EuroTeQ Course Catalogue
Tallinn University of Technology is participating in the EuroTeQ Engineering University project together with some of the best European technical universities. The collaboration will also provide an opportunity to establish collaborative projects with international enterprises such as BMW, Siemens, Ubisoft, etc. Read more about EuroTeQ at
TalTech students can take various courses offered by TalTech’s partner universities. The partner universities are:
- Technical University of Munich – TUM (Germany)
- Technical University of Eindhoven – TU/e (The Netherlands)
- Technical University of Denmark – DTU (Denmark)
- Israel Institute of Technology - Technion (Israel)
- École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne - EPFL (Switzerland)
- École Polytechnique – L´X (France)
- Czech Technical University in Prague – CTU (Czech Reupublic)
See the courses offered here
NB! Use the 'Enrollment Open' filter to view the available courses.
The selection includes courses in a variety of fields; all courses are taught online and in English.
Next call for Autumn semester will be in May. More information coming soon.
How to take courses under the EuroTeQ project

- Choose suitable courses from the EuroTeQ course catalogue. You can choose up to 3 courses, which can be from different universities.
NB! For the Last Seats Available call, make sure to use the filter "Enrollment open" to see the available courses. - Fill out the application for becoming a visiting student in OIS (Documents - Applications - Transfer to Visiting Student Place), indicating the courses you want to take from the host university. On the exchange programme line add ‘EuroTeQ’. Should you wish to take courses from different universities, you must make separate applications based on host university.
- After submitting the application in OIS, the Programme Director must confirm it within the system, giving their approval to your application.
- All applications that have been approved by the Programme Director by the deadline indicated above, will be included in the nomination to the host university. Shortly after the nomination, students will receive next steps to take directly from the host university by e-mail.
- Once you have completed your courses, you will need to prepare an APEL application in OIS to have the courses entered in your study record. Credits are awarded for completed courses in accordance with TalTech’s terms and procedures for recognising previous studies and professional experience. Read more at
For more information, please contact
The EuroTeQ Engineering University project is co-financed by the EU’s Erasmus+ programme.

TalTech student studying as a visiting student
There is an agreement between six Estonian universities (Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn University, University of Tartu, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre, Estonian Academy of Arts) which determines that students can study as a visiting student in another university, where the level of study is mutually acceptable.
How to become a visiting student
TalTech student, who wishes to study as a visiting student in one of the above listed universities, must fill in the needed application in OIS. By the application there can be found the Visiting Student Application, where the student should write the subjects of the host university, what the student wishes to take to fulfill the curriculum. Completed Visiting Student Application must be presented to the Dean’s office to consult and sign the application.
The visiting student registrates to subjects in the host university and gets a signature to the Visiting Student Application. Studying as a visiting student in the above mentioned five host university is free of charge.
The Dean’s Office in the faculty of the host university provides the visiting student with Transcript of Records.
Recognition of the subjects
The recognition of the subjects done as visiting student and transferring the credits to Tallinn Univeristy of Technology is done through the Accreditation of Prior and Experiential Learning (APEL) system. In order to use it, the student has to fill in an application in OIS and present the Transcript of Records provided by the host university to the student’s Dean’s office. After accepting the application the grades will be visible in TalTech OIS.
Fee paying students will pay for the credits done as a visiting student according to TalTech price list.