Tallinn University of Technology

The Festive ceremony of scholarships awarding will take place on 9th December at 2 p.m. in the Mektory conference hall.  Due to the current situation, the number of participants in the event is limited, but everyone can watch the live broadcast HERE.

The Development Fund of Tallinn University of Technology awarded 47 scholarships worth almost €90,000. Congratulations to grantees and thank you to all our partners! The results of the competition can be found here!

The goal of the foundation is to support young talented students, junior researchers, and lecturers. The scholarships awarded by partners of the Development Fund provide an opportunity to focus on studies and to recognize the employees whose commitment sets a good example to others. Each academic year the Development Fund issues scholarships totaling up to €200,000.

The Development Fund of Tallinn University of Technology is also looking for new partners for the spring scholarship competition by 2021. Find out more here!