Tallinn University of Technology

Dean’s Office is open to students:
Mon-Fri 09:00-12:00, 13:00-16:00 

+ 372 620 3508

Room U03 204

Aive Evart 620 3521
Katrin Soone 6203 634  


Dean's Office is the first place students should contact when they have problems concerning their studies.

  • Advising on studies: both students and the School
  • Study Information System ÕIS
  • Official transcripts of study results
  • Confirmation letters on student status
  • Study contracts, invoices and tuition fees
  • Fulfilment and change of curriculum
  • Calculating study load
  • Making a study plan for the semester
  • Academic leave
  • Scholarships
  • Recognition of prior learning
  • Helps with other problems concerning regulations of studies (both students and the members of the School)
  • Helps to find other advisors in case of problems


Contacts of the Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture  and reception hours from ÕIS

Study Programmes

Study Programme: Landscape Architecture and Environmental Management

Head of Study Programme: Kristi Grišakov

Kontakt: kristi.grisakov@taltech.ee   tel. 627 2688     Tõnismägi 14, ruum AI1-26

Head of Study Programme: Mari Ivask

Kontakt: mari.ivask@taltech.ee   tel. 627 2699  Tõnismägi 14, ruum AI1-26

Study Programme: Architecture

Programme Director: Üllar Ambos

Contact:   ullar.ambos@taltech.ee  Tõnismägi 14, AU1-43


Study Programme: Structural Engineering and Construction Management

Programme Director: Prof. Irene Lill

Contact: irene.lill@taltech.ee

Tel. 620 2465   Room: U03B-308

Study Programme: Indoor Climate in Buildings and Water Engineering

Programme Director: Prof. Martin Thalfeldt

Contact: martin.thalfeldt@taltech.ee

Tel. 620 2505   Room: U03-318

Study Programme: Road Engineering and Geodesy

Programme Director: Sander Sein

Contact: sander.sein@taltech.ee

Room: U03-316


Study Programme: Building and Infrastructure Engineering

Programme Director: Simo Ilomets

Kontakt: simo.ilomets@taltech.ee

Tel: 6202461     Ruum: U03B-217

Study Programme: Landscape Architecture

Programme Director: Kristi Grišakov

Contact: kristi.grisakov@taltech.ee   tel. 627 2688     Tõnismägi 14, room AI1-26

Study Programme: Environmental Engineering and Management

Programme Director: Prof. Karin Pachel

Contact: karin.pachel@taltech.ee

Tel: 620 2504    Room: U03-122

Study Programme: Building and Civil Engineering and Architecture

Programme Director: Kristjan Tabri

Contact: kristjan.tabri@taltech.ee

Tel: 620 2566    Room: U03B-311

Information about graduation theses

Information on graduation theses is located in TalTech Moodle, course name "Ehituse ja arhitektuuri instituudi  lõputööd.". The Moodle course is password protected, the course key can be obtained from your supervisor or programme director.


Important Dates

3. veebruar   Kevadsemestri õpingukava esitamise lõpptähtaeg

11. mai   Kaitsmistaotluste esitamise lõpptähtaeg

10. juuni   Kevadsemestri eksamite sooritamise lõpptähtaeg