Toomas Vaimann
- Leading Researcher
- Programme Director (Electrical Power Engineering and Mechatronics), Programme Director (Energy Conversion and Control Systems)
- 6203803
- Elektrimasinate uurimisrühm, Inseneriteaduskonna dekanaat
- Tallinn, Ehitajate tee 5. Room NRG-304
Keynote Speakers CPE-POWERENG 2023 offers an extensive keynote program represented by world-renowned experts in power electronics and power systems. Power Electronics as the enabling technology for a
The Fifth Estonian DC Innovation Workshop Workshop We inform you that registration is open for the Fifth Estonian DC Innovation Workshop . It will be held in the TalTech NRG Building (room NRG-226), E
Baltic Electronics Conference 2024 BEC2024 successfully took place in October 2024! The 19 th Biennial Conference on Electronics and Embedded Systems was held in Estonia on October 24, 2024 . Tallinn
Laboratory of Photovoltaic Materials If solar energy is to become available to more people, smart material choices need to be made. The research group in the Photovoltaic Materials Laboratory is study
Doctoral Studies TalTech is a research university where science, study, and innovation are closely connected and equally valued. The university offers research-oriented higher education in engineering
Elis Pikmets SBG - Elis Pikmets In which programme did you study? I studied accounting and financial management in the Business Administration master's programme. Our group was big, it was seen at the
Regulations Teaching and learning in Tallinn University of Technology is regulated by the legislation that is public on legislation page . Most relevant in teaching and learning: Academic Policies
Forms of Doctoral Studies at TalTech At Tallinn University of Technology you can obtain a PhD degree as Early Stage Researcher, Industrial Doctoral Student, Doctoral Student or External Student. Each
Autonomous self-driving vehicles The main objective is to develop autonomous, self-driving mobile robots which are focused on automating the transportation and delivery tasks by autonomously transport