Tallinn University of Technology

Ordering publications

TalTech Press acts as an intermediary for ordering publication services from the contracted procurement partners of Tallinn University of Technology. To comply with the Public Procurement Act, all publications will be ordered via Estonian Public Procurement Register. Publishing services can only be ordered via TalTech Press. Please send all orders and price inquiries by e-mail.

Active public procurements for ordering publications in Tallinn University of Technology:

framework agreement no. 209819, perfect bound publications (books, journals, posters, brochures, bookmarks etc.)

  • EVG Print
  • OÜ Koopia Niini & Rauam
  • Joon OÜ

framework agreement no. 196276, hardbound publications

  • Trükiteenused OÜ
  • Kuma AS
  • Atlex OÜ

Requirements for layout files

  • The file must be in PDF format that complies with PDF/X:1-a (2001) standard.

  • All measurements have to be in scale 1:1.

  • The file must contain at least 3 mm bleed.
    Text and other important objects must be placed at least 3 mm away from the edge of the sheet. If the image is intended to extend to the edge of the page, it must be extended at least 3 mm beyond the page, to give it a bleed. The bleeds are needed to avoid white edges on the page.

  •  The pages must be in correct order. It is recommended to align page numbers to the centre.

  • All colors must be represented in CMYK color model.

  • Black-and-white files must be presented black-and-white.

Instructions for ordering

  • Present your order request by e-mail.

  • Necessary information for price inquiry:

    • format, volume, colour, paper, number of copies, deadline,

    • layout file(s) if you have them.
      If the layout file is not ready, notify us about the date when it will be done.

  • The publishing specialist will compose a source document and, based on subsection 9 of § 30 of the Public Procurement, will carry out a mini competition in the Procurement Register. The lowest tender is always accepted.

  • The order will be fulfilled by the required time limit, or if there is no specified time limit, within a reasonable period of time (usually 1-2 weeks, longer for larger orders)

  • When the order is ready, it can be collected at TalTech Press, or brought directly to the orderer. In that case, the person who has ordered the publication must notify the publishing specialist that the order has been fulfilled.

  • The whole process takes at least 3 working days in case of smaller orders and 5-10 days in case of larger orders.

  • Making any corrections (converting to correct format, adding bleeds, etc.) to the layout file is a paid service, €20 per hour + value added tax. The sum will be added to the printing service invoice.

  • Any services ordered without first confirming with TalTech Press must be paid for by the person who ordered the service.