers Estonian language trainings for foreign PhD students with the aim to help our international PhD students to settle in more quickly and to run their daily errands.

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