On February 21, Tallinn University of Technology celebrated the 107th anniversary of the Republic of Estonia with a ceremony and recognized all of its best people for 2024, both among employees and students.

The ceremony was opened by the university's rector, Tiit Land, who emphasized the importance of the individual as a whole, regardless of their role at the university. "Alongside our goal to pursue new knowledge and scientific achievements, we should strive much more together towards becoming better versions of ourselves. In academic terms, this means developing future-proof competencies," said the rector. As examples of these future-proof competencies, he mentioned the ability to collaborate with artificial intelligence rather than just relying on it, critical thinking, and cooperation in the broadest sense. "Cooperation in its widest sense," Land said in his speech, providing examples: "The cooperation between a lecturer and a student, students with their peers, the university's cooperation with companies, which on one hand brings us profitable orders, and on the other hand allows students to gain a better understanding of working life and perhaps even future job opportunities. The university is the foundation for a student's future network of collaborations."
The anniversary speech was delivered by Tallinn University of Technology's Alumnus of the Year, Academician Jüri Engelbrecht. Following this, Fjodor Sergejev was inaugurated as the new dean of the School of Engineering and Andrus Salupere as the new dean of the School of Science.
Afterward, in keeping with the tradition of the Independence Day ceremony, the university recognized its best from the previous year. More detailed information about all those recognized will be available in the March issue of the Mente et Manu magazine or on the university's website.
- Tenured Full Professor Tõnis Kanger of the Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology at the School of Science
- Tenured Associate Professor Agne Velthut-Meikas of the Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology at the School of Science
The best research article in the fields of natural, exact, and health sciences
„In-depth analysis of transcriptomes in ovarian cortical follicles from children and adults reveals interfollicular heterogeneity“ Ilmatar Rooda, Jasmin Hassan, Jie Hao, Magdalena Wagner, Elisabeth Moussaud-Lamodière, Kersti Jääger, Marjut Otala, Katri Knuus, Cecilia Lindskog, Kiriaki Papaikonomou, Sebastian Gidlöf, Cecilia Langenskiöld, Hartmut Vogt, Per Frisk, Johan Malmros, Timo Tuuri, Andres Salumets, Kirsi Jahnukainen, Agne Velthut-Meikas, Pauliina Damdimopoulou
The field of technology:
„Improving IoT security with explainable AI: quantitative evaluation of explainability for IoT botnet detection“ Rajesh Kalakoti, professor Hayretdin Bahsi, professor Sven Nõmm.
„Soft Switching Bidirectional Step-Up/Down Partial Power Converter with Reduced Components Stress“ Naser Hassanpour, Andrii Chub, Andrei Blinov, Akadeemik Dmitri Vinnikov
The field of social sciences:
„Digital boundary spanning in the evolution of entrepreneurial ecosystems: A dynamic capabilities perspective“ Professor Aki Harima
- I place: KEROX III – Täiustatud tehnoloogiline platvorm lahustatud karboksüülfraktsiooni ja dikarboksüülhapete saamiseks põlevkivi oksüdeerimise teel.
- II place: TalTech Residential DC Innovation Hub (DC InnoHub).
- III place: Tallinna linna reovee ühiskanalisatsiooni ja ühisvoolsete piirkondade sademevee valgalade mudeli koostamine, selle kalibreerimine ja valideerimine.
- "Investeerimisedu meistriklass. Edukast investorist meisterinvestoriks“ Kristjan Liivamägi, Professor Tõnn Talpsepp, Tarvo Vaarmets
- "Structural Decision Diagrams in Digital Test“ Professor Raimund Ubar, Professor Jaan Raik, Professor Maksim Jenihhin, Artur Jutman
- Julius Juurmaa, Visiting Lecturer at the Department of Health Technologies
- Sven Nõmm, Tenured Associate Professor at the Department of Software Science
- Andres Rähni, Lecturer of the Department at Computer Systems
- Academician Maarja Grossberg-Kuusk Director of the Department of Materials and Environmental Technology
- Kristjan Lill, Senior Researcher at the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture
- Toomas Tamm, Tenured Associate Professor at the Department of Chemistry and Biotechnology
- Pavlo Illiashenko, Lecturer at the Department of Economics and Finance
- Aive Pevkur, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Business Administration
- Harli Moosaar, Senior Lecturer at the Estonian Maritime Academy
- Igor Krupenski, Senior Lecturer at the Institute of Energy Technology
- Peeter Ellerve, head of the Computer Systems Education Center and program director of the "Hardware Development and Programming" and "Embedded Systems" curricula
- Kristo Karjust, full professor at the Department of Mechanics and Industrial Engineering and program director of the master's program in "Industrial Engineering and Management"
- Mare Roosileht, director of the Virumaa College and program director of the master's program in "Green Energy Technologies"
- Chief Event Manager Martin Kriisemann
- Head of the Personnel Management Division Külli Paugus
- Research and Development Analyst Kiira Parre
- Assistant to the Director of the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture Moonika Mändla
- Assistant to the Manager of the Department of Health Technologies Viia Roosaar
Rasmus Kalep - under his leadership, the Start-Up Garage was established in 2024, the first international student organization after ESN, which has created an inclusive and supportive platform for international students and provided opportunities for development in entrepreneurship and leadership. Several of Rasmus's initiatives have reached the top three or received recognition in previous years.
TalTech Tudengifond - Estonia's first student-led investment fund offers students the opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge in real financial markets. The student fund has contributed to the development of student life, the advancement of financial education, and the dissemination of investment knowledge. The fund's innovative approach and academic competence are also demonstrated by the debate with Investor Toomas, which brought the activities of the student organization under wider attention.
- Campus Party 2024 – an example in organizing environmentally friendly events
- TalTech Residential DC Innovation Hub (DC InnoHub)
Achievement of the year in sports
- The success story of the Selver/TalTech volleyball team
Achievement of the year in culture
- The folk dance ensemble Kuljus - successful organization of the Kuljus Dance Ensemble's 75th anniversary events
- TalTech Brass Band - Winner and gold diploma at the International Brass Band Competition
Studend achievement of the year
- The successful 2024 season of the Tudengivormel
Tallinn University of Technology received recognition from the Estonian Defence Resources Agency for its contribution to the development of technologies necessary for national defense and for popularizing national defense among its students. Every educated and defense-aware young person, regardless of their field of study, is a significant value in a small country. The letter of appreciation was presented by Aare Jamnes, the head of the national defense education area at the Estonian Defence Resources Agency.