Tallinn University of Technology

The Georesources Master programme we train geology and mining engineering students with broad knowledge in the field of georesources, meeting the needs of the Estonian mining industry and national policies for current and future georesources. The programme integrates science and engineering studies within the scope of modern methods and technologies. Students will gain general background in geosresource exploration and production, as well as in-depth knowledge and skills in a narrower field of geology or mining engineering. After graduation, the student can start a career in the mining industry, governmental institution or continue studies in doctoral programmes in the same or similar field. On the basis of this programme we also hosting exchange students from abroad.

Spring semester 2024

TalTech Department of Geology is open to host exchange students.

Selection of courses for exchange students are

Spring 2022 Course title in English Course code ECTS credits Assessment form Link
Part of your stay Mining in a Global Environment NGG0331 6 Examination http://ois2.ttu.ee/uusois/subject/NGG0331
Part of your stay Circular Economy for Materials Processing NGG0401 6 Pass/fail assessment http://ois2.ttu.ee/uusois/subject/NGG0401
Part of your stay Geophysics and remote sensing NGG0312 6 Graded assessment http://ois2.ttu.ee/uusois/subject/NGG0312
Elective Modelling and Testing of Products and Processes EMT0070 6 Graded exam http://ois2.ttu.ee/uusois/subject/EMT0070
Elective Environmental Assessment and System Analysis EAV8310 6 Graded exam http://ois2.ttu.ee/uusois/subject/EAV8310
Elective Sustainable Water Management EAV8390 6 Graded exam http://ois2.ttu.ee/uusois/subject/EAV8390
Elective Environmental Impact Assessment and Audit EKE5090 6 Graded exam http://ois2.ttu.ee/uusois/subject/EKE5090
Elective Environmental Management Systems (EMS) EKE8260 6 Graded exam http://ois2.ttu.ee/uusois/subject/EKE8260
Elective Production Digitalization EMT0160 6 Graded exam http://ois2.ttu.ee/uusois/subject/EMT0160
Elective Artificial Intelligence and Law MOT5060 6 Graded exam http://ois2.ttu.ee/uusois/subject/MOT5060

TalTech full list of available courses for spring and autumn semester.

Autumn semester 2024

TalTech Department of Geology is open to host exchange students.

Selection of courses for exchange students are

Autumn 2021 Course title in English Course code ECTS credits Assessment form Link
Part of your stay Entrepreneurship and Business Planning TMJ3300 6 Examination http://ois2.ttu.ee/uusois/subject/TMJ3300
Elective Quality Management EMT0060 6 Examination http://ois2.ttu.ee/uusois/subject/EMT0060
Elective Life Cycle Assessment EAV8300 6 Examination http://ois2.ttu.ee/uusois/subject/EAV8300
Recommended Mining in a Global Environment NGG0331 6 Examination http://ois2.ttu.ee/uusois/subject/NGG0331
Part of your stay Circular Economy for Materials Processing NGG0401 6 Pass/fail assessment http://ois2.ttu.ee/uusois/subject/NGG0401
Elective Mine Management and Mineral Economics NGG0330  6 Examination http://ois2.ttu.ee/uusois/subject/NGG0330
Elective Production Engineering - Planning and Control EMT0150 6 Examination http://ois2.ttu.ee/uusois/subject/EMT0150
Elective Environmental Impact Assessment and Audit EKE5090 6 Examination http://ois2.ttu.ee/uusois/subject/EKE5090
Elective Water Bodies Water Quality and Water Conservation EAV8380 6 Graded assessment http://ois2.ttu.ee/uusois/subject/EAV8380

TalTech full list of available courses for spring and autumn semester.

Incoming students practicalities

For students who are coming to TalTech from one Semester to one Academic Year. Please find the information under this link.

For registering yourself to TalTech, you need to go through the application process by May 15th or November 15th (Autumn or Spring Semester respectively).

Before Mobility, part shows non-academic information you need before coming to TalTech. Academic information includes course offers and other academic issues. Citizenship and Residence issues give the Visa information is meant for non EU students, residence registration for EU students, once they have arrived. Practical information opens the part about living in Tallinn, Covid-19 issues, health subjects, first days at TalTech.

Students can communicate with us by e-mail/or by phone.

E-mail: kerti.sonmez@taltech.ee
Phone: +372 620 3517 during workdays from 9:00-17:00

Georesources contact

Incoming students can communicate with us by e-mail/or by phone.

Veiko Karu, PhD
Head of Mining and Mineral Technology Division
E-mail: veiko.karu@taltech.ee 

The Raw Materials sector gives opportunities for green(er) technologies. Through that production of raw materials will be sustainable. The new technologies can be related to IT integrations or also fitting the newest technological solutions to mineral exploration and mining engineering. The mining waste is not anymore the waste that we can dispose of to the heap. Mining waste is a new resource that we need to investigate where to use as by-products. Combining this with new business models than we are close to a circular economy in the Raw Materials sector. Sustainable production among several other aspects should rely on raw material efficiency, the circularity of materials, components and products, clean technologies and cost benefits. In order to achieve positive environmental gains, these aspects have to be considered in a holistic view. In practice, this means that the use of raw materials in production downstream has to be managed carefully and relevant knowledge about raw materials need to be spread.

During the stay, the exchange students will experience the Estonian startup ecosystem opportunities, field works in the Estonian mining and post-mining sites. For a better overview of the experience possibilities at TalTech Department of Geology follow the social media sites on Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn.