Tallinn University of Technology

Office hours


Raja 4d, Tallinn 12616
Phone: (+372) 620 3651
E-mail: campus@campusttu.ee

Office hours:
Mon 9:00-19:00
Wed 9:00-16:00
Fri 9:00-13:00
Tue & Thu closed (reception only by prior appointment)

Services by e-mail and phone:
Mon 9:00-19:00
Tue-Thu 9:00-16:00
Fri 9:00-13:00


Siidisaba 7, Tallinn 11311
Phone: (+372) 5303 1090
E-mail: katre@campusttu.ee

Services in the office only upon prior booking:

Book appointment

Services by e-mail and phone:
Mon 9:00-19:00
Tue-Thu 9:00-16:00
Fri 9:00-13:00


Kalevi 4, Kohtla-Järve 30325
Phone: (+372) 334 4103
E-mail: info@virumaahostel.com

Office hours:
Mon-Sun 8:00-20:00

Services by e-mail and phone:
Mon-Sun 8:00-20:00


International payments

Beneficiary’s address: Raja 4D, Tallinn 12616, ESTONIA
Bank: SEB
Bank’s address: Tornimae 2, Tallinn 15010, ESTONIA
IBAN: EE481010220011660018

NB! Your reference number is written on your invoices - please note that the payment might not reach us without the reference number!

Raja 4d üliõpilaselamu

Our Mustamäe office...

...is located about 5-7 minutes' walking distance from TalTech buildings on the ground floor of Raja 4d student residence. Entrance is from the Raja street side.

How to get to our Mustamäe office?

From airport

Ticket prices are available on Tallinn city webpage.

Once you have arrived to Lennart Meri International airport in Tallinn you can take a tram no. 4 to the city centre. Public tram route no. 4 stop is located next to the terminal towards the city. You can hop off in the stop called "Vabaduse väljak" and take a trolley no. 3 with direction Kaubamaja - Mustamäe (see below).

From city centre

Ticket prices are available on Tallinn city webpage.

  • trolley no. 3 direction Mustamäe, hop off in "Keemia" bus stop and walk about 350m
  • bus no. 11 direction Kadaka, hop off in "Keemia" bus stop and walk about 350m
  • bus no. 24 direction Kadaka, hop off in "Raja" bus stop and walk about 190m

From Tallinn Bus Station

Ticket prices are available on Tallinn city webpage.

  • bus no. 23 direction Kadaka, hop off in "Raja" bus stop and walk about 70m

From harbour

The easiest way to get to our office from the harbour is by taxi. You can use the taxis that are parked outside the harbour but their services cost a bit more. Other option is to download an app called Bolt (available both in App Store and Google Play).

Siidisaba 7 üliõpilaselamu

Our Siidisaba office...

...is located in Kristiine district on the ground floor of Siidisaba 7 student residence. Entrance is located at the back side of the A-building.

How to get to our Siidisaba office?

From airport

Ticket prices are available on Tallinn city webpage.

Once you have arrived to Lennart Meri International airport in Tallinn you can take a tram no. 4 to the city centre. Public tram route no. 4 stop is located next to the terminal towards the city. You can hop off in the stop called "Vabaduse väljak" and take a trolley no. 3 with direction Kaubamaja - Mustamäe (see below).

From city centre

Ticket prices are available on Tallinn city webpage.

  • bus no. 67 direction J.Sütiste tee, hop off in "Koolimaja" bus stop and walk about 400m

  • bus no. 23 direction Kadaka, hop off in "Ööbiku" bus stop and walk about 750m

  • bus no. 24 direction Kadaka, hop off in "Tedre" bus stop and walk about 950m

  • trolley no. 3 direction Mustamäe, hop off in "Tedre" bus stop and walk about 950m

From Tallinn Bus Station

Ticket prices are available on Tallinn city webpage.

  • bus no. 67 direction J.Sütiste tee, hop off in "Koolimaja" bus stop and walk about 400m

  • bus no. 23 direction Kadaka, hop off in "Ööbiku" bust stop and walk about 750m

From harbour

The easiest way to get to our office from the harbour is by taxi. You can use the taxis that are parked outside the harbour but their services cost a bit more. Other option is to download an app called Bolt (available both in App Store and Google Play).

From TalTech

Ticket prices are available on Tallinn city webpage.

  • trolley no. 3 diection Kaubamaja, hop off in "Tedre" and walk about 950m

  • bus no. 24 direction Estonia, hop off in "Tedre" bus stop and walk about 950m