Tallinn University of Technology

Road Engineering and Geodesy Research Group

Research activities of the Road and Geodesy research group


Road Engineering & Road Safety

  • Research of properties of road construction materials, binders and soils
  • Development of methods for the evaluation of pavement structural condition and pavement design
  • Research related to traffic flows, traffic management and road safety in rural and urban areas
  • Road safety auditing
  • Development of road infrastructure related normative documentation
  • Consultation services on different topics of road design, construction, maintenance and road safety.

Bridge Engineering

  • Evaluation of bridge structural condition
  • Design of bridge structures
  • Expert opinions of bridge designs


  • Different aspects of Engineering Surveying
  • Terrestrial laser scanning technology for engineering applications and detecting deformations
  • Surveying and modeling of constructions and landforms by remote sensing technologies
  • Improving reference surface of heights (geoid) by methods of satellite geodesy and terrestrial measurements

Ongoing projects

01.01.2019 - 31.12.2022

Over the years there has been an urgent demand for improving the spatial resolution and accuracy of marine geoid models, that are needed for many engineering navigation, mapping, and research applications. Near-coast improvements in marine geoid modelling and determining sea surface heights (SSH) are expected from data assimilation of space-borne, in-situ and hydrodynamic model data. Sophisticated satellite altimetry re-tracking schemes are applied to derive near-coast SSH. Inter-comparisons of the two reference models (geoid and SSH) are conducted for detecting abnormalities. Identifying reasons for the detected discrepancies enables to determine whether these are due to poor hydrodynamic representation or/and geoid model errors. Both models can be improved iteratively, e.g. by acquiring new data over suspicious areas and iterative modelling. The developed theory is tested and improved in a study area (Gulf of Finland), that contains a long time span of many different data sources.


18.06.2019- 15.11.2021

Geotechnical analysis and geodetic monitoring (2019-2021) of the Võõbu road construction test site aims at developing methods and recommendations for highway constructions over peat deposits.



1.05.2019- 31.10.2020

The main objectives of the project are: 1) Connection of tide gauge markers with the GNSS network geometrically by the geodetic SAR technique in order to determine the relative vertical motion and to correct the tide gauge readings. 2) Determine a GOCE based high resolution geoid at tide gauge stations in order to deliver absolute heights of tide gauges with respect to a global equipotential surface as reference. 3) Joint analysis of geometrical and physical reference frames to make them compatible, and to determine corrections to be applied for combined analysis of geometric and physical heights. These objectives are addressed by the project team with complementary expertise. The Baltic Sea serves as test area with very good geodetic infrastructure in order to identify the capabilities of the geodetic SAR technique for height system unification and determination of the absolute sea level at tide gauges.


17.12.2019- 17.08.2020

Composition of a basic traffic forecast for 2050. Development of forecasting methodology and calculation software. Impact of Tallinn region mobility plan strategy.

Project leader: Luule Kaal

07.04.2020- 31.05.2023

The aim for the research is to establish new quality control measures and values for stabilized pavement layers

Project leader: Sven Sillamäe

07.04.2020 - 31.12.2020

The aim for the research is to renew Estonian standard EVS 901:20 with newest methods for soil and road construction permeability assessment

Project leader: Sven Sillamäe

PhD students

Supervisor: Assoc. Prof.  Andrus Aavik

Development of performance based specifications for asphalt concrete in Estonia – fatigue and stiffness properties


Supervisor: Prof. Artu Ellmann Co-supervisor Nicole Delpeche-Ellmann

Identification and improved modeling of marine dynamics by utilizing the Marine Geoid



Supervisor: Prof. Artu Ellmann Co-supervisor Nicole Delpeche-Ellmann

Development of improved Satellite Altimetry Retracker for the Baltic Sea 


Supervisor: Professor emeritus Siim Idnurm

The Analysis of Bridge Design and Building Flaws


Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Andrus Aavik

Asphalt mixtures' performance based specifications suitable for Estonian roads


Juhendajad: Prof. Artu Ellmann; Nicole Delpeche-Ellmann

Development of hybrid machine learning approach to determine accurate sea surface heights by utilizing satellites, in-situ, and model data 


Peep Sürje scholarship

Teedeehituse ja geodeesia sektori 26 ettevõtet ühendasid jõud, et toetada tudengite õppimist ning valdkonna arengut – loodi fond, mis sai nime valdkonna kunagise eestvedaja ja Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli endise rektori Peep Sürje järgi.

Fondist jagatavad stipendiumid on mõeldud Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli kuni kümnele inseneriteaduskonna teedeehituse ja geodeesia eriala 2. ‒ 7. semestri üliõpilasele, kes täidavad edukalt õppekava, on oma eriala fännid ning kelle eesmärgiks on areneda tipptegijaks.


Marika Sürje

Tiit Metsvahi

Estroad OÜ


Taalri Varahaldus AS

Tallinna Teede AS

Eesti Teed AS

AS YIT Eesti

Tinter-Projekt OÜ


Hades Geodeesia OÜ

ERC Konsultatsiooni OÜ

Toner-projekt OÜ

T-konsult OÜ

KiirWarren.KL OÜ

GRK Infra AS

Nordecon AS

Reaalprojekt OÜ

Reib OÜ

TREV-2 Grupp AS

Teedeprojekt OÜ

K-Projekt AS

Ehituse ja Tarkvara Inseneribüroo OÜ


Skepast ja Puhkim AS

Stratum OÜ


Tref Nord AS

Verston Ehitus OÜ

Teede Tehnokeskus AS

OÜ 100 Aakrit

Haabersti 2

Study programme Road Engineering and Geodesy