Tallinn University of Technology

Doctoral students

Dissertation requirements and formatting

Regulations of Tallinn University of Technology for Doctoral Studies establish the requirements and formatting for dissertations in chapter 7 "Requirements for a doctoral thesis".

Both Word and LaTeX may be used to format a doctoral thesis.

The author of the dissertation must submit an electronic version of the manuscript and appendices to TalTech Press by e-mail or via JIRA form. The dissertation must be submitted as a Word file, appendices as PDF files. Images, drawings, etc. can be added as JPG, PNG, or TIFF files if needed. If the author has used LaTeX template, only one PDF file including all appendices must be submitted.

TalTech Press checks the formatting of the dissertation, edits the layout according to the required template, adds a serial number, ISBN and ISSN numbers, converts the dissertation to a PDF file and designs covers for the work. After that, the library will publish the electronic version of the thesis in the Digital Collection of TalTech Library. In the case of a doctoral thesis with restricted access, only the abstract of the doctoral thesis will be submitted.

An author’s licensing agreement must be filled out and signed by the doctoral student. The signed contract should be sent by e-mail. The contract may also be signed on paper. In that case, two copies of the signed contract should be submitted to the TalTech Press. One copy of the contract will be returned to the author after library director has signed it.

A notice about the defence will be published on the university’s web site.

After defence of the thesis a link will be added to the electronic version of the dissertation in the electronic catalogue ESTER.

Dissertations are published according to the library's price list.

Printing the dissertation

A written order must be submitted by the institute to TalTech Press before the dissertation is printed. The order must state whether the work is to be black-and-white or coloured.  The work can be ordered partially coloured, but in that case the student must include the number of coloured pages in the written order and present the page numbers of coloured pages to TalTech Press. The written order must include the number of copies – if 50 copies are required, then the number of copies is 50. The order must be signed by the head of the structural unit.

Printing the dissertation can take up to two weeks. The price of the dissertation depends on the number of copies, its volume and amount of coloured material.