Tallinn University of Technology

Blue Economy and Aquatic Resources

The aim of the Blue Economy and Aquatic Resources research group is to carry out development activities on production technologies and raw material enhancement in coastal areas and the aquatic environment.

The aim of the research is to find opportunities for the sustainable application of the aquatic resources, whereas ecological principles and conditions are taken into account and hazards and risks from human operations are predicted. In order to valorise aquatic resources, their biological, chemical, and physical properties are analysed, and their functional properties will be described. Technological processes are tested and developed for valorisation of the aquatic recourses. Economical and socioeconomical opportunities of blue economy are analysed and modelled in view of EU strategies, existing legislation and most importantly consumers awareness and expectations..

The Blue Economy research group combines knowledge of:

  • sustainable implementation of the aquatic environment;
  • biology, chemistry and physics of water resources;
  • technological processes in the aquatic environment;
  • the blue economy and the social economy.

Head of the reseach group is Senior Researcher  Loreida Timberg

Members of the research group: Jonne Kotta, Annmarii Hakkaja, Doris Nurk, Indrek Adler, Kristel Rauk

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