Tallinn University of Technology

Internship Offers

Please find the most recent and updated offers HERE!

Useful links:

Estonian Association of Information Technology and Telecommunications (ITL) and Estonian Electronics Industries Association (EETL) have set up a mailing list through which School of IT can ask for internship placements for ICT students from the member-companies of ITL and EETL (only the representative of the university can post to the mailing list, not the students themselves).

Submitting an application for internship through ITL’s and/or EETL's mailing list:

  • fill in the internship application form: ITL, EETL;
  • send the completed form to the internship curator of your study programme, who reviews and approves it (you can find the name of your internship curator from the ÕIS, under the description of your internship subject or from the web page of your study programme);
  • ask your internship curator to send the approved application to Jelena Fomina (jelena.fomina@taltech.ee);
  • the company will contact you directly when they have an internship offer.

The applications will be collected and sent to the list once a month.

NB! Sending the application to the mailing list does not guarantee that you will receive an internship offer.