Individual Behaviour and Economic Performance: Methodological Challenges and Institutional Context (IBEP)
• Horizon 2020 Grant No. 952574
• 2020-2023
• Funding EUR 900,000
• Project leader Prof. Aaro Hazak (TalTech)
IBEP was a project led by Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech, Estonia) in collaboration with internationally leading counterparts Aalto University (Aalto, Finland), University of Helsinki (UH, Finland) and Tel Aviv University (TAU, Israel).
The project aimed at generating a better understanding of linkages between individual behaviour, mental health and economic performance. The project was a joint effort of economics, finance, psychiatry and practical philosophy scholars, where several internationally highly renowned professors worked under a comprehensive set of joint research capacity building activities together with established and early stage researchers in a stimulating multidisciplinary setting. While behavioural economics has deepened our understanding of various deviations from rationality in economic performance, the economic outcomes of prevalent individual differences in mental health and neurobiology as well as in beliefs and preferences warrant further investigation. Moreover, better designed policy and institutions, which take into account that people are different and their wellbeing responds differently to any given policy measures, leads to better utilisation of human capital endowment and enhanced economic performance.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 952574.