IGIP & International Cooperation
On international level, Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech) has been actively involved in the work of several International Engineering Education Societies. TalTech has been the institutional member of IGIP- International Society for Engineering Education since 2003. Mission of IGIP is improving teaching methods in technical subjects, developing practice-oriented curricula. IGIP accredits training centres at technical universities the teaching matter of which conforms to IGIP curriculum for engineering pedagogy.
ING-PAED IGIP is a register which certifies a certain educational level for a teacher, trainer or instructor, which is determined by the IGIP curriculum. Any engineering educator who completes the curriculum at any accredited training centre for International Engineering Education, and whose education, training and professional experience meet the IGIP standards, may be listed in professional register "International Engineering Educator ING-PAED IGIP". Today there are 98 Engineering Educators with ING-PAED IGIP qualification.
TalTech has been active in cooperation with SEFI, IEEE, SPEE, Nordic-Baltic Network in Higher Education Development and ASEE in the field of engineering education. It means that we have participated actively in important developments of engineering education and engineering pedagogy on the European level and worldwide, for example the design and launching of the international curriculum for technical teachers of IGIP, preparation of IGIP, ICL, EDUCON conferences, participating in relevant committees, reviewing scientific articles, participating in the editorial boards of international scientific journals in the field of engineering education and engineering pedagogy, preparation of the ASEE and IEEE-ES workshop of active learning and effective teaching of engineering, etc.