Tallinn University of Technology


The IBEP project aimed at cooperation between the partners for research capacity building and achievement of lasting synergies in the consortium in the academically and societally promising area of generating a better understanding of linkages between individual behaviour, mental health and economic performance.

The project is composed of various Work Packages managed by TalTech, UH, Aalto and TAU researchers:

  • Utilisation of human capital and knowledge: Behavioural aspects and institutional challenges (Leaders Prof. Kadri Männasoo, TalTech and Associate Prof. Michiru Nagatsu, UH)
  • Behavioural aspects of borrowing, saving and investment decisions (Leaders Prof. Matti Keloharju, Aalto and Associate Prof. Merike Kukk, TalTech)
  • Individual risk and wellbeing: Behavioural aspects and institutional considerations (Leaders  Associate Prof. Ayala Arad, TAU and Senior Lecturer Simona Ferraro, Taltech)
  • Development of early stage researchers (Leader Associate Prof. Karin Jõeveer, TalTech)
  • Dissemination and communication (Leader Senior Lecturer Kirsti Rumma, TalTech)
  • Management (Leader Prof. Aaro Hazak, TalTech)