Tallinn University of Technology

The School of Engineering includes the following research groups:

Academy of Architecture and Urban Studies

Head of the research group: professor KIMMO SAKARI LYLYKANGAS

Structural Engineering Research Group

Head of the research group: associate professor IVAR TALVIK

Building Lifecycle Research Group

Head of the research group: professor IRENE LILL

Structural and Fluids Mechanics Research Group

Head of the research group: professor ALEKSANDER KLAUSON

Nearly Zero Energy Buildings Research Group

Head of the research group: professor JAREK KURNITSKI

Road Engineering and Geodesy Research Group

Head of the research group: professor ARTU ELLMANN

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Water and Environmental Engineering Research Group

Head of the research group: professor KARIN PACHEL

Research Group of Sustainable energy and fuels

Head of the research group: professor ALAR KONIST

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Chemical Engineering Research and Development Centre

Head of the research group: senior researcher OLIVER JÄRVIK

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Research Group of Smart District Heating Systems and Integrated  Assessment Analysis of Greenhouse Gases Emissions

Head of the research group: professor ANNA VOLKOVA

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Electrical Machines Research Group

Head of the research group: professor  ANTS KALLASTE

Energy Economics and High Voltage Engineering Research Group

Head of the research group: senior researcher IVO PALU

Power Systems Research Group

Head of the research group: professor JAKO KILTER

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Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering Research Group, incl. Measurement Center for Electrical Technologies

Head of the research group: senior lecturer LAURI KÜTT

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Power Electronics Research Group

Head of the research group: research professor DMITRI VINNIKOV

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Mechatronics and Autonomous Systems Research Group

Head of centre: tenured assistant professor ANTON RASSÕLKIN

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Microgrids and Metrology Research group, incl. Laboratory of Lighting Technology

Head of the research group: tenured associate professor ARGO ROSIN

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Laboratory of Inorganic Materials

Head of laboratory: professor ANDRES TRIKKEL

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Laboratory of Biofunctional Materials

Head of laboratory: lead research scientist VITALI SÕRITSKI

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Laboratory of Thin Film Chemical Technologies

Head of laboratory: professor ILONA OJA ACIK

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Laboratory of Environmental Technology

Head of laboratory: professor SERGEI PREIS

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Laboratory of Polymers and Textile Technology

Head of laboratory: professor ANDRES KRUMME

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Laboratory of Wood Technology

Head of laboratory:  professor JAAN KERS

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Laboratory of Photovoltaic Materials

Head of laboratory: senior researcher MARIT KAUK-KUUSIK

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Automated Production Systems and Real-Time Monitoring and AI Models Research Group

Head of the research group: professor KRISTO KARJUST

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Autonomous Vehicles Research Group

Head of the research group:  professor RAIVO SELL

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Innovative Materials for Industrial Applications Reasearch Group

Head of the research group: professor IRINA HUSSAINOVA

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Additive Manufacturing Technologies

Head of the research group: professor PRASHANTH KONDA GOKULDOSS

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Wear Cesistant Composites and Coatings 

Head of the research group: senior researcher JAKOB KÜBARSEPP

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Advanced Structures and Products

Head of the research group: professor JÜRI MAJAK

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Research Group of Logistics and Transport

Head of the research group: senior researcher  DAGO ANTOV

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Smart Industry

Head of the research group: professor TAUNO OTTO

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Built Environment research group

Head of the research group: associate professor AIME RUUS

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Sustainable technology research group

Head of the research group: associate professor LEMBI NEI

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Fuels Technology Research and Test Laboratory

Head of the research group: head of laboratory   OLGA PIHL

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Applied chemistry group

Head of the research group: professor  ALLAN NIIDU

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Marine technology and hydrodynamics

Head of the research group: professor  MIHKEL KÕRGESAAR

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